The Paleolithic Age

Class Notes
Full Name:___________________________________________________________________
Chp. 3 Early
Humans and the
Lesson 1: Hunter
Notes/Supporting Details:
Class Period: ________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________
The Paleolithic
-Why its called this? The stone age – time when people used stone tools
-What dates cover
this period?
2.5 million years ago – 8000 B.C.
-Paleolithic define
old stone
Surviving in the
Paleolithic Age:
-How did people
live then?
People moved around in search of food
In groups of 20-30 members
-nomads define
People who regularly move from place to place to survive.
-What did they
picture/symbol that
make personal
connection to concepts:
Buffalo, bison, wild goats, reindeer – fished along water
-What did they
Wild nuts, berries, fruits, wild grains, green plants
Finding Food:
Men jobs (list):
How did their
method of killing
animals change?
Women jobs (list):
What was
between men and
The Invention of
-culture define:
-methods define:
technology define:
Hunted large animals sometimes far from camp
-learned animal behaviors in order to hunt
-learned how to track animals
-used clubs or drove off cliffs to kill
-eventually used traps and spears to capture/kill
women stayed in camp close to water
-looked after children
-gathered near camp
An equal relationship between men and women
-both helped to make decision
-some women hunted in pairs with men (monogamous pairs)
-first families
the way of life for a group of people who share similar beliefs and
-a particular way of doing something
-tools and methods used to perform tasks
-How did the way
tools were made
change during this
-early – sticks, stones, and tree branches
-next – later tools made from rock called flint – which could be chipped
to make sharp edges.
-What different
-hand axes,
types of sharpened -later – flint used to make spear tips, arrow heads, - used bows,
tools were used,
harpoons, fishhooks, early hoes from flint, rock scraping tools to scrape
and give their uses? hides
What were needles
made from and list
Changing to
List several ways in
which Paleolithic
people adapted to
their environment:
-available define
-end of Paleolithic – bone needles for making nets and baskets, sewing
of hides for clothing.
In cold climates:
-animal skins for clothing
-sought shelter in caves or rock overhangs
-later construction of tents and huts – animal skin, brush, wood, bones
from woolly mammoths.
In warm climates:
-few clothes necessary
-lived in caves/huts for safety mostly from wild animals
Easy to get or use, present or ready for use
-to physically build or make something, such as a building
Fire Sparks
List the various
uses of fire:
-warmth from cold
-light in darkness
-used to scare animals
-used with spears to scare animals out then kill/capture
-social gathering to cook and share stories
-cooked food easier to chew and digest
-smoked meat would keep longer
How did Paleolithic
people start fires
(list two)
-friction of rubbing two pieces of wood together
-later used drill like pieces of wood to start easier
-striking rocks, pyrite, created sparks to start fire.
Language and Art:
What were the
advantages to
having a spoken
-used to communicate information and emotion
-makes it easier to work together and pass on knowledge
-used to express thoughts and feelings
to give information about something to someone by speaking, writing,
moving hands, facial expression, etc.
-constantly define
-happening all the time or very often over a period of time
-staying the same, not changing.
Describe the early
-early cave paintings depicting herds of animals – usually no humans
art work found in
the cave.
Why might they
have been drawn?
-used crush stone of different colors to make paint by adding to animal
-used fingertips and twigs on early paintings
-later – animal hair brushes used
-maybe thought animal drawings brought good luck
-maybe early recording of group history
-maybe early form of enjoyment – earliest movie or tv show
The Ice Ages:
What changes came -large sheets of ice covered the earth
with the ice ages?
-water level of oceans dropped as ice increased
List them.
-dry land was exposed making travel easier between Asia and N.
America – land bridge
-People travelled over land bridge into N. Am. from Asia. –they
eventually move southward in the Americas.
Ice ages define
-long periods of extreme cold that affected all the Earth.
How did the Ice
Ages affect
humans? List them.
-cold threatened human life
-adaptations needed to survive-eating more fat,
-sturdier shelters
-made warmer clothing using furs
-use of fire for warmth – saving energy
Summary: How did people of the Paleolithic Age show signs of early civilization (use our civilization graphic organizer)?
Class Notes
Full Name:___________________________________________________________________
Chp. 3 Early
Humans and the
Lesson 2:
Notes/Supporting Details:
Class Period: ________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________
Neolithic Age:
-Why its called this?
New Stone Age - Greek
-domesticate define
To tame wildlife – animals and plants for human use – food and labor
-What dates cover
this period?
8000B.C. – 4000B.C.
growing of food on a regular basis – instead of hunting and gathering,
stop being nomads
Big Changes for
-What was this time
period called, why?
Agricultural Revolution – there were changes that impacted human in
a dramatic way
-Describe how
humans changed the
-Saved some grain gathered to plant crops in fields for food
-Tamed animals for food and eventually labor
picture/symbol that
make personal
connection to concepts:
way they lived
Where did people
begin farming?
-Produced constant food supply – allowed them to stay in one place
-Population grew more rapidly
Southwest Asia – wheat, barley, pigs, cows, goats, sheep – then moved
to southeastern Europe by 4000B.C.
Egypt – Nile R. – by 6000BC – to central Africa – grew tubers (yams),
India – wheat by 5000BC
China – millet by 6000BC
Southeast Asia – rice by 5000BC
Americas – corn , squash, potatoes, chickens, dogs by 5000BC
-Where did some of
Along rivers and other bodies of water
the first communities -in same areas as above
-Jericho one of oldest – Israeal/Jordan (today)
-Catalhuyuk – Turkey – probably doors in roof
-Why did they have
What were the
benefits of a settled
List several benefits
of people living and
working together:
-holy places – indicated that religion played role in Neolithic people
-Shelter – provided safety from weather and wild critters
-Stable food supply – helped health and population growth
-Trade developed as food supply became greater than demand
-Specialized jobs – since not all people were needed to grow food
artisans to make weapons, jewelry, tools, pottery, plant fiber
woven baskets and cloth
-Men’s jobs changed – field workers and herders, protection of village
-Women’s jobs changed – raised children, stayed in village, wove cloth
from sheep’s wool, made clothing from skins, managed food supply
End of the Neolithic
List the various
-What is bronze and
why was it
-Better tools: hoes (digging), sickle (cut grain), millstone (grind grain)
-Copper – metal used for tools and weapons
-A metal alloy (mixture of metals) of copper and tin.
-It is stronger than copper
-Bronze Age – period of increased use of bronze – 3000BC to 1200 BC
Cities and
-Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China
Where did the first
-They all developed in river valleys – for farming, fishing, drinking
civilizations develop? water, transportation for trade
Why did people form
Monarchies – establishing queen or king were first governments set
up to:
-create armies for protection
-made laws to keep order
-appointed government officials to manage food supply
-government officials to build public buildings
Why did religions
Formed to help people make sense of themselves and their
-forces of nature
-role of human beings in the world
-belief that gods were responsible for community survival – so needed
to make them happy for survival
-rulers believed their power came from gods
Social Structure:
What is social
-organization of people into groups – usually determined by type of
jobs people do and/or their wealth:
Who is on top, in the
middle, and at the
-highest class (rulers): priests, rulers, government officials, warriors.
-middle class: free people including farmers, artisans, craftspeople
-lowest class: enslaved people, many captured enemies
Writing and Art:
Why was writing
-to pass on information – using symbols – to keep records and
preserve stories.
Why did civilizations
create art?
-for enjoyment and practical purposes:
-paintings/sculptures of gods/nature
-buildings for worship and burial tombs