lesson plans for March 23

CMS Lesson Plan Template
Week of:
Focused Standard/Element(s)
Teacher: Welch Course/Level: 8th Grade Math
Monday 2/23/15
MCC8.F.3 Interpret the equation y =
mx + b as defining a linear function,
whose graph is a straight line; give
examples of functions that are not
How do I determine if 2 functions
are parallel or perpendicular?
Essential Question(s)
Opening (5-10 min)
Work-Time Activities (40 min)
Tuesday 2/24/15
Wednesday 2/25/15
MCC8.F.4 Construct a function to
model a linear relationship between
two quantities. Determine the rate of
change and initial value of the
function from a description of a
relationship or from two (x, y) values,
including reading these from a table
or from a value of a linear function in
terms of the situation it models, and
in terms of its graph or a table of
How do I determine rate of
change and its meaning on a
graph, table of values, or verbal
MCC8.F.4 Construct a function to
model a linear relationship between
two quantities. Determine the rate of
change and initial value of the
function from a description of a
relationship or from two (x, y) values,
including reading these from a table
or from a value of a linear function in
terms of the situation it models, and
in terms of its graph or a table of
Use SMARTBoard to demonstrate
Watch learnzillion video on how
how to determine if two functions determine the greater rate of
are parallel or perpendicular.
Writing prompt Article for Tuesday:
patterns, Quantities, and Linear
Writing Prompt: Which approach
would help you learn about linear
functions better, number tables or realworld quantities? Explain why and be
sure to support your position by
referencing the text.
Students will work with partners
Students will work in groups with task
to complete graphic organizer on cards to determine which graph, table,
parallel and perpendicular lines.
or equations have a constant rate of
How do I apply rate of change when
given verbal descriptions of realworld scenarios?
Use SMARTboard to demonstrate
how to apply the rate of change in real
world scenarios.
Students will work with partner to
write equations using the rate of
change in slope intercept form
Closure Activity (10 min)
Students will create equations that
represents parallel and perpendicular
Differentiation Strategies
Think aloud over writing the
rule for functions
Peer tutoring
Students will complete a ticket
out the door to determine their
understanding of rate of change.
Peer Tutoring
Students will be given an exit slip with
2 functions on it and must explain how
determine which has the greatest rate
of change.
Think aloud
(targeting student growth)
Focused Standard/Element(s)
Essential Question(s)
Thursday 2/26/15
Friday 2/27/15
MCC8.F.4 Construct a function to
model a linear relationship between
two quantities. Determine the rate of
change and initial value of the
function from a description of a
relationship or from two (x, y) values,
including reading these from a table
or from a value of a linear function in
terms of the situation it models, and
in terms of its graph or a table of
How do I Apply linear functions by
modeling profits and expenses in a
real-world situation
MCC8.F.4 Construct a function to
model a linear relationship between
two quantities. Determine the rate of
change and initial value of the
function from a description of a
relationship or from two (x, y) values,
including reading these from a table
or from a value of a linear function in
terms of the situation it models, and
in terms of its graph or a table of
How do I Apply linear functions by
modeling profits and expenses in a
real-world situation
Additional Notes
Writing prompt Article for Tuesday:
patterns, Quantities, and Linear
Writing Prompt: Which approach
would help you learn about linear
functions better, number tables or realworld quantities? Explain why and be
sure to support your position by
referencing the text.
Opening (5-10 min)
Work-Time Activities (40 min)
Closure Activity (10 min)
Differentiation Strategies
(targeting student growth)
Watch Learnzillion video lesson on
how to apply functions by modeling
profits and e Penske in real-world
Given 2 real world scenarios,
students will use hunk aloud to
determine the rate of change and
equation for each.
Students will work in groups and will
rotate stations where each station will
have a different real-world scenario
where students will apply linear
functions to determine the rate of
change and write the equation for
Based on the closure activity from
Thursday, students will be placed in
groups for peer tutoring and complete
handout on real-world scenarios and
determine rate of change and equation.
On an index card students will
Students will create their own realevaluate their level of
world scenarios and share with class.
understanding by of applying
functions to real-world scenarios
by writing their name on the card
along with a "1" for still confused,
"2" but still need practice, or "3"
for understand and don't need any
Tiered instruction
Peer tutoring
Think, pair, share