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TLI 2014 Call for Proposals
Proposals Accepted January 24-February 28
Conference Theme: Future classroom is here NOW: Envisioning the Future of
Education and Technology at DU
Conference Dates: August 21 and 22, 2014
Conference Location: Davenport University’s W.A. Lettinga Campus in Grand
Rapids, MI and online
At Davenport we work to help our students "Get where the world is going" but how do
we as educators know where OUR world of education is going?
The 2014 Wynalda Teaching and Learning Institute will focus on sharing research,
insights, and ideas on topics related to the future of higher education. Together we can
explore future directions for assessment strategies, emerging technologies in the
classroom, alternative delivery methods (like VISL, accelerated courses, boot camps,
flipped class, new technology “blends”), collaboration in the classroom, creative usages
of technologies to support learning, as well as explorations of the shifting demographics
and community shifts that impact our work as educators.
As a presenter, consider starting with “This I envision” -- What do YOU think the future
will bring? How does your research, experience, and disciplinary expertise help inform
future directions for our work as educators? What challenges will we face in education
and what ideas do you have for how to overcome them? Come join the conversation
and share your vision!
This theme has been further described in three learning tracks, each with its own area
of focus connected to our future work in higher education:
Learning Track 1-- Inputs: Our future students
Sessions in this learning track will address questions/ topics including:
 How do faculty need to prepare for these future students?
 How can we effectively leverage traditional and non-traditional student
experiences and skills?
 Educational partnerships between higher ed, K-12, industry, government, etc.
 What are we currently doing in our classrooms that will continue to be successful
pedagogical approaches?
 Generational differences impacting learning styles and preferences
 How does higher education get on board quickly but with quality?
Learning Track 2-- Outputs: Our future graduates
Sessions in this learning track will address questions/ topics including:
 What will DU graduates need to know?
 Potential for and value of interdisciplinary education
 Leveraging the Excellence System
 Experiential and lifelong learning - Badges, Competencies
Learning Track 3-- Environment: Our future classroom
Sessions in this learning track will address questions/ topics including:
 What will the future classroom look like?
 How will technology influence our teaching?
 MOOCs or Mentoring - which way is best?
 Customization, Personalization, and Standardization- what is the best approach?
 Global Connections and Partnerships
Session Formats:
 Traditional 60 minute workshop/ session
 Mini presentation “This I Envision”--15 minute presentation with discussion
questions to kickstart collaborative brainstorming and sharing with colleagues in
order to expand knowledge and build community of practice.
 Technology workshop-- hands-on session working with technology in a computer
lab (both 60 and 120 minute sessions possible)
Preparing Your Proposal:
The online proposal submission form will ask for:
 Facilitator Information: Name, Title, Email, DU Campus Location, College (for
each facilitator)
 Title of Session--Please list the title exactly as you would like it to appear in the
conference program and website.
 Abstract of Session--75 word maximum. *If your session is offered at the TLI
event, this abstract will go into the conference program and on the conference
website exactly as you have written it. However, the Conference Planning Task
Force reserves the right to edit for clarity and correctness.
 Session Objectives-- These objectives will be used during the evaluation of your
session and may also be published in the conference program. In addition,
participants will be asked to evaluate the extent to which session objectives are
 Session Activities- What will you actually DO in the session? Give an agenda
listing your draft vision of how the session will unfold. Be sure to explain any
interactive activities that will engage your audience.
 Relevant Bibliographic Citations--Please provide at least 2 relevant, academic
sources to support the content of your presentation. All conference presenters
will be asked to share a list of references for online publication prior to the
Proposal Review Process and Criteria
 The TLI Planning and Implementation committee will review submissions
individually. This will be a blind review meaning facilitator name field will be
removed from evaluation documentation. Evaluation scores will be tallied and
shared back with committee. Facilitator names included in other fields on the
proposal submission form may not be removed. In this case, TLI committee
members are asked to maintain confidentiality and work to evaluate the proposal
content impartially.
 Proposals that do not demonstrate commitment to sharing materials or
presenting at both the in-seat and online event may be disqualified prior to review
by the TLI committee.
 It may be possible for a proposal to be conditionally accepted. This means that
the committee is interested in the topic, but that significant concerns/ questions
exist. In this situation, feedback will be shared directly with the proposing
facilitator by the Director of Faculty Learning. These conversations will be
Criteria included on the TLI committee evaluation form include:
1. Clearly expressed learning outcomes
2. Topic alignment with conference theme / learning track(s)
3. Session will actively engage participants in learning, reflection, discussion
4. Topic relevance to DU academics? Will faculty be interested in this session?
5. Innovation—to what extent is this a new topic/ type of session compared to
prior TLI sessions? Some topics may benefit from repeating but we want to
keep TLI “fresh” and engaging.
6. Proposal clearly connected to scholarship/ research?
7. Other comments
DUE DATE: All proposals must be submitted no later than
February 28, 2014 via the online proposal submission
form located at: