
Ostrich Llama Count
Raul and Esteban just started working at their uncle's farm on the weekends. Their first task was to count the ostriches and
llamas. When they reported to their uncle,
Raul said, "I counted 47 heads."
Esteban added, "I counted 122 legs."
"How many are ostriches? How many are llamas?" asked their uncle.
"It's getting dark and I promised your mother I'd get you home for dinner. There's no time to count again. You'll have to figure
out how many ostriches and how many llamas there are from that information when you get home. Can you give me a call after
dinner and let me know your answer?"
How did Raul and Esteban figure out how many ostriches and how many llamas there were?
I am not sure how to solve this multistep problem, but I am going to succeed ___________________
I think that I will partner up with my shoulder partner – after all, two heads are better than one! __________________
This is an addition problem – no! Wait a minute – I spoke too soon _____________________
My shoulder partner thinks that we should guess and check _______________________
But, I have worked on a problem before that involved bikes (2 wheels) and cars (4 wheels) where we used variables to stand for values…
maybe we need to take that approach? ______________________
I just heard someone over there say that the total number of heads means there are 47 total animals so ostriches + llamas equals 47
total ____________________
But how is that going to help me since I don’t know how many of each? ______________________
Maybe I will try something new _________________ Instead of adding, I will use the variable(x) to represent how many llamas so (47 –
x) would equal the number of ostriches – so ___________________________
Let’s consider how to use the number of legs ____________________
OK – this is what I did: ____________________
First I multiplied 4 times the number of llamas since llamas have 4 legs
Add that to 2 times 47 – x because ostriches have 2 legs
4X + 2(47 - X)
Since I know there are 122 legs total I will write an equation
4X + 2(47 – X) = 122
Use the distributive property to simplify
4X + 94 – 2X = 122
Combine like terms
2X + 94 = 122
Solve for X using additive inverse
2X + 94 – 94 = 122 – 94
2x = 28
Divide both sides by 2 to find X
X = 14 so there are 14 llamas
To find the number of ostriches subtract 14 from 47
47 – 14 = 33 is the number of ostriches
I used this strategy to solve this problem this way – and it makes sense ______________________________
We must always be sure to check our work ____________________
4(14) + 2(33) = 122
56 + 66 = 122
We solved it – I am so excited that we did it – (I can do this!!!) ____________________________
Maybe I will go to the zoo this weekend to check out the ostriches and llamas!! _______________________________
This is what we will be doing in Algebra I next year – I have so much more to learn! _____________________________
I am not sure how to solve this multistep problem, but I am going to succeed -Persisting(1)
I think that I will partner up with my shoulder partner – after all, two heads are better than one! -Thinking Interdependently (15)
This is an addition problem – no! Wait a minute – I spoke too soon -Managing Impulsivity (2)
My shoulder partner thinks that we should guess and check -Listening with Understanding and Empathy (3)
But, I have worked on a problem before that involved bikes (2 wheels) and cars (4 wheels) where we used variables to stand for values…
maybe we need to take that approach? -Applying past knowledge to new situations (8)
I just heard someone over there say that the total number of heads means there are 47 total animals so ostriches + llamas equals 47
total -Gather data through all senses (10)
But how is that going to help me since I don’t know how many of each? -Questioning and problem posing (7)
Maybe I will try something new -Taking responsible risks (13)
Instead of adding, I will use the variable(x) to represent how many llamas so (47 – x) would equal the number of ostriches –Creating,
imagining, and innovating (11)
Let’s consider how we could use the number of legs given -Thinking flexibly (4)
OK – this is what I did: -Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision (9)
First I multiplied 4 times the number of llamas since llamas have 4 legs
Add that to 2 times 47 – x because ostriches have 2 legs
4X + 2(47 - X)
Since I know there are 122 legs total I will write an equation
4X + 2(47 – X) = 122
Use the distributive property to simplify
Combine like terms
4X + 94 – 2X = 122
2X + 94 = 122
Solve for X using additive inverse
2X + 94 – 94 = 122 – 94
2x = 28
Divide both sides by 2 to find X
X = 14 so there are 14 llamas
To find the number of ostriches subtract 14 from 47
47 – 14 = 33 is the number of ostriches
I used this strategy to solve this problem this way – and it makes sense -Thinking about your thinking (Metacognition) (5)
We must always be sure to check our work -Striving for accuracy (6)
4(14) + 2(33) = 122
56 + 66 = 122
We solved it – I am so excited that we did it – (I can do this!!!) –Responding with wonderment and awe (12)
Maybe I will go to the zoo this weekend to check out the ostriches and llamas!! -Finding Humor (14)
This is what we will be doing in Algebra I next year – I have so much more to learn! –Remaining open to continuous learning (16)