New Membership Form - Art Society of Tasmania

The Art Society of Tasmania Inc.
The Lady Franklin Gallery, Open Saturday and Sunday afternoons. Telephone (03) 6228 0076
Ancanthe Park, Lenah Valley Road, Lenah Valley. Postal Address PO Box 332 Moonah 7009 Tasmania, Australia.
Membership of the Art Society of Tasmania Inc. is open to any person interested in art.
Phone No...............................................Email................................................................................
Please submit the following with application form and fee:
Two photographs of your recent work.
Your art experience (On separate sheet if required)
Any Exhibitions held (On separate sheet if required)
There are three levels of annual subscription
Full exhibiting member $30.00
Social member $20.00
Student member $10.00, upon presentation of Student ID card and until graduation
There is a joining fee of $10.00 that is due with the first subscription payment
Please tick the class of membership for which you are applying;
Social � (non-exhibiting)
Student �
Expected Graduation Date……………
Your application, with your photographs will be taken to committee and upon acceptance you
will be invited to the gallery to meet the President and other members. You will have an
opportunity to discuss and share your current work and interests in art with them. Please bring a
folio of your works.
Successful members will be sent a membership card for the current year and be given a unique
identifying number, which is required on all exhibition entry forms. You may use this card to
show at Luke Wagner Frames and Campbell Street Framers for a 10% discount.
In accepting membership, I understand that I agree to carry out duty in the Lady Franklin
Gallery approximately three or four times a year, as part of a rostered system. You will be
contacted by Lexie Cook, the Roster Secretary.
Nominated by………………………………………………Date……………………………………
Seconded by……………………………………………….Date……………………………………
Please obtain the signatures of two financial members if possible then forward this
completed form, with photographs and payment to the Membership Secretary at PO Box
332 Moonah Tas 7009
If you do not know a member, the committee will arrange for your form to be signed at the
Gallery meeting.
Payment for your membership can be paid by cheque or credit card-or by cash at The Lady
Franklin Gallery. Membership is valid for one calendar year ie. January to December.
Please find enclosed my payment for $........ being for ………. membership plus $10
joining fee.
Signature:………………………………………….Date: ……/…../…….
Make cheques/money orders for $.............OR charge my credit card with $................
[ ] Visa Card [ ] MasterCard Card. (Eftpos available at Gallery)
Expiry Date: ………./……….
Name On Card : .....................................................................................
Card Number..........................................................................................
Thank you for your interest in joining our Society and we look forward to meeting you.
Subscription for ……………………….. Joining fee paid on ….../….../..…. Receipt No………..