Name: Hour: AP Psychology Unit 13: Treatment of Psychological

AP Psychology Unit 13: Treatment of Psychological Disorders Study Guide
eclectic approach
The Psychological Therapies
What are the aims and methods of psychoanalysis, and how have they been adapted in psychodynamic therapy?
Psychodynamic Therapy
psychodynamic therapists
Humanistic Therapies
What are the basic themes of humanistic therapy, such as Rogers’ client-centered approach?
insight therapies
client-centered therapy
active listening
unconditional positive regard
Three Hints:
Behavior Therapies
What are the assumptions and techniques of the behavior therapies?
behavior therapy
Classical Conditioning Techniques
exposure therapies
systematic desensitization
virtual reality exposure therapy
aversive conditioning
Operant Conditioning
token economy
Cognitive Therapies
What are the goals and techniques of the cognitive therapies?
cognitive therapies
Beck’s Therapy for Depression
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Group and Family Therapies
What are the aims and benefits of group and family therapy?
family therapy
What is the major distinction between the underlying assumptions in insight therapies and in behavior
Evaluating Psychotherapies
Is Psychotherapy Effective?
Does psychotherapy work? Who decides?
Clients’ Perceptions
Clinicians’ Perceptions
Outcome Research
regression toward the mean
The Relative Effectiveness of Different Therapies
Are some therapies more effective than others?
evidence-based practice
Evaluating Alternative Therapies
How do alternative therapies fare under scientific scrutiny?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Light Exposure Therapy
Commonalities Among Psychotherapies
What three elements are shared by all forms of psychotherapy?
Hope for Demoralized People
An Empathic, Trusting, Caring Relationship
Culture and Values in Psychotherapy
How do culture and values influence the therapist-client relationship?
Without trying to play therapist, how might you use the helping principles discussed in this unit with a friend
who is anxious?
The Biomedical Therapies
biomedical therapy
Drug Therapies
What are the drug therapies? What criticisms have been leveled against drug therapies?
antipsychotic drugs
tardive dyskinesia
Antianxiety Drugs
Mood-Stabilizing Medications
Brain Stimulation
How effective is electroconvulsive therapy, and what other brain-stimulation options may offer relief from
severe depression?
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Alternative Neurostimulation Therapies
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)
Therapeutic Life-Style Change
How, by caring for their bodies with a healthy life-style, might people find some relief from depression?
How do researchers evaluate the effectiveness of particular drug therapies?
Preventing Psychological Disorders
What is the rationale for preventive mental health programs?
Can you think of a specific way that improving the environment in your own community might prevent some
psychological disorders among its residents?
What is the difference between preventive mental health and psychological or biomedical therapy?