The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks, and Giants of the Ocean

Values Continuum for
The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks, and Giants of the Ocean by Susan Casey
Designate two different areas of the room “agree” and “disagree” with the middle of the room representing
“neutral.” The facilitator will read a statement and participants will stand in the place that represents their
opinion (agree-neutral-disagree). Once everyone has settled along the continuum, ask people to raise their
hands to explain their own rationale for their physical location. Explain to participants that the purpose of this
activity is to encourage discussion and be respectful and open minded of other opinions – the room is safe and
confidential zone. Move on to a different statement when the discussion lulls. If the participates are confused,
read an example statement such as “My room is clean” and have them move and clarify from there.
*You do not have to use all the statements below.
1. I came to UNCW because it is close to the ocean.
2. After reading The Wave, I have a better understanding of the effects of climate change.
3. Climate change is going to be the cause of many natural disasters, such as massive waves, in our
4. After reading The Wave, I will take more precautions and learn more about the natural weather
occurrences associated with the ocean.
5. Throughout The Wave, the riders demonstrated respect for the waves. I respect that learning
something new takes time and patience.
6. On page 38, 47-year-old Brett Lickle talked about his belief in instinct, intuition, and “the wisdom of
listening to that faint, whispering voice in your head when it advises you to stay onshore.” I pay
attention to “my gut” when confronting a new situation.
7. On page 362, after riding Jaws for her first time, Susan Casey wrote, “I had always known that big wave
surfers were addicted to their pursuit. Now I knew why.” I have participated in activities outside of my
comfort zone and have learned from it.
8. After reading this book, I am more aware of the dangers of the ocean.
9. This book made me eager to learn about the ocean.
10. Like Laird in The Wave, I try to push myself beyond my limits.
11. Science can always explain everything.
12. I prefer to confront obstacles rather than to run from them.
13. Fearlessness is ignorance.
14. I am going to change my lifestyle after reading this book.
15. I have a new understanding for the value of life.
16. In the future, I will approach tasks that need to be accomplished with a positive attitude.
17. I never judge a situation until I better understand the circumstances.
18. I have new understanding of the science associated with the ocean.