Code of Ethics - United Way of Muskingum, Perry & Morgan Counties

CODE OF ETHICS 2015/2016
The United Way of Muskingum, Perry and Morgan Counties, Inc. (hereinafter “United Way”) is
committed to the highest ethical standards. The success of the United Way and our reputation
depends upon the ethical conduct of everyone affiliated with the United Way. Volunteers, staff,
and representatives set an example for each other and for member United Way organizations by
their pursuit of excellence and high standards of performance, professionalism and ethical
The code is not just about what we should do, but why we do it.
This United Way Code of Ethics is based upon our mission and guided by our core values.
Our mission is to provide strong leadership in uniting volunteers, agencies and resources to help
meet community needs.
Core Values
1. Integrity
 We believe in honesty, integrity and adding value through careful stewardship of the
resources provided to us.
 We believe accountability to each other and to the people and organizations we serve is
essential in our success.
 We keep promises. People know it: “United Way makes my caring count.”
2. Impact
 We make a difference in our community and collectively in our world. Our efforts
change lives.
 We are committed to a United Way that is relevant to its people, its community and the
3. Volunteerism
 We believe in treating our volunteers and customers with respect and in valuing the
diversity each brings to our mission.
 We believe that the most effective models of service and excellence are created through
the leadership of volunteers.
4. Inclusiveness
 We aspire to involve every segment of the community in our work.
 We act in ways that respect the dignity, uniqueness and intrinsic worth of every person:
the community, the donors, our own staff and families, boards and volunteers.
We believe in a movement built from the rich diversity and gifts of all people in all
5. Leadership
 We strive to be effective educators and conveners, bringing all segments of the
community together to promote individual well-being and common good.
 We are leaders of a process that multiplies the impact of people’s innate desire and
capacity to care for one another.
 We help transform visions of compassion and giving into dynamic reality.
Code of Ethics
1. Professional integrity
 A personal commitment to integrity in all circumstances benefits each individual as well
as the organization. We strive to meet the highest standards of performance, quality,
service and fairness in working towards the United Way mission.
2. Accountability and stewardship
 The United Way is responsible to its stakeholders, which include member organizations,
donors and others who have placed faith in the United Way.
 We will promote good stewardship of United Way resources.
 We will refrain from using organizational resources for non-United Way purposes.
 We will observe and comply with all laws and regulations affecting the United Way.
3. Solicitation and voluntary giving
 The most responsive contributors are those who have the opportunity to become informed
and involved. We promote voluntary giving and refrain from any use of coercion in
fund-raising activities.
4. Diversity and equal opportunity
 The United Way believes in fairness and equality and recognizes the value of
inclusiveness by encouraging the full participation of all individuals in fulfilling its
mission of mobilizing people in our community to care for one another. The United Way
recognizes the strength of diversity, which acknowledges and celebrates a society of
different individuals, cultures and perspectives whose knowledge, skills and talents
enrich and strengthen us as a people. The United Way believes in and practices equal
opportunity in its operations, community engagement, employment and decision making
and encourages inclusion of diverse members of our community.
5. Conflicts of interest
 See separate policy.
6. Confidentiality and privacy
 Confidentiality is a hallmark of professionalism. United Way staff, representatives and
volunteers must:
o Ensure that all information which is confidential, privileged or nonpublic is not
disclosed inappropriately.
o Respect the privacy rights of all individuals.
7. Political contributions
 The United Way of Muskingum, Perry and Morgan Counties encourages individual
participation in civic affairs. However, as a charitable organization, the United Way may
not make contributions to any candidate for public office or political committee and may
not intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for
public office.
 We therefore:
o Refrain from making any contributions to any candidate for public office or to any
political committee on behalf of the United Way or in any manner that may create the
appearance that the contribution is on behalf of the United Way.
o Refrain from endorsing or opposing a candidate for public office.
8. Responsibilities to volunteers
 Volunteers who serve through the Board of Directors, the cabinet or in any other capacity
for the United Way are crucial to the success of the United Way. In order to assist
volunteers to serve respectably and to obtain satisfaction from their service, the United
Way managers and employees pledge to:
o Support volunteers so they can perform to the highest level of their contribution and
personal satisfaction.
o Treat all volunteers with fairness, equity and respect, providing appropriate
mechanisms for their views and interests to be expressed.
o Involve volunteers at appropriate levels and phases of the decision-making process.
o Assist in the development and understanding of the roles of volunteers and
employees, respectively, set clear standards of performance for volunteers, and
appropriately recognize their contributions.
We are mindful that this Code of Ethics and these Core Values must be clearly articulated,
communicated and continuously reinforced. While no document can anticipate all the challenges
that may arise, the Code of Ethics provides guidelines and will assist United Way volunteers,
staff and representatives in making good decisions that are ethical and in accordance with
applicable legal requirements.
Guidance and Disclosure
Volunteers, staff and representatives are encouraged to seek guidance from the Executive
Director and/or the Board of Directors concerning the interpretation or application of this Code
of Ethics. Any known or possible breaches of the code of Ethics should be disclosed. Staff
should contact the Executive Director, and others should contact the Executive Director or a
member of the Board for these disclosures.
Possible breaches of the Code of Ethics will be handled in the following manner:
All reports of possible breaches will be treated in confidence as much as the
organization’s duty to investigate and the law allow. If confidentiality cannot be
maintained, the individual disclosing the possible breach will be notified.
United Way strives for prompt and fair resolution of all reported breaches.
All reported breaches will be investigated and, if needed, appropriate action taken based
upon the policies of the organization.
Retaliation against a person who suspects and reports a breach of good faith will be
treated as an independent breach of the code.
Adopted by the Board of Directors—January 25, 2007
I have read, understand and agree to adhere to the Code of Ethics for the United Way of
Muskingum, Perry and Morgan Counties, Inc.
I will notify United Way staff about any known or potential conflicts of interest as they arise. I
have listed those that are currently known on a separate Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form.