Photo Book Survey (paper version)

Photo Book Survey (paper version)
This survey is for people who have read the Photo Book, which is part of the CSI
(Customer Service Improvement) Guide project.
These questions are about your role and department as we need to compare
responses from different groups.
1) Which department do you work in?
Chief Executive's
Children, Schools and Families
Community and Housing
Corporate Services
Environment and Regeneration
2) Which of the options below best describes your role?
I am a Director/member of CMT
I am a Head of Service
I am a Level 3 or 4 Manager
I manage or supervise staff
I do not manage or supervise any staff
3) Did you enjoy reading the Photo Book?
Yes / Somewhat / No
4) The idea behind the Photo Book is to explore nonwritten ways of
understanding and communicating with our customers. What do you think of
this idea?
Very useful to my area of work
Somewhat useful to my area of work
I don't know, it might be useful and worth trying
I don't know, I don't really understand it
Not useful to my area of work, but may be to other areas
Not at all useful
5) How do you think photographs could improve customer service in
your area of work? (Tick all that apply)
Help to visualise the customer's experience
Help to empathise with the customer's perspective
Open an additional communication channel
Improve service for those who prefer not to communicate in writing
Increase insight into customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction
Evidence performance
6) If we develop this idea, what do you think would be the best
approaches? (Tick all that apply)
Create an online Photo Book for customers to directly upload photographs
Include option to upload photographs when submitting webforms through our
Utilise social media such as Facebook as a forum for photographs
Create a (hard copy) Photo Book at regular intervals for staff to read
We welcome any other suggestions you may have. Please describe here:
7) We welcome your feedback. Do you have any other comments in regard to
the Photo Book?