WWII Unit: Lesson 2

Erica Davis 5th Grade: WWII Unit: Lesson 3
Standard: 5.54 Evaluate the constitutionality of Japanese internment during the war. (C, E, P, H)
 Bill of Rights:
 Article 1: http://www.ushistory.org/us/51e.asp
 Article 2: https://edc2012.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/the-civil-liberties-act-of-1988was-signed-by-president-ronald-reagan-to-pay-each-surviving-japanese-americaninternee-20000-for-damages-caused/
 Propaganda Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OiPldKsM5w&safe=active
Time Length: 1 hour
Pre-Requisite Information: Students should have already learned about the start of World War
II and the bombing of Pearl Harbor before beginning this lesson.
 The teacher will start the lesson by reviewing the bombing of Pearl Harbor for a few
minutes to remind students of the events that took place.
 Next the students need to be presented with the question of What do you think will
happen next? Students should be given an opportunity to discuss with their shoulder
partner. The students will then share out their thoughts.
 The teacher can either show Article 2 (Focus on the Pictures first) and/or the
Propaganda Video. Give the students about 3-5 minutes to write down what their
thoughts are based on the article and/or video. Did they think it was fair to move people
just because of their heritage? What do they think gives the government the right to
move people like that? Next have the students find 3 other people to share their ideas
with and hear what other students thought. They may write down the new ideas from
the other 3 students.
 Pass out article 1 and the Bill of Rights. Place students into small groups. Have each
group read over the first 3 paragraphs in the article and the Amendments. Complete
one of the following activities:
Group Activity 1 - Each group should determine if there was an amendment to justify
why the Japanese could be legally detained during this time. If students are unable to
find an amendment to back up the actions, they should then determine what the driving
force was behind the internments. (Students should come to a general conclusion that
most of the internment was done through a prejudice due to the bombing of Pearl
Harbor and other events happening around the world during WWII. Finish reading the
article to see what the final results of internment were
Group Activity 2 – Divide the class into 2 groups. Tell one side that they are to defend
the internment of Japanese during WWII and to justify why this event should take place.
The other groups should be against Japanese internment. They should also be able to
justify why internment should not happen. After each side has had an opportunity to
prepare, have the students debate Japanese internment. After the debate finish reading
the article to see if internment was legal or not.