Specialised Cells - The Polesworth School

All living things are made from cells. We cannot see cells with the
naked eye as they are MICROSCOPIC. We need a microscope to see
Q1. Log onto the web site:http://lgfl.skoool.co.uk/keystage3.aspx?id=63
 Complete the labels on the two diagrams below
 Use the ‘Using the microscope’ option (Number 10) to help you
You would put your specimen onto one of these to place onto the
stage of the microscope…
You may see these down the microscope…
(7 marks)
 Click on ‘Review’ and read the information
 Then click on ‘Test’
 Answer the two questions
 Then circle the correct answers:-
(2 marks)
Q4. Microscopes can MAGNIFY the image you can see.
Does magnify mean to make an object bigger or smaller?
(1 mark)
Q5. A microscope that allows you to see MORE DETAIL is said to
give more RESOLUTION.
Which of the following two pictures, A or B, provides the greater
degree of resolution?
(1 mark)
Cells contain structures that have different jobs to help the cell
carry out its function.
 Log onto:www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/organisms_behaviour_health/c
 Read through page 2 on Cells.
 You will see pictures here of what real plant and animal cells
look like down a microscope.
 Read through page 3.
 You will see here diagrams of how plant and animal cells are
drawn in science books.
Q6. Draw and label a diagram of each cell below:-
(10 marks)
Task 3
 Read page 3 from the earlier web address.
 Research the answers to the following questions
 Find these answers in the wordsearch on the next page:-
Q7. What structure controls which substances enter and leave
Q8. Where do most chemical reactions occur?
Q9. Where is most of the genetic information found?
Q10. What structures, only found in plant cells, allow a plant to
make glucose by photosynthesis?
Q11. What is found in the nucleus that may also be worn on ‘out of
school uniform days’?
Q12. What green pigment allows a plant to absorb light energy?
Q13. What substance is found inside the vacuole?
Q14. What substance in plant cells walls, is tough and offers plant
cells more support?
Q15. What is found outside a plant cell membrane to offer support
to plants?
Q16. What structure inside plant cells offers extra support and
keeps them firm?
(10 marks)
A specialised cell is a cell with SPECIAL FEATURES to help it carry
out a particular function in a living organism.
 Log onto:www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/organisms_behaviour_health/c
(This is the same as page 4 from the previous website you used).
 Read the information on page 4 and answer the following four
Q17. What does multicellular mean? (1 mark)
Q18. What is a specialised cell? (1 mark)
Q19. Draw lines to match up the correct picture with the correct
type of cell. Draw more lines to match picture of cell to its correct
(12 marks)
Absorbs water and
anchors the plant in
Palisade Cell
the soil
Swims to fertilise the
Egg cell
Absorbs lots
of light energy
Root hair cell
to carry out
Female sex cell that
Red blood cell
may fertilised by a
sperm cell
Sperm cell
Cell contains a red
pigment called
Nerve cell
Carries electrical
signals around the body
Q20. Use page 4 from this website for information:http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/science/organisms_behaviour_h
Discuss how and why different specialised cells have different
(6 marks)
Q21. Now click on ‘Test’ at the bottom of this webpage. Have a go
at the nine questions and record your mark in this box
(9 marks)