Mr Nichols Classroom expectations and Procedures

Mr. Nichols
Classroom Expectations and Procedures
In order to ensure a successful experience in this class, the following procedures are in place:
Come to class ON TIME with all the necessary books and supplies.
Have an open mind, listen and be respectful to fellow students and teachers/guests.
 Don’t be afraid to ask questions or participant during class. It’s ENCOURAGED!!
If you were absent and missed an assignment or notes, check with a classmate to see what work needs to be
Food and drinks are allowed in the classroom as long as all garbage makes its way to the appropriate bins.
Complete all assignments and hand them in on time. Each of you has an assigned homework folder to which
all your work will go into. Zeros can be given in the class with accordance to the procedure given in your
course outline.
 Note: should an assignment not be handed in on time, contact home and with Admin will be made,
study hall given, and a new due date assigned to ensure assignments are completed.
Students can obtain a “Second Chance” for assessments by filling out a Demonstrating New Learning Form.
This will be given at teacher’s discretion. It is the responsibility for the student to accomplish the outlined
tasks to obtain a chance to demonstrate new learning. Steps:
 The Demonstrating New Learning form must be filled out within 2 school days (will have a
rescheduled date for assessment)
 Tutorial for two lunch periods with Mr. Nichols
 An outline of what you as the student are going to do to demonstrate new learning
 Attended all classes leading up to the Re-write
***Note – If student mentions on the day of the test, they did not study at all because of __________(Reason),
no re-write will be given. (Exception will be made only for extenuating circumstances)
“Plagiarism” is forbidden. In major projects and written pieces all resources used must be cited. I can
only grade what is truly your own work. A student who plagiarizes will be given a zero and a second
chance to complete the assignment. If happens again, the zero will stand.
Electronic devices are allowed in the classroom under the following conditions: you may use them only when
instructed to do so. You do not use them during lectures, discussions, debates, exams or quizzes.
 Procedure for those not following this cell phone rule are as follows: (per class)
o 1st offence - Asked to be put away for the rest of class
o 2nd offence – Cell phone taken away – length will vary on number of occupancy
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Thomas A. Edison
Work hard and have fun. This class is giving out whatever you put into it. Good luck!