Emergency Procedures - Belton Independent School District

NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
Table of Contents
CLASSROOM REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................... 3
INCIDENT COMMAND ..................................................................................... 3
COMMAND LOCATION ..................................................................................... 3
ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................... 4
EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM ........................................................................ 4
ACCIDENTS .................................................................................................... 5
EVACUATION .................................................................................................. 6
TORNADO (Shelter in Place) ............................................................................ 7
LOCK DOWNS (Hard or Soft) ........................................................................... 9
TRAIN DERAILMENT/HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL................................................. 10
UNAUTHORIZED INTRUDER .......................................................................... 10
EMERGENCY QUICKSHEET ............................................................................ 11
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
North Belton Middle School
Classroom Requirements
Each classroom is required to display the following near the door:
◊ Map of the campus indicating evacuation routes.
◊ Map of the campus indicating location of class for Shelter in Place.
Each classroom teacher must ensure that students from each period understand the
emergency procedures outlined in this guide and recognize the different signals that initiate
an emergency response.
Any time an evacuation is ordered, teachers will take a class roster sheet with them.
Assigned teachers will take the Emergency Buckets as well. The bucket will be delivered
to the assigned teacher before the first day of school and will have the following items in it:
First aid kit
Drinking water
Small notebook and pens
Antibacterial wipes
Duct Tape
Toilet Paper
Toilet Deodorant
Survival Blanket
Toilet Bags
Emergency Gloves
Incident Command
Mr. Brown, the Incident Commander, is ultimately responsible for communication with staff
and students and central office personnel. Initial evacuation of students will be made
according to the Fire Drill/Bomb Threat procedures, herein. If circumstances require further
evacuation, teachers must listen for instructions from the intercom, bullhorns, or passed by
runners. The main evacuation area for NBMS is Tarver Elementary School. Other areas to
which students may be evacuated include but are not limited to the pasture south of campus,
between NBMS and Tarver, the BHS Performing Arts Center, the Bell County Expo Center, or
the UMHB Chapel.
Command Location
Any time an evacuation is ordered, a Command Location will be established as the central
point for communication from the Incident Commander to the staff as well as emergency
personnel. Command Location will be established under the awning outside the main
entrance of our campus facing Prairie View Road. In the event that Command Location needs
to be further removed from our building, it will be established in the concession stand at the
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
North end of the football field. A more distant option, if necessary, would be the parking lot
of Tarver Elementary School.
Roles and Responsibilities
The following roles or responsibilities are delegated as follows:
◊ Classroom teachers with classes when crisis begins – Identify and respond to
the crisis signals appropriately. Then account for all students not absent; report any
missing students; keep students informed, calm and quiet; listen for further
instructions; and report any pertinent information to incident command (Brown,
Vriseno, or Johanson).
◊ Classroom teachers on conference or planning period – Report to the
Command Location to receive instructions.
◊ Joe Brown – Incident Commander. Communicate with Superintendent, refer
media to central office, provide command and control for the crisis scene, choose
alternative evacuation area when necessary, and choose parent pick-up point.
◊ Chrystal Vriseno/Phil Johanson – Assist with command and control, take on
Incident Commander’s role in the event of his absence, ensure all stations are manned
and all students are supervised, coordinate necessary transportation with Jackie
◊ Mandi Newby/Indy Nesby –Set up counseling services area as needed during and
after the crisis.
◊ Tara England – Set up and manage a triage area for injured students and staff,
liaison with community medical personnel.
◊ Cheryl Lafitte – Collect missing student information from teachers, pass this
information to Incident Command, assist with communication of information between
office and teachers, assist with parent pick-up of students from designated area.
◊ Desiree Evilsizer – Serve as carrier of information between office and teachers,
assist office personnel in providing crisis updates.
◊ Pat Duffield – Take all incoming calls on office phones. In a large crisis, may
disconnect all lines except 316-5200. Refer all media to BISD Administration.
◊ Patsy Andrews – Manage all outgoing communication (i.e., 911, calling emergency
contacts of injured students/staff). If the building is evacuated, take the emergency
data information to the command post.
◊ Adrienne Yohe – Assist in calling emergency contacts of injured students/staff.
◊ CIS – Man the designated area for parent pick-up of students, check appropriate
identification, refer all inquiries for new information to BISD Administration.
◊ Paraprofessionals – Assist teachers, students, and staff as needed.
Emergency Response Team
The responsibility of the Emergency Response Team is to check for any students
who did not evacuate the building. The Sweep Team members will begin checking each
room in their assigned area to include restrooms. Any students found will stay with the
Team member and exit with the Team member after all checks are finished and the safest
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
route is determined. If all students are not accounted for, two or more Team members will
(if it is determined to be safe) re-enter the building to find missing students. In emergency
situations, fire, police or rescue personnel assume this responsibility.
Response Team
Louis Common
Courtney Kerr
Gary Bunch
Zach Kline
Chris McCollough
Adrienne Yohe
Cafeteria and Music Hall .................................................................... Zach Kline
Elective and 6th grade hallways and restrooms .......................... Chris McCollough
Office Suites ............................................................................... Adrienne Yohe
Big Gym and Boys locker rooms ........................................................Gary Bunch
Small Gym and Girls locker rooms ................................................. Courtney Kerr
7th and 8th hallways and restrooms ............................................... Louis Common
Kerr, Bunch, and Kline will confirm with Phil Johanson that all is clear
Common, McCollough, and Yohe will confirm with Chrystal Vriseno that all is clear
Accidents: Major/Minor
A major accident is one in which the victim(s) may require medical attention from a physician
or other emergency medical personnel, is life threatening, or causes imminent and/or serious
danger to the safety of others in the area of the campus near the scene of the accident. A
minor accident is one that does not meet the criteria above.
In case of a minor accident:
◊ Ensure the safety of all students. Evacuate other students from the area if danger
exists or evacuation is otherwise necessary or prudent.
◊ School nurse will administer first aid as necessary.
◊ Parents/emergency contacts will be notified.
◊ Appointed personnel will submit the accident report.
In case of a major accident:
◊ Ensure the safety of all students. Evacuate other students from the area if danger
exists or evacuation is otherwise necessary or prudent.
◊ Call or send a pair of runners to the office with a description of the accident and those
involved. If it is potentially an emergency situation (life threatening), specify to the
runners that 911 is needed.
◊ Administer first aid as necessary.*
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
◊ Office personnel will call 911 as necessary and notify Incident Command (Mr. Brown
or other campus administrator) who will survey the situation and take any additional
necessary action.
◊ Office personnel will notify parents or emergency contacts.
◊ The Incident Commander will notify central office as soon as possible and will handle
all dealings with the media.
◊ The Incident Commander will work with any emergency service personnel dispatched
to the campus.
 The school nurse or clinic employee will determine if transport by ambulance to a local
hospital is appropriate. If the nurse or clinic employee deems transport necessary and
appropriate, he/she will
1. copy the student’s health history form for EMS personnel.
2. contact the parent/guardian immediately or make arrangement for another
employee to make this contact.
 A school administrator or district employee shall accompany the student in the
ambulance or follow the ambulance to the hospital in a privately owned vehicle.
 The Incident Commander or designee will submit the accident report.
* Refer to the BISD Crisis Management Emergency Procedures for basic first aid
Evacuation Procedures (Fire/Bomb/Other)
Signal: Fire/Evacuation = Fire Alarm and Strobe Lights
All Clear is an extended bell tone over the intercom
followed by announcement of “All Clear”.
◊ Evacuation route maps will be posted near the exit of every classroom. Teachers
must ensure that students are familiar with routes.
◊ Teachers must take the roll sheet during the evacuation and must account for all
students assigned during that period.
◊ The Emergency Response Team will ensure all rooms are empty. Any remaining
student(s) will be evacuated via the nearest, safest route and will be reunited with
his/her teacher.
◊ Office personnel will take parent contact information when evacuating.
◊ Teachers will ensure students are a safe distance from the building (300+ feet) and
remain clear of fire/rescue vehicles.
◊ Teachers will await further instructions and will not allow students to re-enter the
building until the all-clear signal is given.
◊ Assigned teachers must take the emergency bucket.
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
Where to go for Evacuation
Students in the west half of the 6th grade wing will exit out of the west end of the
Students in the east half of the 6th grade wing will exit out of the east end of the
hallway and travel through the west courtyard.
Students in the west half of the 7th grade wing will exit out of the west end of the
hallway, down the outside stairs.
Students in the east half of the 7th grade wing will exit out of the east end of the
hallway, down the inside stairs and through the west courtyard.
Students in the west half of the 8th grade wing will exit out of the west end of the
hallway, down the inside stairs and through the east courtyard.
Students in the east half of the 8th grade wing will exit out of the east end of the
hallway, down the outside stairs.
Students in the west half of the Elective wing will exit out of the west end of the
hallway and travel through the east courtyard.
Students in the east half of the Elective wing will exit out of the east end of the
Students in the Library will exit out the main entrance doors.
Students in Band, Choir, Ensemble, and Orchestra classrooms will exit out of the
south exit of their wing.
Students in the Weight Room and Locker Rooms will exit to the south.
Students in the Gyms area will exit out the Gym exit doors to the cafeteria and then
exit to the south.
Students in the Cafeteria will exit south out of the Cafeteria exit doors.
Students will line up in the parking lot nearest their exit points at least 300’
from building.
Close all doors and turn off all lights unless there is a bomb threat.
Shelter-in-Place (Tornado) Procedures
Signal: Shelter-in-Place = siren
All Clear is an extended bell tone over the intercom
followed by announcement of “All Clear”.
◊ Students will be retained in the building if a dangerous situation exists and releasing
students would put them in harm’s way. Examples of when retention procedures
would be appropriate are during thunderstorms or tornado watches and warnings.
◊ During tornado watches (when conditions exist that MAY spawn a tornado); student
activities will be limited to inside the building. Teachers must be ready to take shelter.
No further action is necessary.
◊ During a tornado warning (a tornado or funnel cloud has been sighted nearby);
teachers will instruct students to move to the pre-designated areas to take shelter.
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
Each classroom will have a shelter-in-place map on the wall near the classroom exit.
Teachers must ensure that students are as far as possible from glass, such as
Students will take cover when instructed to do so in the “duck-and-cover position”:
kneel, facing the wall with heads bowed and hands clasped behind the neck. Students
will stay in this position until the danger has passed and they are instructed to sit up.
Students should be as quiet as possible in order to hear any instructions given.
If students are outside when retention procedures are initiated, teachers will attempt
to re-enter the building as quickly as possible. If this is not feasible, such as a sudden
tornado, the teacher will direct students to take cover in a dip in the ground, such as a
For all other situations requiring retention in the building, directions will be issued
from the office.
Ensure that the double doors at the ends of the hallways are CLOSED.
Where to go for (Shelter-in-Place) Tornado
 Students and staff who are in the Music wing will go to the band hall.
 Students and staff who are in the 6th Grade wing will travel to the end of the hall,
stopping at the fire doors.
 Students and staff in the 7th Grade wing will travel to the east end of the hall, down the
inside stairs, and travel to the boys locker rooms.
 Students and staff in the 8th Grade wing will travel to the west end of the hall, down the
inside stairs, and file into the Elective Hallway, keeping to the right.
 Students and staff in the Elective Wing will travel to the west end of the hall, stopping
at the entrance to the main hall, keeping to the right.
 Staff in the main office will locate in the office hallway.
 Students in the gyms will go to the girls locker rooms.
 Students and staff on the football field/track are to come into the building via the
quickest route and go to the athletic hallway. If not possible to get into the building,
find a low lying area and have all children lie flat on their stomachs with hands over
their heads.
 Students in the cafeteria will enter the serving area. The garage-type doors will be
Stay away from glass windows and doors. Students should be quiet and orderly until the allclear signal is given. You will be instructed what to do at this time.
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
Lock Downs (Hard and Soft)
Hard Lock Down
Signal: Verbal direction over the intercom “Hard Lock Down.”
All Clear is when an administrator or law enforcement office
unlocks the classroom door. No other announcement or signal is
to be followed.
Teachers will lock, clear, and secure their room by doing the following:
◊ Have any students in the hallway enter your room
◊ Lock your door and cover the window in the door
◊ Lower and close your blinds
◊ Have students sit down on the floor next to the wall out of sight of the windows and
◊ Turn off your lights
 Students in the Library will go into the library storage.
 Students in the big gym will go to the boys’ locker room.
 Students in the small gym will go to girls’ locker room.
 Students in the cafeteria will enter the serving area. The garage-type doors will
be closed.
 If students are outside with PE or other activity outdoors, they are to enter the
building the quickest way possible and seek the nearest safe location.
Email may be used for communication purposes. Also, teacher cell phones may be used;
however, use caution – the point of a lock-down is for it to appear that “no one is home”.
When the threat has passed an administrator or member of law enforcement will unlock your
classroom door.
Soft Lock Down
Signal: Verbal direction over the intercom “Soft Lock Down.”
All Clear is an announcement of “All Clear”.
Teachers will lock, clear, and secure their room by doing the following:
◊ Encourage any students in the hall to return to their classroom as quickly as possible
◊ Lock your door
◊ Close the curtain and on windows, do not cover your door window
◊ Continue with class as normal as possible
◊ Check your school e-mail periodically for information
◊ If an announcement is made for students to move to their next class, please be
in the hall to encourage students to move quickly
◊ Close your door and continue with the next class as normal as possible
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
Train Derailment/Hazardous Chemical
In the event of a nearby train derailment or hazardous chemical spill, BMS may be ordered to
shelter in place or evacuate to an off-campus location. Instructions will be given over the
intercom as to which procedure we are to follow.
 All HVAC units will be turned off to prevent outside air from entering
 Follow the Shelter-in-Place procedures for room assignments
 Use cloth of some type (jackets, shirts, etc.) to block air from coming into your room
from under the door
 Students do not have to assume the “Tuck and Cover” position unless instructed to do
 Students should remain quiet and orderly until the “All Clear” is given
Off-Campus Evacuation
 Follow the Evacuation procedures to exit the building
 Check roll and use green/red card to signify any missing students
 Instructions will be given to move to the loading area for transportation
 Stay with your students as they load onto a bus/vehicle
 At the off-campus site, stay with your class and follow directions as to where students
will be held
 Check roll again and use green/red card to signify any missing students
 Be prepared to send individual students with a runner as we follow our parent/student
reunification procedures.
Unauthorized Intruder
An unauthorized intruder is defined as anyone on campus who does not have school related
business, is not invited, or is disruptive to the learning environment. District policy requires
that all visitors to any campus sign in with the office and receive a visitor or volunteer badge.
◊ If a person you do not recognize is spotted in the hallway of the school and this
person does not possess the required ID, politely and calmly escort that person to the
office to take care of the oversight.
◊ If the situation escalates, immediately notify an administrator.
◊ Incident Command or a designee will take measures to ensure compliance with district
policy or the exit of the unauthorized individual.
◊ If the situation continues to escalate, the police may be notified and lock down
procedures may be initiated.
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
NBMS Emergency Quick Sheet
The Fire Alarm will sound
 Think “Get Out of Here Safely”
 Students should exit the building silently and proceed to pre-determined meeting location
 Take the emergency bucket if it is stored in your room
 Turn off the light, do not stop to lock the door
 Take roll at your predetermined meeting location
 Hold up the green card if all of your students are with you
 Hold up the red card if any of your students are missing (even if they went to the bathroom,
nurse, library, etc. You do not have to report absent students)
 Wait for further instructions
Students should return to your classroom silently when “All Clear” is sounded – Extended Bell Tone
followed by an announcement of “All Clear”.
Hard Lock Down
An Announcement will be made that “NBMS is in Hard Lock Down”
 Think “Hide and Seek”
 Lock and close your door – grab ANY students in the hall and bring them into your classroom
 Turn off the lights, close the curtain, cover your door window, close all blinds
 Move students away from any windows and/or doors
 Sit quietly – you are hiding and do not want to be found
 Calling the office and asking what is going on is not a valid strategy for “Hide and Seek” – be
patient, remain in control, and be a calming influence for your students
 Do NOT open the door for any reason (screaming child, police orders, persistent knocking,
 Any announcement of “All Clear” over the PA System should be ignored
 Any bells that ring should also be ignored
 Students in bathrooms when a Hard Lock Down is called should close the bathroom door and
hide quietly in the bathroom
 Students unable to return to a classroom when a Hard Lock down is called should try to get
into a bathroom and close the door, or should hurry to the cafeteria and hide on the stage
behind the curtain
An administrator or police officer will unlock your door when our campus is “All Clear” (This is how
you know the situation is over) Again, ignore any announcements of “All Clear”.
Soft Lock Down
An announcement will be made that “NBMS is in Soft Lock Down”
 Think “Stay Inside”
 Lock your door – Encourage students in the hall to hurry to their assigned classrooms
 Close the curtain and close your blinds, but do not cover your door window
 Allow your students to return if they were out of the classroom when the lock down was
 Continue with school as normal as possible
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15
Check your school e-mail periodically for information
Refrain from sending e-mails or calling for information – administration will keep the staff
informed as much as possible and practical through announcements or e-mails
 Bells may be turned off. Announcements will be made for further instructions
 If students are allowed to move to their next class, ALL staff should be in the hallways
encouraging students to move quickly and quietly
 Close your door and, once again, continue with school as normal as possible
An announcement will be made declaring our campus “All Clear”
Shelter in Place
An announcement will be made to “Shelter in Place”
 Think “Severe Weather”
 Students in all classrooms will relocate to the pre-designated area for shelter
 Students outside when the “Shelter in Place” is announced should return to the building as
quickly as possible and move to the pre-designated area for shelter
 Students should be moved away from glass as much as possible
 Students should be as quiet as possible in order to hear any instructions given
A continuous bell will ring and/or an announcement will be made for students to duck and cover
 Students will take cover when instructed to do so in the “duck-and-cover” position: kneeling,
facing the wall with heads bowed, and hands clasped behind the neck
 Students will stay in this position until the danger has passed and they are instructed to sit up
An announcement will be made when our campus is “All Clear”
 Rooms 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 101, & 105 will move into the Main
Office hallway.
 Rooms 100 & 102 will move into the Elective (100) Hallway, keeping to the right (South)
side, and line up beginning at Room 116.
 Rooms 104, 106, 110, & 112 will move into Room 104.
 Rooms 109, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, & 121 will move into the Elective (100)
Hallway, keeping to the right (North) side, and line up beginning at the Receptionist’s Office.
 Rooms 200, 201, 202, & 204 will move into Room 204.
 Rooms 206, 209, & 210 will move into 209 and close the roll-up doors.
 Rooms 301, 307, 308, 309, 310, & 312 will move into Room 310.
 Rooms 400, 402, 403, 408, 411 will move into Room 414.
 Rooms 401, 414, 417, 418, & 419 will move into Room 417.
 Rooms 604, 608, 609, 610, 612, 613, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 624, & 626 will
move into the East portion of the 6th Grade (600) Hallway and line up beginning at the fire
doors, remaining in the narrow portion of the hallway.
 Rooms 700, 701, 702, 706, 710, 711, 712, 714, 715, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724,
726, & 728 will move to the Room 408 (Boys Locker Rooms).
 Rooms 801, 803, 806, 810, 811, 813, 814, 816, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822, 823, 825, & 827
will move downstairs into the Elective (100) Hallway, keeping to the right (South) side, and
line up beginning at Room 116.
 Students and staff on the football field/track are to come into the building via the quickest
route and go to the Room 411 (Boys Locker Room). If not possible to get into the building, find
a low lying area and have all children lie flat on their stomachs with hands over their heads.
NBMS Emergency Plan 14.15