PDF - Central Washington University

December 4, 2013
Black Hall 228-19
ATTENDING: Gary Ballou, Rodney Bransdorfer, Bobby Cummings, Kayleen Durant, Ginni Erion, Connie
Lambert, Ian Loverro, Kirk Mathias, Mark Oursland, Bruce Palmquist, Keith Salyer, Todd Shiver, Beau Snow,
and Crystal Weddington
GUESTS ATTENDING: David Braskamp and Dan Matthews (OE), Janet Finke (LL&SE), Michael Lundin, Janet
Shiver, Teri Willard (Math), Cody Ogren (LiveText)
MEETING CONVENED: The meeting was called to order at 3:17PM
CHANGES TO AGENDA: A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the agenda as presented.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made, seconded, and approved to accept the November 13th, 2013
minutes with the addition of noting that Bruce Palmquist was the facilitator of that meeting.
 Lesson plan template format (PEAB Recommendation)
 Group sharing
 Cody Ogren (LiveText) gave a presentation on a newly developed Teacher Candidate lesson plan
template that is straight forward and provides minimal assessment limitations.
 Cody’s lesson plan template along with Melanie Kingham’s lesson plan Powerpoint presentation
will be emailed to the Advisory Council. The Advisory Council will provide feedback by noting the
essential components for the lesson plan that they would like to see in all lesson plans.
 Ian L. suggested that the Word document be locked so that the template cannot be altered when it
goes out to departments, or have it go into a webpage where the fields exist as is.
 Mark would like to see part of the discussion include an agreement that a lesson plan format must
have core pieces in them, and then allow any format as long as those pieces are contained in them.
 Mathematics Curriculum
 Mark shared that the curriculum came to the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (UCC) as a joint
venture from both the Science Education and Math departments, because that’s the major right now.
The UCC reviewed the curriculum, accepted it and it is their recommendation that it be forwarded to
the CTL-Advisory Council for approval.
 Discussion
 Michael Lundin wanted to make clear to the council that in his opinion, his department (Math) had
not vetted this curriculum. He stated that he has concerns about the curriculum. He stated that he
has concerns about the curriculum, particularly when looking at Mathematic standards from the
American Mathematics site and comparing those to the ones contained in the curriculum. He sees
stiffer and more stringent requirements in the Mathematic standards than what is in the
curriculum presented. He also said that he is concerned that this curriculum was rushed and would
like to see it go before the Mathematics department for further review.
 Janet Shiver responded that the curriculum is based on the recommendations of the Conference
Board of Mathematical Sciences (CBMS). The curriculum follows very closely to CBMS’s
recommendations for teaching. The Math Education committee met, discussed, and followed
departmental procedures. The Math Program has also had informal discussions over the past three
years about their direction, and what they had planned to do. She notes that the research and
documentation behind the curriculum is heavy and thorough.
 It was moved and seconded to accept the curriculum as proposed, separating the Math from the
Science. 5-Yes, 1-No, and 5-Abstentions, motion did not pass.
 Second motion: It was moved and seconded to approve the curriculum proposed with the
understanding that there will be a departmental meeting on the 29 th of January to vet the Math
curriculum. 7-Yes, 1-No, 3-Abstentions. Motion passed.
 If there are any changes to the curriculum presented today, after the Math department has
reviewed it, then the curriculum will need to come back to the CTL-Advisory Council for review and
approval before moving forward to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee (FSCC).
 Science Education Curriculum
 It is the recommendation of the UCC that the CTL-Advisory Council approves the curriculum and
forwards it to the FSCC.
 Mark shared that Science Education is going to have those that want to teach Middle-Level Science get
a General Science major, and then their emphasis will be Middle-Level Science.
 Bruce added that Science Ed will be eliminating the current Middle-Level Science essentially making
the program more efficient. The second change would be to add courses for general education
courses in other discipline areas, for people who want to be elementary teachers.
 It was moved, seconded and approved to accept the curriculum as recommended. Motion passed
with 1-abstention.
 Placement Coordinator job description (Gary)
 At the CTL Advisory Council meeting on November 13th, the Council recommended that Dean Lambert
look over the job description and see financially if this is something that can be done.
 CTL edTPA Visual design Ad-Hoc committee (Mark)
 Mark shared that the visual design should be directed towards student learning pointing out the
different assessments, courses, programs and things teachers do that are about student learning,
highlighting how we meet those here at CWU.
 The committee will continue working on this and Mark will report back at a later time.
 edTPA remediation (Ginni)
 Ginni provided a plan for discussion to the council.
 The council will provide additional suggestions to Ginni, followed by an updated version that will be
emailed to the council members.
 Monday Night Events (Ginni)
 Ginni announced that the events have gone really well. Students are looking forward to the
educational seminars. As she looks toward winter, she has two maybe three groups that are asking to
 What requirements does the program need to meet, in order to be defined as a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor
of Science, and Bachelor of Arts in Ed?
 Connie to report on “ed” with degrees
 Requires Professional Core courses
 The only programs that are listed in the Academic Affair policies are early childhood, which was
removed, Elementary and SpEd. Of those, the only two that are still under the BAed are
Elementary and SpEd.
 We are trying to get the BAed in Humanities either listed under that BAed category or we’re
going to have to change the BAed in Humanities to a BA in Humanities.
 Connie will report what she gets back from Eric Chaney, Faculty Senate Chair.
o Currently it says that the bachelor of arts and education is used for three programs (early
childhood, elementary, an SpEd) take out the number three and the three program names
 CTL Advisory Council Adhoc committee - UPDATE (Ginni)
 Recommendations were provided and will go forward to the Executive Board with direction and/or
suggestions to follow. The committee has asked to be given one more quarter to complete their
 Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (Co-chair, Mark Oursland)
 Graduate Programs Committee (Chair, Kirk Mathias)
 Candidate Admissions, Recruitment, and Retention Committee (Chair, Ginni Erion)
 The committee will be meeting on the 11th of December regarding a focus of concern.
 Diversity and Equity Committee (Co-chair, Bobby Cummings)
 Field Experience Office (Director, Gary Ballou)
 Enrollment per quarter for 2012 (F-94, W-82, S-204) and in 2013 (F-78, W-58, S-208)
 Waiver Request forms for Paraprofessionals and Teaching Academy/Careers In Education students
- updated and are now “live” on the Office of Field Experiences web page.
 Placement Deposit information for EFC 330 Field Experience - now “live” on the Office of Field
Experiences web page.
 Due Dates – listed on the main menu of the Office of Field Experiences web page and also imbedded in
the Student Teaching, EFC 330 Field Experience, and Yearlong Internship sections of the web page Due
dates are listed on the webpage.
 Business and Marketing Education – now listed in the drop down list of endorsement areas on the
Student Teaching application.
 Every fall and spring a teaching convocation is held. The Powerpoint is now up on the main menu.
 The placement policy is listed on the main menu under Placement Policy, as well as other areas within
the OFE webpage.
 Terri Covey has been great to work with on the webpage!
 Elementary Education Program (Chair, Keith Salyer)
 Professional Education Program (Program Coordinator, Ian Loverro)
 Due dates for EFC330 have changed and are now live on the web.
 Professional Education Advisory Boards (Connie Lambert)
 June 13 Top Ten Student Teacher of the Year reception
 Apple Award Speaker: Jeff Charbonneau, National Teacher of the Year
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, January 15th