open this file for complete descriptions

First Fridays: Professional Development Series
Date: November 6
Title: About Attrition: Effective Retention is a By-Product of Effective Education
Description: Join your colleagues for a new and interesting professional development workshop on the
first Friday of each month. Explore different aspects of the community college student population and
learn new techniques for helping all students succeed. For November, explore common barriers that
prevent students from degree completion and discuss strategies to help them succeed and make it
through a degree program. This workshop will be led by Marianne Niese, First Year Experience
Date: December 4
Title: We are All Advisors Here: Appreciative Advising Across the Curriculum
Description: Join your colleagues for a new and interesting professional development workshop on the
first Friday of each month. Explore different aspects of the community college student population and
learn new techniques for helping all students succeed. If you think December’s workshop is only for
academic advisors, think again! Jennifer Martin, Program Chair Associate of Arts and Associate of
Science Degrees, will (re)introduce the six phases of Appreciative Advising—a framework based on
Appreciative Inquiry theory—and discuss its positive impacts on the educational experience.
Date: February 5
Title: Underprepared & Disengaged: Strategies to Promote Student Success
Description: Join your colleagues for a new and interesting professional development workshop on the
first Friday of each month. Explore different aspects of the community college student population and
learn new techniques for helping all students succeed. For February, Instructor of Biology Mark
Tiemeier will discuss practices that support student success in the classroom. Community college
students frequently face long odds and unexpected challenges along their academic path—don’t miss
this essential workshop on promoting student learning, retention, and completion.
Date: March 4
Title: Trauma Triggers: Tactics to Help Students with PTSD Succeed
Description: Join your colleagues for a new and interesting professional development workshop on the
first Friday of each month. Explore different aspects of the community college student population and
learn new techniques for helping all students succeed. For March, Dr. Heather Hatchett, Instructor and
Department Chair of Psychology, will help you learn how to recognize the signs that a student has been
exposed to trauma and identify approaches to communication and referral that can help students
Date: April 1
Title: Unable or Unwilling?: Managing Difficult Students (& Disruptive Classrooms)
Description: Join your colleagues for a new and interesting professional development workshop on the
first Friday of each month. Explore different aspects of the community college student population and
learn new techniques for helping all students succeed. Todd Majestic, Instructor of Mathematics, will
discuss reasons why students may not be engaged and respectful of academic culture and explore
techniques and strategies for classroom management.
Date: May 6
Title: What is Typical Behavior?: Supporting Students with Autism
Description: Join your colleagues for a new and interesting professional development workshop on the
first Friday of each month. Explore different aspects of the community college student population and
learn new techniques for helping all students succeed. For May, learn about atypical behavioral and
personality traits that students on the autism spectrum might exhibit, and discuss strategies to help
students with autism succeed at Cincinnati State. This workshop will be led by Meredith Effler,
Instructor of English and Literature.