Kingdom Enterprise Zone

January - 2014
A monthly newsletter
highlighting the
ministries and
activities of the
Kingdom Enterprise
Zone of Southwest
Meet our KEZ leadership team:
What is KEZ doing locally?
Dan Sarkipato (CRC)
Daniel Teerman (RCA)
Dale Slings (CRC)
Clayton Smith (RCA)
Angela Taylor Perry (CRC)
Wes Tillett (RCA)
KEZ is involved in church revitalization
right here in Kalamazoo with Trinity
Reformed Church. Trinity is a church in
need of assistance and leadership team
member Clayton Smith is working with
them to help turn things around.
Each upcoming newsletter will highlight
one of our leaders so you can get to know
them better.
Clayton works as the Mission
Redevelopment Director at 1st Reformed
The KEZ leadership team met in December
for a vision retreat at Gull Lake Ministries
where we developed ideas in a one, five,
and ten year agenda. Our goals include
developing community Bible studies,
training for Elders, Deacons, and small
group leaders, and developing an
integrated disciple making process. We
are excited to collaborate with various
denominations, churches, and ministries to
achieve these goals and have a greater
impact in our community.
You may be asking,
“What is Kingdom Enterprise Zone?”
The Kingdom Enterprise Zone (KEZ) is a
collaborative effort between the CRC and
the RCA to enhance multiplication and
church planting in our area and to
stimulate health and growth in existing
churches. In other words, starting new
churches and strengthening old ones.
There are four KEZ’s in the USA, specific to
geographical areas that work to start and
strengthen churches. Our KEZ is working
throughout SW Michigan.
We are also connected with other ministries such as:
Oasis- a church plant on WMU’s campus, Prayer ministry, ELI House of Study- a training ground for new
leaders to build new churches and strengthen existing churches, Luminex- a sub-ministry of KEZ, and
church planting group.
KEZ - Ministry Highlights
What is Luminex?
The Luminex Collaborative is made up of five area
CRC and RCA churches that have come together to
plant a new church. This group meets regularly
and has two people from each church, the pastor
and one other leader, and is lead by Doug
McClintic. Doug is a multiplication leader for the
regional Synod of the RCA. These ten people are
divided into two groups. One group is working on
the recruitment of a church planter and the other
is working on the location for the new church and
budget. The goal is to plant the first church within
12-18 months.
As part of the church planting process, the five
churches involved are participating in 40 Days of
Prayer that will start on January 22, 2014. Angela
Taylor Perry has developed a guide for prayer. If
you are interested in getting prayer updates or
would like to join in the 40 Days of Prayer, please
contact Angela
How do I get involved?
If you are interested in more information, or
would like to get involved please contact Dan
Sarkipato at
What is Oasis?
Oasis is a church plant that meets on the campus of Western
Michigan University. GOD called Daniel and Sherry Teerman
to lead this ministry and in April of 2013, they started with
just 5-10 student leaders. Their goal is simple: to develop a
ministry relevant to students and grow young leaders who
will have a solid foundation for future church leadership.
Currently, Oasis is supported by the RCA and CRC, but they
desire to be supported by the local community as well to
invest in the future of GOD’s church.
What is Oasis doing right now?
Oasis meets on Sunday nights for worship, study, teaching, training, and fellowship. Knowing their
audience, they chose Sunday nights to gather to accommodate students who go home for the weekend.
Oasis has also developed four, student led, life groups that meet weekly to study and dig deeper into
GOD’s Word; this year’s topic of study has been the book of John. Oasis’s leaders, Daniel and Sherry,
meet weekly with student leaders to train, guide, and help these young leaders grow and mature in their
own faith.
What will Oasis do? In the future, Oasis plans to help students who are interested in ministry attain
internships with local churches.
How do I get involved?
If you are interested in more information, or would like to get involved please contact Sherry Teerman
ELI House of Study
What is ELI?
ELI (Experiential Leading and Instruction) House
of Study was developed to provide effective
theological training and education to equip
church leaders who might not have the means or
ability to attend seminary fulltime. ELI can also
be a stepping-stone to seminary for those who
are sensing GOD’s call into ministry.
Through a network of qualified instructors, some
from Western and some from Calvin Seminary,
ELI teaches eight units of classes over a ninemonth time frame. Each unit is roughly four
weeks and provides an academic shepherd to
help participants with writing and integration
into everyday life- how to apply what JESUS
teaches in every moment.
What is ELI doing right now?
The first House of Study started in October 2013
with five participants and alternates meeting at
The Bridge and Vanguard North on Tuesday
nights for two and a half hours. ELI participants
are selected through an application process and
new applications for the Sept 2014 group will be
out in February.
What will ELI do?
In the future ELI is looking to expand by conducting
seminars to train elders and deacons. ELI is also
developing an application based Bible study (a twoyear Bible survey of the Old and New Testament)
that will be open to the public.
How do I get involved?
If you are interested in more information or would
like to get involved please contact one of the codirectors,
Daniel Teerman
Jennifer Nederhood
“ELI provides theological education for everyone”
Daniel Teerman