ZAP Questions and Answers

Scientific Revolution/Enlightenment ZAP!
1. A revolution in human understanding and knowledge about the physical universe that
occurred during the 17th century is known as this.
2. What did science not utilize before the Scientific Revolution?
3. List 3 factors that led to the rise of the Scientific Revolution.
4. The belief that reason, not tradition, is the source of all knowledge is known as this.
5. This French philosopher and mathematician is responsible for the quote, “I think
therefore I am,” and introduced the concept of deductive reasoning. He is also known as
the Father of Modern Rationalism.
6. The belief that experience is the only true form of knowledge is known as this.
7. This man argued for experimental methodology/scientific method and introduced the
idea of inductive reasoning.
8. Science as a multiple-step process that includes such steps as observing, developing a
theory, and testing a theory is known as this.
9. In the 2nd century CE the Greek astronomer Ptolemy introduced the Ptolemaic system,
which believed in the Geocentric model of the universe, which believes this.
10. This Polish astronomer and mathematician introduced the heliocentric model of the
universe in the 16th century, which said that the sun, not the earth, was the center of
the universe.
11. This German astronomer and mathematician claimed that planets moved in an elliptical,
or egg-shaped motion, as opposed to circular.
12. This Italian mathematician and astronomer is known as the “Father of Science”: he was
the first European to make regular observations of heavens using telescope.
13. This English astronomer and physicist wrote The Principia, which defined the law of
14. What did John Locke believe about human nature?
15. Voltaire and many other philosophers compared the universe to this type of device.
16. Jean-Jacques Rousseau developed the concept of this, which said that an entire society
agrees to be governed by its general will.
17. This man introduced the concept of checks and balances to government and politics.
18. Adam Smith introduced this economic concept, which said that the state should not
regulate the economy.
19. He discovered that blood completes a circuit throughout the entire body.
20. Why was Diderot’s Encyclopedia so important?
21. What did Cesare Beccaria argue?
22. What was the main concept Voltaire believed in?
23. Intellectuals of the Enlightenment were called this, which meant philosopher
1. The Scientific Revolution
2. Experimental method/observation
3. Rise of universities, Contact with non-Western societies, The Renaissance, Exploration,
New technology such as the invention of telescope, microscope, and printing press
4. Rationalism
5. Rene Descartes
6. Empiricism
7. Francis Bacon
8. The scientific method
9. the universe is a series of concentric spheres with Earth fixed at the center.
10. Nicolaus Copernicus
11. Johannes Kepler
12. Galileo Galilei
13. Sir Isaac Newton
14. That they are molded by their experiences; they are born with a tabula rasa or blank
15. A clock
16. Social contract
17. Montesquieu
18. Laissez faire
19. William Harvey
20. Diderot’s Encyclopedia became a weapon against the old French society. Many of its
articles attacked religious superstition and supported religious toleration. Others called
for social, legal, and political reforms. Sold to doctors, clergymen, teachers, and lawyers,
the Encyclopedia spread Enlightenment ideas.
21. Philosopher who proposed a new approach to justice and law, Wrote book On Crime
and Punishment in 1764, No cruel punishment including capital punishment, Did not
believe in capital punishment, Felt punishment should fit the crime, Felt death penalty
didn’t deter people from committing murder
22. Religious toleration
23. Philosophes