Financial Support for Screening Application

Application for Financial Support for Community Screening of
Cyber-Seniors Documentary
Thank you for your interest in bringing Cyber-Seniors to your community! Cyber-Seniors:
Connecting Generations is a non-profit dedicated to supporting intergenerational connections.
We encourage adoption of technology, lifelong learning and expanding of social networks by
connecting youth mentors and older adults.
The documentary and screening events provide a great platform to start a dialogue and kickstart programs. We work closely with Best Part Productions, owner and distributor of CyberSeniors Documentary, to help organizations with financial restrictions bring the film to their
If you are a non-profit, school or youth-led group, and wish to apply for financial assistance to
help cover the cost of screening Cyber-Seniors, please complete the application form below.
Please be sure to include what kind of financial support is needed, and email it to . Alternatively you can mail it to:
Attn: Cyber-Seniors
1920 Yonge St. Suite 200
Toronto, ON M4S 3E2
We will then review it and get back to you within three business days of receiving the
application form. Please email any questions you may have to communication director, Tess
Finlay at or call 1-844-217-3057.
Thank you once again, for your interest and support in bringing Cyber-Seniors to your
-The Cyber-Seniors Team
Applying as:
 Non-Profit Organization
 School
 Student Led Club/Program
 Other: __________________________
Name of Organization/School:
Contact Person and Title:
Mailing Address:
Please share more information about your organization, school or club (mission,
annual budget, # employees/students, # of locations)
1) What percentage or monetary amount of financial assistance are you applying for? *Note – the cost
to purchase the public performance license is $325.00
2) What is the primary purpose for your Cyber-Seniors screening?
Engage partners/potential partners to start a Cyber-Seniors program in my community
Recruit youth mentors and/or older adults for existing Cyber-Seniors program
3) What are your goals for the event and how will you measure success? (i.e Goal: To engage youth to
become more involved in the community through volunteerism. How would we measure: By the number
of local schools that adopt the program, number of overall students taking part, distributing a short
survey before and after the program to gauge how they now feel about volunteering etc.)
4) Who will you be inviting to the event and why? What is your projected attendance? Do you plan to
invite any local VIPs or other participating partners? If so, tell us about their audience reach? What role
will they play? Co-Sponsor, in-kind donations, attendance only etc.
5) How will you promote the screening? ( i.e. distributing flyers and posters, online community bulletin
boards, presenting at local schools and senior living centers etc.)
6) What is your social media and media outreach plan?
Social Media Plan: Does your organization have a Facebook & Twitter account (please share
name/handle); Do you have plans to create a separate Facebook event page? Do you plan to pay for
targeted ads/ posts/ tweets to local users?
Media Plan: What types of local media will you reach out to in your community? (E.g. television
morning show, a local talk radio program, community news & events reporter for local
7) Do you have a venue to host the screening? If no, what are your plans to find a location? (E.g.
University auditorium, local Cineplex cinema, performing arts centre)
8) Will you be including other activities or learnings in conjunction with the screening? (E.g. Tech
training and/or demos, Q/A panel)
9) Tell us what additional assistance you may require from Cyber-Seniors?
How much of a discount are you inquiring about to host a screening?
**Please note that in only exceptional circumstances will we provide a fully funded screening
10) Would you be interested in applying for future grants to start a Cyber-Seniors program in your
 Yes (we would notify you of additional grant opportunities)
 No
Cyber-Seniors: Connecting Generations may provide the following support to
assist in executing a successful event:
 Community Screening Kit
-Cyber-Seniors Documentary 3-Disc DVD (including 74 mins feature version & 52 mins
educational version)
- Discussion Guide (To facilitate a Q&A following the film with a variety of audiences)
-Sign-Up contact information sheet for attendees
- Event planning checklist
-Invite & Flyer design template
-Ready to print ‘Get Involved’ flyers & ‘Take the Pledge’ cards
-Ready to print ‘Cyber-Seniors: Connecting Generations posters’
-Sponsor pitch packet (for prize donations or reception sponsorship)
 Press release templates for local media outreach efforts
 Interview availability from a Cyber-Seniors spokesperson including:
Cyber-Seniors Documentary Director - Saffron Cassaday
Cyber-Seniors Documentary Producer -Brenda Rusnak
Cyber-Seniors Co-founders - Kascha Cassaday & Macaulee Cassaday
Cyber-Seniors: Connecting Generations Executive Director – Heidi Kotzian
 Media outreach support from the Cyber-Seniors team to secure event coverage & brand
awareness of host organization/school (based on scale of event)
 Program support from Cyber-Seniors: Connecting Generations team to help build a CyberSeniors program in your community
* In some cases we will consider providing t-shirts, books and other giveaways and door prizes as
provided through our Cyber-Senior partners.