July 14, 2014 Regular Board Meeting The Town of Bloomer regular

July 14, 2014 Regular Board Meeting
The Town of Bloomer regular monthly meeting was held on July 14, 2014 at the Bloomer Town
Hall and was called to order by Chairman Gary Nehring at 7:40 pm.
Board Members present were: Gary Nehring, Roger McFarlane, Brian Lueck, Roxanne
Geurkink, and Patricia Clark
The meeting began with the pledge of allegiance.
There was no public comment
The minutes of the Town Board meeting held on June 9, 2014 were read, Roger made a motion
to approve the minutes as amended, Brian second.
Receipts 6401 – 6414 were presented.
Checks 9281 – 9302 along with 2 electronic transfers were presented.
Brian made a motion to pay the bills and accept the treasurer’s report, Roger second.
Roger received some information from Doug Cleary from the county zoning department.
Because of a recent court case, the result is that a Town cannot have a more restrictive zoning
ordinance regarding Shoreland Zoning than the County. The County’s zoning has more
authority and will take precedence. The Town and the County needs to be aware of this and the
problems it may cause, especially with a rezone request.
Norman Schreck has requested a CSM and a conservation easement. Because of the location of
the land, if a structure were to be constructed on the property, Shoreland Zoning may apply and
as of the now, the County dictates. The landowner stated they understand the situation. Brian
made a motion to approve the request for a CSM, Gary second, motion carried. Brian made a
motion to approve the conservation easement, Gary second, motion carried.
Josh Clements is asking for a driveway for an area that because of the narrow land width
constraints cannot meet the driveway specifications. He wants to use his 4 wheeler to access the
piece of land he owns. Josh will need to appear before the Planning Commission and a public
hearing will be scheduled.
The Dean Trowbridge conservation easement has been previously addressed.
Currently the zoning ordinance regarding non-metallic mining was not meant for frac sand
mining. The Town may want to revise the current non-metallic mining zoning regulation.
A calf was lying in the ditch of the Town’s right-of-way. The Town’s mower hit the calf and
killed it. Do we compensate the owner? Brian made a motion to not reimburse the owner for
damages due to the fact that the animal was in the Town’ right-of-way, Gary second, motion
Bids were received for a culvert on 202nd avenue. Chippewa Valley Excavating submitted a bid
for $2,931.00. That project will be tabled for now. Bids were received for a culvert on 148th.
Chippewa Valley Excavating submitted a bid for $3,931. Roger made a motion to accept the bid
from Chippewa Valley Excavating in the amount of $3,931.00, Brian second, motion carried.
Various correspondence items and mail were discussed.
Next Town Board meeting will be August 11, 2014 at 7:30 pm.
Brian made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Roger second, motion carried.
Roxanne Geurkink, Clerk
Special Town Meeting
A special meeting of the Bloomer Town Board for the purpose of acting on the recommendation
of the Planning Commission regarding the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance.
Board members present: Gary Nehring, Roger McFarlane, Brian Lueck, Roxanne Geurkink, and
Patricia Clark.
Gary Nehring called the meeting to order at 9:50 pm.
Brian made a motion to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to amend the
Zoning Ordinance as proposed, Roger second, motion carried.
Brian made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Roger second, motion carried.
Roxanne Geurkink, Clerk