TALONS LearnerInterestAchievementSurvey

Present School:
List your top five reasons for wanting to be in the TALONS Program:
Do you demonstrate any of the following: (insert a check bullet
next to any that apply to you):
Learn rapidly and easily
Seek in-depth knowledge in a variety of areas
Demonstrate excellence in one specific area
Develop many diverse ideas
Seek the unknown or the unusual
Express intense interest in one area
Please explain why you demonstrate the selected items above:
What sports/music, if any, have you played in school and/or the community during the past three years?
Number of hours a week
List the years during which you
participated in this sport
What non-sport/music related Activities/ Volunteering have you participated in at school and/or in the community
during the past three years? (ie. Scouting, Girl Guiding, Cadets, RAK Club, Environment Club, etc.)
Number of
Describe your roll/responsibilities List the years during which
hours a week
you participated in this
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ADHERE to the Word limit for the questions below:
What else do you like to do in your spare time? Describe your interests, activities and hobbies. Explain how and why you
have chosen these areas? (250 words)
Why you wish to participate in the Autonomous Learner Model? (100 words)
What area are you particularly interested in studying and why? (50 words)
What have you done beyond the classroom that shows your interests in learning? (100 words)
What skills, talents or abilities are you able to contribute to the TALONS community? (200 words)
Now, tell one story about yourself that would best provide us, either directly or indirectly, with an insight into the kind
of person you are. For example, the story can simply relate a personal experience, or a humorous anecdote; it can tell
about an especially significant academic encounter or about an unusual test of character. The possibilities are unlimited
(well, almost so). You choose. (250 words)
What are your favorite subjects in school? Why? (250 words)
What do you enjoy the most and least about doing group projects? Explain in detail. (150 words)
Describe what you like the most about school and learning and why. (250 words)
Describe what you like the least about school and learning and why. (250 word limit)
What types of exploratory or electives in school do you enjoy the most? What type of electives would you like to take in
secondary school? (50 word limit)
Please rate yourself with a one (least like me) to a five (most like me). Make sure you put only one score for each item
and do not leave any blank.
Am curious about things
Complete assignments ahead of time
Am bored much of the time with usual classroom assignments
Hide my abilities and intelligences
Am an independent, self-directed learner
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Am extremely creative in thought and in action
Have many outside-of-school interests and/ or passions
Have the abilities but not the desire to complete work
Am awkward or afraid to participate in class
Am self-confident and have a positive self-concept
Am losing my creativity and autonomy
Need the differentiation of gifted programming more than others
If applying for the additional leadership 10:
How do you feel about participating in outdoor activities? (150 word limit)
What type of outdoor activities do you currently do in your spare time? Describe in detail (150 word limit)
Describe your level of interest in developing leadership skills and planning activities for the group and for the
community-at-large? (250 word limit)
What skills do you hope to learn in leadership 10? (150 words)
What can you tell us about your special abilities or passions related to leadership? (250 word limit)
(Outdoor) Leadership 10 requires at least 100-120 hours beyond the regular school schedule. Leadership trip/ event and
project planning, implementation and evaluation meetings, fall retreat, Adventure trip practice trips, May long weekend
adventure trip, community service learning projects and volunteering, cultural events, certifications (e.g. First Aid,
canoeing and kayaking) and in-depth projects run mostly outside the regular school timetable. In order, to be
successful and to be fully engaged on this course, you need to be available for Friday lunch meetings, after school
sessions, evening hours and quite a few weekends throughout the entire school year! Please comment on your
availability beyond the regular school hours. In other words, how you are going to balance your other passions,
interests, hobbies and pursuits with this course? (200 word limit)
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