Printable Study Guide - Petoskey Public Schools



Chapter 3 Study Guide (The Rock and Fossil Record)

1. Know the Eon we currently live in

2. That if the Earth’s lifetime is looked at as only 12 hours, that humans have only have been around for less than 1 second

3. Know what a Trace Fossil is and some examples

4. How old the Earth is (4.6 billion years old)

5. That “younger over older” can be used to remember the principle of superposition

6. Know what superposition is

7. Know that the same geologic processes shaping the Earth today have been at work throughout history. This explains the principle of uniformitarianism.

8. The principle that states that geologic changes happen suddenly is called catastrophism.

9. Know which geologic principle modern scientists embrace (Both uniformitarianism and catastrophism)

10. Know that relative dating is used to determine whether an event or object is older or younger than another

11. Know why scientists can find marine fossils on top of mountains

12. That molten rock which squeezes into existing rock and cools is called an i ntrusion

13. Know that missing rock layers that create gaps in the rock-layer sequence are called unconformities

14. Know what “folding” is

15. Know that fossils found below other fossils in rock layers are typically older than those found above them

16. Know the “mediums” in which fossils can form (rock, amber, ice, or tar)

17. That hard body parts of organisms tend to make the best fossils

18. Insects can be preserved in amber

19. Some of the best fossil specimens created are Frozen ones

20. Know that Index Fossils lived during relatively short and well-defined time spans

21. Know who coined the phrase, “The present is the key to the past.” (James Hutton & uniformitarianism)

22. Be able to give an example of how studying the Earth today helps us understand the

Earth’s past

23. Know how geologists use the geologic column and how it is assembled (Oldest on the bottom & youngest on top)

24. Know the 4 divisions of time from largest to smallest (Eon, era, period, and epoch)

25. Know the 3 Eras of the Phanerozoic eon, the meaning of their names, major life forms during the Era, and years the Era occurred

Cenozoic Era Recent life Mammals

Mesozoic Era

Paleozoic Era

Middle life

Old life


65 million years ago to present time

248 million to 65 million years ago

Marine animals 540 to 248 million years ago
