request for proposal - Sinclair Lewis Foundation

Sinclair Lewis Boyhood Home (Sauk Centre, MN)
Historic Structure Report
Release Date: July 5, 2015
Staff Member Contact: Jim Umhoefer, President Sinclair Lewis Foundation
phone: 320.429.0825
address: 39336 Wild Rose Ct.; Sauk Centre, MN 56378
The Sinclair Lewis Foundation of Sauk Centre, MN is seeking proposals from qualified firms
who are interested in providing a Historic Structure Report on this property, listed on the
National Register of Historic Places.
The Sinclair Lewis Foundation is seeking to obtain an Historic Structure Report (HSR)
regarding the Sinclair Lewis Boyhood Home and Carriage House at 812 Sinclair Lewis Ave. in
Sauk Centre, MN.
The scope of the HSR should reflect the standards outlined in Preservation Brief 43 (Deborah
Slaton, National Park Service) including:
Historical Research
Existing Condition Survey
Measured Drawings and Record Photography
Materials Investigation and Testing
Evaluation of Significance
Selection of a Treatment Approach and
Development of Work Recommendations
Professional Requirements for this HSR involves a team that includes:
1. An Historic Architect with a professional degree in architecture or a state license to
practice architecture, plus one of the following:
a. At least one year of graduate study in architectural preservation, American
architectural history, preservation planning, or closely related field; or
b. At least one year of full-time professional experience on historic preservation
Such graduate study or experience shall include detailed investigations of historic
structures, preparation of historic structures research reports, and preparation of plans and
specifications for preservation projects.
2. An Architectural Historian with a graduate degree in architectural history, historic
preservation or closely related field, with coursework in American architectural history, or a
bachelor's degree in architectural history, historic preservation or closely related field plus one
of the following:
a. At least two years of full-time experience in research, writing, or teaching in
American architectural history or restoration architecture with an academic institution,
historical organization or agency, museum, or other professional institution; or
b. Substantial contribution through research and publication to the body of scholarly
knowledge in the field of American architectural history.
3. A Curator with an undergraduate or graduate degree in art history, historic preservation,
architectural history, or closely related field with coursework in American architectural history,
late 19th-early 20th century home furnishings and artifacts plus one of the following:
a. At least two years of full-time experience in research, writing, or teaching in
American architectural history or restoration with an academic institution, historical
organization or agency, museum or
b. At least one year of full-time professional experience on historic preservation
Proposals must be in writing and must be received by noon on Tuesday, July 21, 2015.
Proposals may be submitted via mail to Jim Umhoefer; President-Sinclair Lewis Foundation;
39336 Wild Rose Ct.; Sauk Centre, MN 56378. Questions may be addressed to Jim
Umhoefer via email ( or phone (320.429.0825).
In order to ensure a fair review and selection process, firms submitting proposals are
prohibited from contacting any other organization members regarding these proposals.
1. Title page (name, address, phone, contact person, date)
2. Table of contents
3. Statement of the proposal (work, timetable, availability)
4. Consultant's/firm's profile, history and experience (including references)
5. Resumes of staff demonstrating how they meet the professional standards outlined above
6. Fees and method of payment
7. Other information that is helpful in demonstrating the proposer's ability to successfully
complete the HSR.
Proposals will be reviewed and evaluated, with a selection being made by the officers
of the Sinclair Lewis Foundation Board, by July 24, 2015. Selection criteria will be based upon
best value and the most advantageous proposal, including:
a. Quality of performance on previous projects
b. Timeliness of performance on previous projects
c. Level of client satisfaction on previous projects
d. Previous project budget performance and ability to minimize cost overruns
e. Documented qualifications of key personnel, meeting the Secretary of the interior's
Professional Qualification Standards
f. Demonstrated ability to successfully complete an HSR that meets the Secretary of
the Interior's Standards and Guidelines
1. HSR completion date will be negotiated following the selection process.
2. For background information regarding Sinclair Lewis, his boyhood home, etc., visit: