File - Dillard Drive Elementary School

Dillard Drive Elementary Policies & Procedures
ABSENCES ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
EXCUSED AND UNEXCUSED ABSENCES .................................................................................................................................... 1
ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE............................................................................................................................................................ 2
ATTENDANCE ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
BIRTHDAYS .................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
CHECK-OUT PROCEDURES BEFORE 3:45 DISMISSAL .................................................................................................................... 3
CHILD NUTRITION SERVICES ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
CHILD CUSTODY ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
CONFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
DISCIPLINE AND BEHAVIOR .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
SCHOOL - WIDE RULES ARE AS FOLLOWS:................................................................................................................................ 4
POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES MAY INCLUDE: .............................................................................................................................. 4
DRESS CODE POLICY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
EARLY SCHOOL CLOSINGS............................................................................................................................................................. 5
HOMEWORK POLICY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
LOST AND FOUND ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
MEDICATION ................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
SCHOOL VISITS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
TARDY POLICY ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
TELEPHONE NUMBERS AND ADDRESSES ..................................................................................................................................... 6
TRANSPORTATION CHANGES ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
TOYS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Written excuses for all absences must be sent upon your child's return to school. The Wake County Public School
System's policy states that if a student is absent, the parent/guardian must send a note stating the reason for the
absence within two school days of the absence. If a note is not received within two days, the absence is
considered unexcused (unlawful).
Excusable absences permitted by the NC State Board of Education:
Dillard Drive Elementary Policies & Procedures
Illness documented by parent
Death in immediate family
Educational travel (Prior permission required)
Medical appointments
Court proceedings
Religious proceedings
All other absences will be considered unexcused and work will not be made up.
Our regular scheduled school day hours are 9:15am - 3:45pm.
Children may not be dropped off prior to the first bell at 8:45am.
Car riders and day care van riders will be dismissed at 3:45 p.m. Bus riders will be dismissed as their designated
bus arrives on campus.
Parents who wish to drive their child(ren) to school should unload your child at the sidewalk in front of the
Parents who wish to pick up their child(ren) should park in the car pool line. Your child will be assigned a car pool
tag and you will be given a card with the name of your child(ren) on the card. Please have your car pool tag visible
for the Dillard Drive staff to see.
No child will be permitted to ride home with another parent without written permission.
Classes begin at 9:15 a.m. If students arrive later than 9:05 a.m. they must be signed in at the office by parents.
Any student arriving later than 12:30 p.m. or leaving earlier than 12:30 p.m. will be considered absent for the
If your child should leave school during the day for routine matters (medical & dental appointments), a note
should be sent to the teacher in advance. If someone other than a parent is to pick up a child, the parent MUST
send a note in advance, authorizing the school to release the child to the person assigned to get your child.
If it is necessary for you to leave the area and withdraw your child from Dillard Drive Elementary, please follow
this procedure.
Advise the school with a call or note.
Dillard Drive Elementary Policies & Procedures
Return all media books, textbooks and all other school property.
Trips should be scheduled so that they do not interfere with school. If this is a necessity, parents should plan with
the teacher in advance to obtain assignments.
Wake County Public School Board policy states that all activities that take place within the school during a school
day should be based on a "learning experience" for the children and cannot be approved if they are purely for
entertainment or for birthday recognition.
Parents wishing to bring birthday refreshments (i.e cookies, cake, etc) should make prior arrangements with the
teacher. Refreshments need to be store bought. We ask that refreshments NOT contain nuts or peanut butter.
Please be aware that if you need to check out a student before the 3:45 p.m. dismissal, you need to arrive in the
office no later than 3:15 p.m. This allows us to clear the way for carpool to begin promptly at 3:45p.m.
Breakfast is available each morning from 8:45-9:10 a.m. Each class is assigned a lunch period. Parents are always
welcomed to join their child for breakfast or lunch, but must sign in at the main office before doing so. Please do
not bring in food from outside vendors as it competes with the cafeteria.
We encourage parents to prepay for lunch on Monday of each week. Please make sure you indicate your child's
lunch number on the check or envelope. Parents have an option of paying for student meals in advance through
the automatic payment system. Forms are available at each school.
The automatic payment system can be found here.
The monthly menus can be found here.
Students who forget their lunch money may borrow from the PTA fund. Such loans need to be repaid the
following day. Students with outstanding loans will be given a lunch of unlimited fruits and vegetables.
If you are divorced (or separated) and have legal custody of your child through a court order (or deed of
separation), please see that we have a copy of this document.
Dillard Drive Elementary Policies & Procedures
Please do not assume that school employees know about custody problems. Be sure we know if any family
member is not to pick-up your child from school.
At least two conferences will be scheduled with each student's parent during the school year. To protect
instructional time and to allow for supervision of children, parents are not allowed to go to the classrooms to
conference with teachers, unless an appointment has been scheduled ahead of time. If you would like to
schedule a conference, please leave a message through the office to have the teacher contact you.
The staff of Dillard Drive Elementary is of the belief that desirable behavior should be promoted through positive
methods, whenever possible. When positive methods do not work, a misbehaving student will be removed from
the classroom. If necessary, parents will be contacted at the time of removal. In case of serious misbehavior or
behavior, which could result in danger to others or to the student himself/herself, procedures set up in the Wake
County Schools Systems Student/Parent Handbook will be followed. Students will be sent to the office for hitting,
using inappropriate language and disrupting class.
Obey all adult staff members.
Show respect for others by keeping hands, feet, and unkind words to yourself.
Take care of school property and the property of others.
Students should always walk in the building without interruption to other classes.
Students will follow the Wake County Public School dress code policy
Time out
Teacher/Parent Conference
Administration/Parent phone or personal conference
In-School Suspension
Out of School Suspension
Conference with Administration
Conference with parent and student
Dillard Drive Elementary Policies & Procedures
The Board of Education has adopted a dress code policy. Students are expected to adhere to standards of dress
and appearance that are compatible with an effective learning environment. Presenting a bodily appearance or
wearing clothing which is disruptive, provocative, revealing, profane, vulgar, offensive or obscene, or which
endangers the health and safety of the student or others is prohibited. Examples of prohibited dress or
appearance include but are not limited to the following:
exposed undergarments
sagging pants
excessively short or tight garments
bare midriff shirts
strapless shirts
attire with messages or illusions that are lewd, indecent, or vulgar or that advertise any product or service
not permitted by law to minors
head covering of any kind
see-through clothing
attire that exposes cleavage
any adornment such as chains or spikes that reasonably could be perceived as or used as a weapon
any symbols, styles or attire frequently associated with intimidation, violence or violent groups about
which students at a particular school have been notified
In case of inclement weather, announcements concerning school closing will be made by the news media by 6:00
a.m. If inclement weather begins during the day, please keep your radio or television on and listen for
Please give us emergency numbers where we can reach you or some other contact in case of an early closing that
might apply to only our school (such as loss of power in winter). You will NOT be called if all schools close.
It is our goal that students understand fully the assignments and the process involved in homework. Homework is
to reinforce skills, to encourage independent work, and to develop good study habits. It is intended to be at the
Dillard Drive Elementary Policies & Procedures
appropriate level of difficulty, but may require parental help/support. In most classes, homework assignments
are given Monday through Thursday.
Please put name labels on student's personal belongings. These markings will help school personnel to locate lost
items. Do not allow your child(ren) to bring extra money, valuable items, toys, radios, electronic games, etc. to
school unless written approval has been given by the child's teacher. We will not assume responsibility for the
security of these items.
By law we cannot administer medication without the written approval of your health care provider. We try to
avoid giving medications at school, but if it is necessary for your child to have medication, you must bring the
original container with a signed "Parent Request and Physician Order for Medication" form from the child's
health care provider. This includes prescription and non-prescription drugs such as cough drops, aspirin, cough
syrup, ointments, etc. Parents are responsible for transporting all medicines to school unless special
arrangements are made with the administration.
An additional form is available and must be signed by your child's doctor regarding asthma medication.
All parents are welcome and encouraged to visit Dillard Drive Elementary. ALL PARENTS AND OTHER VISITORS
MUST SIGN IN AT THE MAIN OFFICE EACH TIME THEY VISIT CAMPUS. You will be asked to wear a visitor's badge
so that others will know that you have signed in.
Teachers are not available for conferences during the school day unless they have made prior arrangements with
you. You are always welcome to volunteer in the classroom or have lunch with your child.
School begins at 9:15 a.m. If your child arrives late, you will need to come in and sign them in on the sheet in
front of the office. Children not signed in will be mark as "unexcused"
It is URGENT that the office have a correct home, work, and emergency telephone numbers at all times. If you
change a telephone number or move into a new residence, please contact the office with updated information.
Dillard Drive Elementary Policies & Procedures
If your child needs to change his/her means of transportation, a note must be sent in. You may also call the main
number before 3:30 to make changes. The classroom teacher will be notified by the office of the change.
Students may not bring toys, walkmans, hand-held games, trading cards, playing cards, radios, etc to school
unless written approval has been given by the child's teacher. We will not assume responsibility for the security
of these items.