Chapter 17 Vocabulary On a separate piece of paper, please define

Chapter 17 Vocabulary
On a separate piece of paper, please define the following terms and write the page number where each
term is found. Do not use the glossary! All terms can be found in your book.
1. Plasma
2. Buffy Coat
3. Formed Elements
4. Erythrocytes
5. Leukocytes
6. Platelets
7. Hematocrit
8. Hemoglobin
9. Oxyhemoglobin
10. Deoxyhemoglobin
11. Hematopoiesis
12. Erythropoiesis
13. Reticulocyte
14. Erythropoietin
15. Bilirubin
16. Anemia
17. Blood Doping
18. Neutrophils
19. Eosinophils
20. Basophils
21. Lymphocytes
22. Monocytes
23. Hemostasis
24. Agglutinogens
25. Universal donor
26. Universal recipient
27. Differential white count