2014-12-09_CPTC Minutes

CPTC MEETING - St. Jude School
Pat Gowdy (IP)
Bobbi-Lyn Smith (Chair)
Tatiana Fernandez (Sec)
Cindy Mitchell (Treas) Michele Pizzimenti (Treas) Helen Nordemann-DaSilva
Janet Wheeler
Pat Cascoigne
Carrie Graat
Joanna Teixeira
Sabrina Pereira
Shelley Charlton Margy Kuperschmidt Madame Madryzk
Dec 9, 2014
Jenn Basler (Treas)
Renee Green
Jodi Thompson
Welcome, Introductions and Opening Prayer
Lifetouch Canada Photography: Doug Stapells
He presented his company and the services he offers.
Principal’s Report: Pat Gowdy (Interim Principal)
Mr. Gowdy provided an update to members on the current events within the school including:
 Joseph Play – Terrific! 1700 people saw it. Profit - $1,000-$1,500 range. Costs higher ($1800 for
outside assistance vs $1000 in past, $300 for Accomanease software, etc). Mrs. Lewis supported
Wizard of Oz and Joseph. Staff need to know students and parents support it and want it to
continue. Renee/Janice are booking for 2015/16. Candid photos are on display in the front hall.
Students can bring in a 4 BG thumb drive to get copies of the photos. DVD and cast photo order
forms will go home shortly.
 Newsletter - sent home today (pink). Student Parliament has planned a lot of Dec spirit activities!
 Joan Lewis – Planned return for Jan. 5. There is a chance this is not happening. She is seeing her
doctor and will advise shortly.
 Ice Rink – We need approval from the Director. Will ask on Thurs. Will do it if approved and here.
Some financial support would be required for material costs.
 Sports – volleyball finished, Inter. basketball tryouts happening, Inter. Hockey tournament Dec 12
 Primary Christmas Concert – Tues Dec 16 at 7:00pm, includes FDK. For primary parents and
families as the gym is small.
ACT 28: Bobbi-Lyn to see if Joseph photos can be put into link on website.
ACT 29: Bobbi-Lyn to speak to Mrs. Lewis, Renee and Janice re: support for a fall 2015 play production.
Previous Action Items:
ACT 05: Mrs. Lewis to have JK-gr 3 games (“A to Zap, Math circus”, etc) put back on PCs in library lab.
Ms Parente to look into it further to see if we can find an alternate solution that CPTC can assist with.
Cross Country Canada (CPTC paid) is back. (Gr. 3-8 deliver commodities to 80 different cities – Geography).
ACT 14: Mrs. Lewis to determine cost of ordering 50 new folding chairs for assemblies.
Bobbi-Lyn to review quotes with Mrs. Lewis upon her return (purchase within $3-$10 per chair price range).
ACT 18: Mrs. Lewis to investigate re-sizing the soccer goal posts that Board installed recently. Spring‘15
Chairs Report: Bobbi-Lyn Smith
Approval of November 11, 2014 meeting minutes – Approved.
Miscellaneous o Movie Night - ELF on Dec 5 = 40 participants (busy time of year, PG rated movie etc), offered granola
bars too, 6 helpers was fine. Mr. Gowdy renewed the license for 2015. CPTC will target
younger students again with a G movie for next time.
o Crossing Guard Glen – CPTC approved purchase of $100 gift certificate for him. Great that he
participates in Remembrance Day, Joseph play, food drive, etc. We'll think about fundraising
for his surgery.
Ms Jones - not retiring yet
Rosary – 25 grade 2 students receiving sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation. Ms
Crunican is asking $5 per student to support the cost of a local artist coming in to help them
make clay rosaries in Jan. Students will be asked to pay $6 each. CPTC approved paying $5
per rosary x 25 rosaries = $125.
Intermediate Basketball Officials – Mr. J and Mr. D are coaching intermediate basketball. Mr.
J is requesting we support the cost of hiring professional trained officials to referee our home
games (5 boys/5 girls). Basketball is harder to referee than volleyball, play is more intense
and high school seniors are busy with their own sports. CPTC approve paying $30 per game x
10 games = $300.
Virginia Ridley – new City Councillor for our ward wants to attend an upcoming CPTC
meeting. Has particular concern for speed zones on streets near schools.
ACT 30: Jenn to purchase a $100 gift card for Crossing Guard Glen (Loblaws or Freshco or Target).
ACT 31: Bobbi-Lyn to investigate need for medical expense support for Crossing Guard Glen.
ACT 32: Bobbi-Lyn to invite Councillor Ridley to upcoming CPTC meeting.
Previous Action Items:
ACT 23: Bobbi-Lyn to put plans in place for family Advent Wreath making event in Nov 2015.
ACT 24: Joanna to explore options to plan meaningful event (ie. Lent boxes) for Easter 2015.
Committee Reports:
Finance – Jennifer Basler
Bank Balances: General Account - approx. $16,278, Bingo Account - approx. $11,576
Still some expenses to come off before we can see how much we raised from Hot lunch (first term),
Yoyo’s and the Movie Nights.
Transfer to school Council General and Bingo accounts to BMO is underway.
Cindy Mitchell and Michele Pizzimenti officially fully takeover the Treasurer Co-Chair roles in Jan 2015.
Thank you to Jenn for her many years of service as Treasurer for the CTPC. Well done!
ACT 33: Michele to inquire about QSP sales prizes and possible forthcoming invoice.
Bingo - Jon Hickmott, Joanna Teixeira, Cindy Mitchell (no report required)
Upcoming dates: Jan 7, Mar 19, April 4, May 13, June 11, July 18, Aug 20 and Sept 23.
Christmas Baskets - Renee Green
Tickets + money are due Fri Dec. 12. Will extend it until Monday. Tickets will be sold at the beginning of
the Primary Christmas Concert with winners drawn at the end. Donations were down and tickets sales
are at a slower this year. Baskets/cellophane/ribbons expenses = $83.51. Have raised $1800 in past.
ACT 34: Bobbi-Lyn to see if Mr. Q can assist with uploading Christmas Basket photos to the website.
Fundscrip - Jenn Basler
Information flyer sent home late Nov. Deadline to order cards for delivery before Christmas is Dec 10.
Hot Lunch - Carrie Graat
First term finished end of Jan. Second term forms will go home mid-Jan.
House of Jude (baseball) - Janet Wheeler, Kelly Lewis, Brian
New Family Welcome - Carrie Graat (no report required)
(no report required)
Parent Party - Jodi Thompson
An email vote was conducted after the close of the meeting to confirm the date for our Parent Party
(Friday Apr 24th or Saturday Apr 25th).
Fri night is busy after school with quick setup and people tired after a long week of work so the idea of
Sat evening was raised as possibility.
Custodians are there until 9pm on Fri nights as part of their regular work day.
Fri – out by midnight = flat $25 fee
Sat – won’t charge us for setup time
4 hours event (7pm-11pm) = will give us 2 hours free, 2 hours @ $35 per hour = $70 fee
5 hours event (7pm-midnight) = will give us 2 hours free, 3 hours @ $35 per hour = $105 fee
Note: Price may be slightly higher taking event to 1:00am.
Profit in 2013 - $2,000. Profit in 2014 - $2,500.
Result – In considering which evening would draw the most participants 12 of 14 CPTC parents voted to
hold the event on Saturday April 25, 2015. Approved.
Popcorn/YoYo Yogurt - Pat Cascoigne
Yoyo Yogurt – 3 pilot dates in Nov/Dec very successful with 100+ orders each time.
Students love Yoyo’s. Popcorn is more work and profit is almost the same.
CPTC approved continuing to offer “Frozen Friday” Yoyo’s bi-weekly. Do orders Jan-Mar break and then
March break-mid-June.
ACT 35: Bobbi-Lyn to see if hot lunch spreadsheets can be tweaked to work for Yoyo’s order tracking.
ACT 36: Pat Cascoigne to determine Friday dates, draft order form and confirm delivery with supplier.
QSP Campaign - Michelle Pizzimenti
(no report required)
5.11 Samko Toy Sale - Renee Green
Nov 14-19. School gets 10% of sales. Received 10 receipts/waiting for one more. Expect to profit $80.
Social – TBD??
(no report required)
5.13 Spirit Wear – Bobbi-Lyn Smith
Orders received and distributed. Collected = $2,772.60. Invoice = $2,442.89.
Profit = $329.71 + $58 personalized up-sell donation = $387.71.
Achieved goal of ensuring reasonably priced items offered in order to raise school pride and spirit.
Terracycle – Renee Green, Carrie Graat (no report required)
Yearbook – Jamie Weiler, Bobbi-Lyn Smith (no report required)
Luis Photography: Luis Duarte
He presented his company and the services he offers. He has been serving St. Jude for past 4 years.
An email vote was conducted after the close of the meeting.
Both offer – student photos, class photos (inside or outside), staff composites, grad photos, grad
composites, retakes, club/team photos, cast photos, rooftop photos, staff planners, photos for Child
Protection/ChildFind, yearbook software, commission refund to school, door name plates, vinyl banner,
photogifts available (keychains, magnets, calendars, etc)
Lifetouch - online ordering, 80 background choices for online ordering (7-8 paper based), can combine
backgrounds within one package order, supply id/visitor badges, spring portrait fundraising program ($1
per student photographed), large Canadian company/ offers items as gift (vinyl banner)
Luis Photography – online ordering coming in 2015 (will pilot with grads in spring), happy to change any
of the 9 background choices if we wish, will facilitate printing of vinyl banner, could add mouse pad to
photogifts if desired, doesn’t do spring portraits at the moment as feedback he’s received from parents it
that it’s too much with spring sports and dance photos at the same time, quick/flexible service/ own
personal company/ happy to work with us on unique requests, been at St. Jude for 4 years
Result – In considering what offerings/services would be important to the majority of St. Jude families 12
of 15 CPTC parents voted to continue with Luis Photography for 2015/16 school year. Approved.
Social: Bobbi-Lyn Smith
Meeting adjourned to move to my place for holiday potluck and cheer! Thanks for coming everyone.
Next meeting – Tues Feb 10, 2015 @ 7:00pm (in the school library) All Welcome!
Future meetings (2nd Tues of month) – Apr 14, May 12 and June 9
Happy Holidays! See you in 2015.