Microsoft Word - Infant Street Furniture Trail.doc

Sample Infant Street Furniture Trail
Trail of Street Furniture
Equipment needed: Paper
These documents were originally compiled by team members of the previous support services that are now part of PDST.
Stop 1: Stones at school entrance
Q.1 Make a rubbing of the stones using your crayon.
Q2 Are the stones hard or soft?
Q3 Are they rough or smooth?
Q4 Do they look nice?
Walk with your partner to the rectangle shape on the ground.
These documents were originally compiled by team members of the previous support services that are now part of PDST.
Stop 2: P&T Cover
Q1 What shape can you see here? Draw it.
Q2 Can you see any smaller shapes here? Draw them
Q3 Take a rubbing of the letters in the middle rectangle.
Turn and walk to the main entrance of the school
These documents were originally compiled by team members of the previous support services that are now part of PDST.
Stop 3: Security Camera
Q1: What is this?
Q2: What is the metal grid doing there?
Q3: What does the camera do?
Q4: Draw a picture of what you see.
Walk from here past (teacher’s name) room and (teacher’s name) room
These documents were originally compiled by team members of the previous support services that are now part of PDST.
Stop 4: Bins
Q1: What colour are the bins?
Q2: What goes in the bins?
Q3: Who puts it in the bin?
Q4: How many bins can you count?
Q5: Draw a picture of one bin.
These documents were originally compiled by team members of the previous support services that are now part of PDST.