
The West Coast
Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia
Science Panel
Physiology Working Group Webinar
July 23, 2014
Panelists: G. Somero, J. Newton, T. Klinger, L. Whiteman, J. Largier, W. Wakefield, A. Boehm,
T. Hill
Ocean Science Trust: H. Carter, E. Knight, S. McAfee, M. O’Donnell, E. Ramanujam, E.
A. Boehm discusses the goal of the call
 Looking for critical feedback
 Reminder that next call will be 8/6 to discuss Mgmt Framework working group
Discussion: Physiological Impacts Manuscript Draft
Manuscript title: “Multiple stressor challenges to Northeastern Pacific marine organisms: What
do changes in oxygen content, pH, and temperature portend for coastal ecosystems?”
Presenter: George Somero
Audience for Manuscript: Other scientists entering realm of OA research, but not a physiologist.
Literate but don’t appreciate enormous importance in changes in physiological process (e.g.,
chemical oceanographer).
 G. Somero gives an overview of the manuscript: summarizing the existing scientific
information on the interacting impacts of hypoxia, ocean acidification, and changes in
o Idea stemmed from the first in-person meeting in November 2013
o J. Beers is a post-doc helping with much of the writing
o Not a comprehensive review, but selected best available examples to illustrate
the effects of individual stressors and multi-stressor effects
o How to help explain or predict future
 Panelists, J. Beers will contribute to writing the following sections:
o Areas of oceanographic issues – G. Waldbusser
o Echinoderms – G. Hofmann
o Fishes – W. Wakefield, J. Beers
 Group clarifies the contributions of a physiological approach
o biogeographic patterning to predict where organisms will occur
o Indices of organisms’ health e.g., growth, reproduction, metabolism
o Link between basic research and management issues
 F. Chan points out the potential overlap of this manuscript with that of the
“Ecosystem and Food Web” manuscript
o Useful to link the muti-stressor component from this paper to conceptually
laying out the mechanisms of hypoxia and acidification in the ecosystems paper
The West Coast
Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia
Science Panel
Physiology Working Group Webinar
July 23, 2014
A. Boehm, M. O’Donnell mention that the manuscripts will provide a firm foundation
for more policy-friendly translational summaries to be produced by Ocean Science
Potential journals for this publication include Ocean and Coastal Management (virtual
special issue), Bioscience
o Mention of publishing a double issue with the “Ecosystem and Food Web”
manuscript, opportunity to coordinate
New Panel website ( will provide a venue to distribute and
frame each manuscript all in one place
Discussion of a need to lay out context for changes in temperature since the
manuscript focuses on temperature as a stressor
o Potential for Coastal Variability working group to incorporate this thinking into
their manuscript
Discussion of how broad the paper should go taxonomically – currently a distinct lack
of discussion of impacts to primary producers, microbes
o Likely that discussing photosynthetic physiology, given the diverse responses,
would be a huge time sink and perhaps not useful for this manuscript to address
o G. Somero brought up idea of having an extended bibliography with expanded
references that direct people to other resources on this topic
o Mention of a need to incorporate copepod/euphasid literature since they play a
tremendous role in the food web
Next Steps
 G. Somero to develop the next draft in a few weeks, deliver to rest of the working group
and other interested Panelists for feedback
o Other Panelists to send additional references or writing edits to G. Somero
 A. Boehm mentions that the next working group call is on August 6, 2014.