Mini Grant - Visiting Writers SP 16

MSJC Foundation Mini-Grant Responses
1. What is the project? The MSJC Visiting Writers Series
2. Project Description: Describe how the Foundation Mini Grant will be consistent with the Mission and
goals of the college.
The MSJC Visiting Writers Series provides accessible, equitable and innovative educational opportunities
for our students in that it provides opportunities for students to meet and discuss creative writing with
award-winning published authors and poets. These opportunities assist students aspiring to achieve
their academic, career and personal development goals in creative writing and the arts. The series
empowers writing students, in general, and English majors with the skills and knowledge needed to
participate meaningfully in today’s complex world and in their chosen art.
3. Project Justification: Describe why you think this project should be supported by the Foundation and
how the project will enhance and/or improve the educational experience of students and/or the
institution. Include references to your program review, if applicable.
The project supports the mission of the college as well as serving as an outreach program since the
series is free and open to the public. It will enhance and improve the educational experience of
students, particularly writing students, as noted in #2, and draw public attention to the college.
4. Project Schedule: Outline the activities that need to take place and the month and year they will
occur. You may have multiple dates and activities depending on the request.
1. Ron Salisbury will visit MSJC on February 26th to engage in a conversation with creative writing
students as well as engage in an interview and offer a reading from his poetry collection: Miss Desert
Inn. The interview and reading are open to the public.
2. Alumnus and Phil K. Dick award-winning author Meg Elison will visit MVC on April 7th to engage in a
conversation with creative writing students about her writing, publishing, and novel as well as engage in
an interview and offer a reading from her novel: The Book of the Unnamed Midwife. The interview and
reading are open to the public.
5. Budget Detail: Indicate the appropriate budget category and then fill in the amount you are
requesting for that category. Categories you may want to use are: personnel, equipment, supplies,
contract services, print services or other.
Ron Salisbury
Other: $350 May be used for travel, housing, printing, or contract services.
Meg Elison
Other: $350 May be used for travel, housing, printing, or contract services
Thank you for your consideration,
Ricki Rycraft