Kemiska produkter (engelsk version) Miljökrav Information/ Krav

Kemiska produkter (engelsk version)
Till kravställaren
Beroende på upphandling kan kraven nedan ha olika relevans. Ta bort de krav
som saknar relevans från anbudsförfrågan.
För intern styrning inom kemiområdet, se TjF avseende livscykelansvar för
kemiska produkter och varor innehållande farliga kemiska ämnen.
Förutom krav 4 baseras kraven i modulen på lagkrav. Om den kemiska
produkten inte är satt på marknaden i Sverige kan säkerhetsdatablad och
märkning på svenska inte krävas. FMV väljer då att acceptera säkerhetsdatablad
och märkning på engelska. Produktanmälan av kemisk produkt är nationell
lagstiftning, och gäller såväl EU-baserade som icke EU-baserade leverantörer,
om den kemiska produkten omfattas av kravet.
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Information om krav 1: enligt lagstiftningen ska säkerhetsdatablad lämnas
denna text i
senast vid första leverans av den kemiska produkten. Det är dock möjligt att
kräva att säkerhetsdatablad ska skickas vid anbudsinfodran eller senast X
månader innan leverans av den kemiska produkten. Om anbudsförfrågan kräver
tillhandahållande av säkerhetsdatablad senast någon tidsperiod före leverans, så
måste motsvarande fördröjning av leveransen av den kemiska produkten
medges vid beställning.
Förutom dessa krav ska leverantörens arbete inom kemiområdet kravställas
genom att FMV klausulen ”Kemiska ämnen/produkter/varor” används i de
kommersiella villkoren för upphandlingen.
FMV version 3
Kemiska produkter (engelsk version)
1. Safety data sheets
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Krav a1, a2 och a3 är olika alternativ. Välj ett av kraven beroende på vid
denna text i
vilken tidpunkt säkerhetsdatablad ska lämnas av leverantören. Ta bort övriga anbudsförfråg
a1. If safety data sheets are required for the chemical products, the supplier
shall include these in the quotation.
The safety data sheet shall be in Swedish, if the chemical product is put on the
market in Sweden, and compiled according to Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006
(Reach) Annex II (with amendments). Otherwise, the safety data sheet shall be
in English.
a1. Current safety data sheet for
the product compiled according to
Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006
(Reach) Annex II (with
amendments) and a list according
to the requirement.
A list of the safety data sheets, which clearly relates to each chemical product,
shall be included in the quotation.
a2. If safety data sheets are required for the chemical products, the supplier
shall provide these at the latest [insert time period] before first delivery.
The safety data sheet shall be in Swedish, if the chemical product is put on the
market in Sweden, and compiled according to Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006
(Reach) Annex II (with amendments). Otherwise, the safety data sheet shall be
in English.
A list of the safety data sheets, which clearly relates to each chemical product,
shall be provided with the safety data sheets.
a3. If safety data sheets are required for the chemical products, the supplier
shall provide these at the latest with the first delivery.
FMV version 3
a2 and a3: Supplier’s assurance
that safety data sheets and the
corresponding list will be sent
according to the requirement.
Kemiska produkter (engelsk version)
The safety data sheet shall be in Swedish, if the chemical product is put on the
market in Sweden, and compiled according to Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006
(Reach) Annex II (with amendments). Otherwise, the safety data sheet shall be
in English.
A list of the safety data sheets, which clearly relates to each chemical product,
shall be provided with the safety data sheets.
2. Labeling of chemical products
a. Chemical products with labeling requirements shall, if the product is put on
the market in Sweden, be provided with a label in Swedish. Otherwise, it shall
be labeled in English.
a and b: Supplier’s assurance that
labeling regulations will be
complied with.
Supplier’s assurance that product
notification is not needed, that it
has been done (enclosed A-number
for the product) or that it will be
done within the time-limit given in
the Swedish Chemicals Agency
regulation 2008:2.
b. The labeling shall comply with applicable regulations within the EU for the
classification and labeling of chemical products.
3. Product notification
If the product, according to the Swedish law, shall be reported to the Swedish
Chemicals Agency’s Products Register, the supplier shall inform FMV of the
product's A-number when it has been registered
4. Information regarding substances/compounds on the Candidate
list or on Annex XIV in Reach
FMV version 3
Kemiska produkter (engelsk version)
a. For chemical products (substances and mixtures) the supplier shall inform of
potential contents of substances/compounds on the Candidate list.
b. For chemical products (substances and mixtures) the supplier shall inform of
potential contents of substances/compounds on Annex XIV in Regulation (EC)
no 1907/2006 (Reach).
If the chemical products contain substances/compounds on Annex XIV
subjected to authorization, the authorization permit shall be included in the
a and b: Supplier’s assurance that
all required information on
substances/compounds on the
Candidate list or on Annex XIV in
Reach is included.
Authorization permit.
a, b, c and d: Supplier’s assurance. Shall
5. Further requirements on suppliers outside of EU
a. Suppliers of chemical products (substances or mixtures) that are not operating
in the EU shall meet the requirements for importers under Regulation (EC) no
1907/2006 (Reach).
b. Suppliers of chemical products (substances or mixtures) that are not
operating in the EU shall ensure that the FMV uses are included in an eventual
registration dossier under Regulation (EC) no 1907/2006 (Reach).
c. Suppliers of chemical products (substances or mixtures) that are not operating
in the EU shall bear the costs of the legal requirements under Regulation (EC)
no 1907/2006 (Reach).
d. Suppliers of chemical products (substances or mixtures) that are not
operating in the EU shall meet the requirements for importers under Regulation
(EC) no 1272/2008 (CLP). A substance shall be notified to the classification
FMV version 3
Kemiska produkter (engelsk version)
and labeling inventory if the substance is placed on the market within EU and i)
is classified as hazardous according to CLP, or ii) to be registered under Reach,
or iii) is classified as hazardous according to CLP and is included in a mixture
at a concentration that makes the mixture classified as dangerous.
FMV version 3