Visitor: Cheryl Jones (Onslow County Health Department)

Head Start and Family Development Program
440 College Street
Jacksonville, North Carolina 28540
Telephone (910) 346-6222 Fax (910) 346-6636
Head Start and Family Development Program
Policy Council Meeting
Thompson Early Childhood Center
October 16, 2014
10:00 a.m.
Head Start and Family Development Program Policy Council members present: Jennifer
Gomes, Samuel Cheatham, Cami Fletcher, Brock Ridge, and Ana Rosa Reyes
New Members: Carla Wegner, Tisha Forkeotoes, Krystal Day, Annette Sessoms, Alan
Timmons, Kajla Timmons, and Tasha McCormack
HSFD Staff members present: Melinda Watkins, Teresa Alphin, Traci Yates, Stacey Conway,
and Janice Luttner
Visitor: Cheryl Jones (Onslow County Health Department)
Quorum was not established
In the absence of the Policy Council officers, Teresa Alphin, called the meeting to order at 10:18.
She asked for introductions.
The minutes from the September 18, 2014 meeting of the Head Start Policy Council were
distributed and read. Approval of the September minutes was tabled until the October meeting.
Melinda distributed and explained the financial report ending September 2014. There were no
questions or concern.
Melinda distributed and explained the child nutrition report ending September 2014. There
were no questions or concerns.
Director’s Report
Enrollment/ Attendance:
As of October 14th, there are 454 students enrolled in OCS Preschool program-Head Start, Title I
and Exception Children. 230 students are enrolled in Head Start children. Three families have
terminated and been replaced: one at QCE, one at SSE and one at TECC.
attendance was 92.11%. At least 85% attendance is required by Head Start.
There are 618 students designated as waitlisted. 244 are 3 year olds and 374 are 4 year olds.
116 of the 3 year olds are income eligible and 76 of the 4 year olds are income eligible.
As families withdraw during the course of the school year, the next eligible child is selected from
the waitlist. All waitlisted families of four year olds are encouraged to apply with Onslow
County Partnership for Children’s NC Pre-Kindergarten program.
Teaching staff are preparing students for their upcoming visits to CCCC for dental screenings
scheduled for October 17th. One activity in all classrooms was a visit from CCCC dental
hygiene students who shared fun dental hygiene lessons.
Teaching staff participated in staff development October 8th with a focus on Formative
Assessment. Child Outcomes data for 2013-14 was also shared with teaching staff at this time.
Teachers received a 2nd iPad for their students and additional information to load HATCH apps
which are educational games that can be tracked to monitor progress on 18 Kindergarten
readiness skills. In November, teachers will have a follow-up training with a representative from
Education specialists have done Classroom Monitoring tools in all classrooms and the first round
of CLASS observations have begun in classrooms of the new teachers. Classrooms chosen to
implement SEFEL strategies to fidelity will also have T-POT observations this month.
Twenty-four students with various disabilities are enrolled in Head Start at this time. (At least
10% is a Head Start requirement.) Disabilities coordinator is monitoring the progress of vision,
hearing and speech screenings. Monthly disability report for September has been submitted.
Disabilities Coordinator and Mental health Coordinator attended a Cluster A meeting October
Parent Involvement:
A special thanks to the 2013-14 HS parent representatives for serving on Policy Council until our
new parents are seated for the 2014-15 school year. HS parents are encouraged to be actively
involved with Policy Council. Several sites have elected HS Parent representatives and will be
presented to the Policy Council for approval. Parent Committees continue to meet and are
planning their first parent activity in the outlying sites. Notification will go home to the parents.
Parent representatives are needed to assist with our annual self-assessment.
Family and Community Partnerships:
Family& Community manager met with United Way representative on September 26th to discuss
the Homeless program so that families in need could be referred if they qualified. She explained
the program and the requirements to qualify for this program in Onslow County.
The Rocking Readers Kickoff at TECC was held on October 8th. Community members, several
Onslow County BOE members, and the associate superintendent came and read to the
preschoolers. The male involvement leadership initiative is in the planning stage with more
information forthcoming.
Health, Safety and Nutrition:
Family Specialist are obtaining health assessments and documenting in Child Plus system. Lead
verifications are coming in as well. Family Specialists are working with families to obtain
verifications-several of these have been completed, but results are pending. Nurses are working
on growth assessments at the preschool sites, and parents will be receiving growth/BMI
information thereafter.
Families, who reported their child has a dental home, were asked to sign a release of information
for Head Start to verify their child’s current dental exam/status. Dental verifications continue to
come in, and family specialists are diligently entering data into the Child Plus data system.
CCCC Partnership: Our partnership with CCCC dental clinic continues; permission forms
were sent to families for our October 17th dental visit to CCCC Dental Clinic. Dental Clinic
staff, Catherine Cotter, Public Dental Hygienist, Linda Swartz, along with other volunteer
dentists, will conduct dental exams. We also have a partnership with Signature Smiles. We are
scheduled to attend Signature Smiles October 28th, November 4th, and November 6th.
Mental Health:
The mental health specialist provided a potty training for families on October 14th at TECC. She
presented an overview of the curriculum to parent committees. Classroom observations within
the 45 days HS requirement are near completion. The MH Specialist has networked with
education specialists, teaching staff, and 8 families to assist with social/emotional concerns.
Teachers and families have checked out books from the mental health library as well. The
mental health specialist has shared other mental health materials and social/emotional strategies
with teachers. Her October mental health schedule was sent to all families and staff.
Program Design and Management:
The annual Self-Assessment is in progress. Head Start staff members will be recruiting parent
and community members to assess all program areas. The teams will be conducting interviews
with various stakeholders, collecting and assessing data. A timeline has been established to
complete the process. Our 1st Policy Council training was provided in September. Additional
training, HS program overview, and several program plans will be shared and discussed today,
during October’s PC meeting. Head Start training will be conducted for the Governing Board on
October 24th and an upcoming training will be held for principals and assistant principals in
November. Child Outcomes will be shared for 2013-14 as well. The remainder of the Head Start
Program plans will be reviewed and submitted for approval by the policy council during
November’s meeting.
Jennifer Gomes, Policy Council Secretary took charge of the meeting.
Under old business, there was no old business to conduct.
Approval of new staff was tabled to the November meeting.
Approval of parent representative and community representatives were tabled to the November
Under new business, Teresa presented the Head Start Program Design and Management Plans.
Approval of the plans was tabled to the November meeting.
Janice presented the Disability Plans. Approval of the plans was tabled to the November
Teresa and Janice presented the Education Plans. Approval of the plans was tabled to the
November meeting.
Parent Committee Report
Dixon Elementary – Tasha explained that their meeting was scheduled for this past
Tuesday and only two of them were in attendance. She explained that their next meeting
has not been scheduled.
Hunters Creek Elementary – There was no representative in attendance.
Morton Elementary – Tisha explained that they have a parent activity scheduled for
the end of October. She explained that their next meeting is scheduled for October 22nd
and at this meeting they will be planning for their activity.
Queens Creek Elementary – Krystal explained that they meet on the 9th and they have
scheduled parent activities for October 23rd and October 30th. She explained they will
have an apple tasting which will incorporate math by counting apple seeds. Krystal
explained that their next meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2014.
Krystal had a concern about the bus route still being too long. Teresa explained that a
meeting should be scheduled within the next couple of weeks and our transportation staff
will be invited to attend that upcoming meeting.
Southwest Elementary – There was no representative in attendance.
Summersill Elementary – Annette Sessoms explained that at their last meeting they had
about ten parents to attend. She explained that they had an In-service conducted by
Bethany, one of their teachers and she did an excellent job.
Thompson – Alan Timmons explained that at their last meeting they discussed things
that are being done in the classrooms. He explained that Chris Rogers, Mental Health
Coordinator shared the Creative Curriculum and informed them of her upcoming “Potty
Training” workshop.
*** A number of sites express concern about preschool classes not attending Open House
with at the same day and time as other classes at the school. Teresa explained that she
would follow-up with principals at those schools.
Committee Reports
Sickle Cell – There was no representative in attendance.
Department of Social Services – Cami explained that Kiwanis had purchased clothes
for their children. She gave an update on the start for their Angel Tree and their Foster
Care dinner.
Board of Education – There was no representatives in attendance.
Onslow County Health Department – Cheryl Jones attending in the absence of
Lucrecia, had no news to share.
Partnership for Children – There was no representatives in attendance.
Cooperative Extension – Ana Rosa had no news to share.
Former Parents – Mr. Cheatham explained that if any schools need any assistance
throughout the year with anything, please let him know because he is willing to assist.
Family Engagement – Mr. Lanier was not in attendance.
Coastal Carolina Community College – There was no representatives in attendance.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
With no additional business, meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Policy Council Secretary
Approved by:
Policy Council Chairperson