Patient Participation Group Meeting January 2015

Werrington Village Surgery
Patient Participation Meeting
22nd January 2015
Attendees :
David Shaw (Chair) , Dr. Bradley , Joy Brassington ( Practice Manager) ,17 patients
Chairman’s Welcome
David Shaw opened the meeting
Nicola Pilling
Community Relations Officer , NHS Midlands & Lancashire CSU
Dorothy Clohsey
Chair of Moorland Rural and Werrington Locality Patient
Participation Group .
Nicola gave an update on the work of the group. The main issue concerning the group has
been is the utilisation of Cheadle hospital. Patients agreed the facilities could be better
utilised. There was a suggestion from the floor that a regular Phlebotomist clinic ( as at
Meir Primary Care Centre ) would be beneficial.
Dorothy Clohsey – explained the group was patient led and had a direct link to the
commissioners of services. All Patient representatives were asked raise the main concerns
from their patient groups at the next meeting. Jocelyn Morris and Doreen Plant confirmed
they are the Werrington Village Surgery reps with Wendy Sandbrook as deputy. A discussion
took place and the meeting decided to raise the concern regarding the shortage of
medications as highlighted at previous meetings from the local chemists. This shortage
causes distress to patients and additional workload to both GP’s and chemists. A patient
who works with Moorlands Home Link expressed her concerns for older people who have to
make multiple trips to the chemist because their medication is not in stock.
Dr Bradley explained her role as a Non Executive Director for the North Staffs Clinical
Commissioning Group. She explained the importance of the patient’s voice in influencing
commissioning decisions.
Patient asked about the age profile of the group and how young people’s views are
represented. Nicola Pilling explained the links with local colleges. Dorothy Clohsey
explained there are 2 young people on the Moorlands Congress.
The next meeting of the Moorland Rural and Werrington Locality Patient Participation
Group will be 5.3.15 at Cheadle Hospital .
Richard Powell – Case Manager Community Mental Health Team.
Gave a very interesting presentation on the work of the Community Health Team in North
Staffordshire. He explained the difference between primary and secondary mental health
services and the specialisms (over 65, young people, neuropsychiatry etc.). Majority of
Primary case load (approx. 70% ) is helping people with anxiety and depression he estimated
the teams current case load is 500.
Richard explained the single point of access for clinical staff and also that anyone
concerned about their own mental health can ‘self refer’ to the Well Being Service 01782
711651 or
Patient asked about a recent news item regarding the number of people suffering mental
health issues who are detained in police custody. Richard explained locally teams have been
commissioned to work in police stations.
Patient asked if the rumours that the Ashcombe Centre was under threat were true.
Richard clarified that the Ashcombe centre was not under treat.
Patient openly discussed their own experience of having mental health issues, the excellent
care from the surgery and the stigma of facing a mental health issue. A discussion
eschewed and the meeting agreed we needed to do more as a society to alleviate the
Practice Update Dr Bradley and Joy Brassington
Flu Jab - 2300 patients have received the flu jab this years which is an increase of 400 from
last year. The walkin flu clinics appeared to be popular and helped to free up routine nurse
appointments. Dr Bradley discussed the effectiveness of the flu jab this year.
New Staff – new receptionist and medical summariser started on 5th January. Surgery has
been successful in bidding for additional funding to employ a Community Based Practice
Nurse to provide tailored care to a caseload of over 200 of the practices most vulnerable
New Telephone System - New phone system now bedded in , have been a few gremlins.
Saturday Morning Emergency Surgery - The practice is open every Saturday from 8.30am 12.30pm until Easter for emergencies ONLY. The practice has chosen to take part in the
scheme to help alleviate pressure on A & E
Breast Screening – Female patients in Werrington between 50-70 will be targeted in March
& April to attend. Women over 70 can self refer every 3 years. Dr Bradley urged patients to
Electronic Prescriptions - the practice has been chosen as a pilot site for Electronic
Prescriptions. Which will make ordering and collecting repeat prescriptions easier. We are
working with our local chemists and will give an update at the next meeting.
Patients who Do Not Attend Appointments - We do monitor rates on a weekly basis. For
example in week commencing 12th January we had 3 missed GP appointments and 6 nurse
appointments. We have noticed a technical issue where the ‘telephone triage patients’
names are coming up on the screen in reception which then appears to the waiting room as
missed appointments.
Blood Tests – We have a visiting Phlebotomist service every Tuesday morning for 35
patients. This simply is not enough capacity for the Practice. We have suggested these
appointments are reserved for patients with mobility or transport issues. We have
informed patients of the walkin service at the Primary Care Centres. Patients have reported
back the service at Meir is very good and quick and for working patients the times are more
flexible. The PPG were asked if they thought the message to patients was correct. The
meeting unanimously voted yes.
Care Quality Commission - Every GP Surgery is inspected by the Care Quality Commission .
Inspectors are currently in the area. Patient feedback is an important part of the inspection
process. It is likely the inspectors will contact members of the PPG for their views.
Dementia Friends – A local volunteer for the Alzheimer’s society has volunteered to provide
Dementia Friends training for the surgery staff. The meeting were asked if they would like
the same training at the next PPG meeting. The meeting voted unanimously yes.
Dr Bennett and Sister Bennett are retiring - Dr Bennett will be retiring in July. Dr Bennett
will be attending the July PPG meeting .. so patients can say farewell. Sr Bennett will be
retiring on 31st March. There will be a book on reception so patients can write personal
good luck messages.
We are currently in the process of recruiting a Senior Nurse and GP
Jocelyn Morrison – Launch of 2015 Patient Survey
Jocelyn explained how the feedback from the 2014 survey had been used by the practice.
The Patient Survey results, reviews on NHS Choices, complaints and compliments had been
reviewed by the practice staff. 3 Key themes had emerged - 1. How can we improve
telephone access to the surgery?, How can we improve continuity of care for patients. How
can we improve waiting times for routine appointments. The staff and GP’s had developed
an action plan ( which was approved by the PPG at the last meeting). The Practice has
moved from a rating of 1.5 stars in April to 3 stars in January.
Jocelyn – handed out a copy of the updated action plan and a printout of reviews on NHS
choices from Oct – Jan.
Jocelyn launched the 2015 survey. The survey is the same as the previous year and will be
used to measure the progress the practice has made (or indeed if there are new issues the
practice needs to address). The survey will be available in the surgery during the month of
February. The meeting decide against putting collection boxes in the Post Offices ect due
to a poor response last year.
Once the survey is complete , the survey committee ( Jocelyn Morrison, Doreen Plant and
Jean Fryer ) will view all the completed surveys and report back to the PPG.
Podiatry Service
David Shaw raised concerns regarding the conflicting information on the waiting times for
podiatry appointments. Recently the CCG newsletter had stated waiting time was 6 weeks.
Two patients confirmed they had waited at least 4 months between appointments. David
Shaw to E-mail operational managers of the service and to report back to the meeting.
Library Building
David Shaw reported a decision about the Library building will be made in 3 weeks. He
asked if the group had any thoughts on health related services which could be delivered
from the building. A suggestion of Podiatry and Phlebotomy clinics were suggested.
Health Watch - Elizabeth Jarrett
Elizabeth explained the role of Healthwatch. She showed the meeting new patient leaflets.
How to complaint about NHS services and Choose Well – where to find the most
appropriate medical help.
Elizabeth explained the NHS commissioners were looking at proposals increase ‘bed ‘
provision in the community to ease pressure on Acute services. Health watch would be
involved in the public consultation on the initiatives and she would keep the meeting
informed on progress.
Surgery Newsletter
A patient new to the group suggested the surgery produce a regular newsletter. She had
noticed all the posters whilst in the surgery informing of different services/ awareness
campaigns .. but .. she does not attend the surgery often so has not seen them. The group
discussed and agreed an E-newsletter would be a good idea. Practice Manager to organise.
Appointment Reminders
A patient suggested the practice should look at appointment reminders – maybe e-mail or
text message. The practice has investigated text messaging previously but abandoned the
system due to potential breaches of confidentiality ( if mobile phone numbers not kept up
to date and also cost.
Chair closed the meeting
Next Patient Participation Meeting : Thursday 19th March at the earlier time of 1.15pm
Dr Gubbi will be in attendance.