Texas History Midterm Review Ideas, people and

Texas History Midterm Review
Ideas, people and events to review…
Chapter 1: Texas Geography
Cultural Diffusion
Wrong way rivers
Chapter 2: Regions of Texas
4 main regions of Texas
Characteristics of Mountain and Basins region (West Texas)
Characteristics of the Coastal Plains (East Texas)
Chapter 3: Native Americans
The impact of farming on native societies
Be familiar with the tribes, location, lifestyle, dwellings and traditions of the following cultures:
Chapter 4: Early Explorers
Spanish conquest of the new world
Christopher Columbus
Define Conquistador
Cortez and significance of 1519
Cabeza de Vaca
Motivation of conquistadors
Interaction between Spanish and Native Americans
Declining interest of Spanish in Texas
Effects of La Salle in Texas
French vs Spanish interest in Texas
France as a threat to Spain
Chapter 5: Missions and Settlements
Reason Spanish established missions
Role of Missions
Life in Missions
1718 – Founding of San Antonio
Reasons for the failure of Spanish missions in Texas
Impact of European settlement on Native cultures
Chapter 6: End of Spanish Rule
Louisiana Purchase – Who? What? Where? When? Why important?
Define Filibuster
Father Hidalgo – began movement for Mexican Independence
Reasons Spain lost Texas
Spanish legacy in Texas
Adams-Onis Treaty 1819
Mexican Independence 1821
Chapter 7: Empresarios
Definition Empresario
Define Tejano
Stephen F. Austin = Father of Texas
Reason Americans settled in Texas
Number of Anglo Americans in Texas vs. Number of Tejanos
Centralists vs. Federalists
Importance of the Mexican Constitution of 1824
Chapter 8: Growing Tensions
Causes, Effects, and facts of the Fredonian Revolt
Slavery in Texas
Turtle Bayou Resolutions
Similarities of Conventions of 1832 and 1833
Significance of arrest of Stephen F. Austin
Identify the role and importance of the following people:
Santa Anna
Mier y Teran
Why did Stephen F. Austin approve the Consultation?
Components and effects of the Law of April 6, 1830
Santa Anna as federalist vs. Santa Anna as a dictator
Chapter 9: Texas Revolution
Identify the role and importance of the following:
Committees of correspondence
Battle of Gonzales
November – December 1835: Siege of San Antonio
Convention of 1836
March 2, 1836: Texas Independence
Chapter 10: Alamo and Goliad
Alamo Battle – Who? What? Where? When? Why significant?
Disadvantages of Texans at the Alamo
Reasons why Mexicans attacked the Alamo in 1836
Outcome of the Alamo battle
Jim Bowie
David Crockett
William B. Travis
William Barrett Travis/ Importance of Alamo letter
James Fannin and Goliad Massacre
Chapter 11: San Jacinto
Significance and facts concerning the Battle of San Jacinto
Date Texans won independence from Mexico
Treaties of Velasco
Reasons why Mexico lost control of Texas
Significance of Santa Anna and Sam Houston
Know the correct sequence of the following conflicts: Fall of the Alamo, Battle of San Jacinto,Goliad
Massacre, Battle of Gonzales