Functional Pain Scale (click to form)

Functional Pain Scale
(Adopted from Roy Matheson)
Patient Name: __________________________________________
Please look at the scale below. Use the scale to fill in the three blanks below by picking ONE
number to describe:
Your pain level today: ________
Your pain level at its worst in the last week: ________
Your pain level at its best in the last week: ________
You can use a half point if your pain is somewhat above or below a certain limit.
Worst imaginable pain. Causes you to be completely
incapacitated and barely able to talk. Requires
immediate emergency hospitalization.
Pain that causes disability between levels 7 and 10.
Nearing need for hospitalization.
Severely disabling pain. You cannot use or move the
painful area. You have difficulty talking and
concentrating on anything but the pain. Needing to lie
down and/or pain-related tearfulness are also common.
Pain that causes disability between levels 5 and 7.
Very disabling pain. Causes great difficulty
moving or applying any strength through the painful
area. You are unable to complete the current activity.
Pain that causes disability between levels 3 and 5.
Functionally disabling pain. Pain that is starting to
affect your ability to perform the current activity (for
example decreased movement, decreased speed,
and/or the need to briefly rest and/or stretch in
order to continue completing the current activity).
Non-disabling pain. The pain is present, but
not yet at a level which limits you from
performing the current activity.
No pain or discomfort.