
Phones: 0705820344/0710197618
Postal Address: 101-40123-Megacity Kisumu
Physical Address: Manyata B sublocation, Kasagam Kuoyo Village
The Kuoyo Vision Sports Club is a project of Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth group. The
club was started in Year 2002 as a club for orphans and vulnerable children who could not
afford formal education, basic needs such as shelter, clothes and food. The Vulnerable children
include those who were abandoned by their parents, whose parents are there but not capable
and those who do not know their parents completely. This project is a follow up to many years
of education and other basic services such as guiding and counseling, clothing, feeding and
Sheltering which are by Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth Group. The project will focus on
upgrading of the current club into a fully fledged Secondary School and equipping it with the
necessary facilities. In the next three months the project will concentrate its activities on
building dormitories and administration block, a block of class rooms, a dining hall, a science
laboratory and a staffroom.
The education provided to local orphans and vulnerable children the new equipment and
supplies purchased through this project and the revenues raised from school fees will generate
sufficient income to ensure sustainability of the project. The projects is targeting to provide
education and enhance sport by nurturing talent of the orphans , to provide education and
sports service over ten thousand orphans and vulnerable children in Kisumu county. An
estimated 100 orphans in the school every year, young children who are the vulnerable and
orphans benefiting from education will become productive member of their community.
The project also seeks to access formal education to the majority orphans and vulnerable
children in Kisumu County, western Kenya who does not have any access to quality formal
education. It will also reduce the distance and the journey the children undertake in looking for
health services since there are so many health units within the town of the county. The project
will provide the desperately needed opportunity and hope for Kisumu county future" women
and men leaders.
The proposed secondary school will be an investment in the future of the orphan and
vulnerable children in Kisumu County. It will be an investment in breaking vicious cycle of
ignorance, diseases, robbery, petty thefts and poverty. It will also be an investment in
strengthening the family, the society and bringing peace and prosperity in our county and
indeed in our country as a whole. It will help the county of Kisumu to grow and mould leadership from destitute children who will share their knowledge expertise with the rest of the
world. The project will be continually monitored, evaluated and controlled by the group
committee members in consultation with participating donors and project beneficiaries.
The ultimate goal of project is to provide shelter, feeding, nurturing sport talents and formal
education to the destitute. Therefore the school will act as a rehabilitation centre for orphans
and vulnerable children. As the group supporting a sport club, the school will enhance the
children's capacity and nature their talent fully in any sport that the child would find interested
in. This will make the children to benefit in two areas: of sport and formal education. Through
contribution from our friends and well wishers like the YSDAK (Youths Sports Development
Alliance of Kenya) we have been able to buy sport facilities necessary for their training and
also we have been able to house some of them by providing them with daily basic needs. We
therefore require additional funding to construct a fully fledged secondary school for these
children so that they may be housed at school and also to increase the number of needy
children in the county to be taken care of by the group members.
Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth Group is an official religious organization within the
Anglican Church of Kenya, with members making a vowed committed to the loving and
services of God and their sisters and brothers in need around the county.
The organization was established in 2002 by three members who are strong in Christianity.
The members were: - Samuel Omondi Kungu, who is the head coach of the Kuoyo Vision
Sports Club, Joseph Onyango Owuondo who is the head of guiding and counseling department
and the late Elizabeth Achieng' the head of ladies department. The organization has its
headquarters in Kisumu town, western Kenya. The organization borders Lake Victoria to west.
To the east it borders Kajulu hill Northern part of the organization centre is international
airport, southern it is situated Kano Plain scheme for rice. It is one of the best groups in
Kisumu County at the moment. It has 25 members with a population of 100 orphans and
vulnerable children being takencare by the members of the organization. The children are fully
registered members of Kuoyo Vision Club. The Kuoyo Vision Sports Club is being sponsored
by members of Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth Group who are the managers of the club.
The religious and community of the organization share the love of God through a variety of
ministries. They have a common call to mission, being ever ready to go wherever they are
needed. They remain open to the spirit in themselves and in other cultures and peoples. They
live in community where they share and support as well as challenges. Provision of education
services is therefore one way of fulfilling our mission.
Since its establishment, the Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth Group has continued to
collaborate with a number of local and international organization and donors to implement
projects in various fields including health, education, and vocational training, relief services ,
conservation of environment by planting trees and cleaning surroundings and evangelization.
For examples
The organization is running the following projects)1: poultry farming, nursery school, tree
planting every year, football tournaments yearly, basic education to couples, management of
HIV/AIDS within the county, conflict resolution, nutritional based education, food security
through various type of planting and changing behavior of orphan and vulnerable children of the
organization including health practitioners primary and secondary teachers and accountants
who will manage the proposed school. Besides, the organization has set aside a ten acre of land
for the proposed school. While many organizations in Kisumu county have shunned the
development of orphans and vulnerable children. We as the organization appreciate the effort.
It is because we appreciate the difficulties that the orphans and vulnerable children are going
through and we are eager to help. Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth Group was started
in 2002 as Kuoyo Vision Sports Club for orphans and vulnerable children. The club is
situated in Nyamasaria village, Manyatta ‘B’ sub location,Kisumu town east constituency,
,kisumu East District West Kolwa location within Kisumu County.
This is the site the organization has proposed to establish the proposed secondary school. The
school will cater for orphans, vulnerable children and children from well to do families. It will
offer the ordinary level curriculum which is approved by the ministry of education and will
instill Christian values and ethics among the children. The school will finance its own
operations through minimal fees charged for services provided, orphans and vulnerable
children will get the services free of charge. School fees will be paid by children from well to
do families and moderately poor ones. The charges will be modest and will be reviewed
regularly in response to the needs of the poor. This will help the school to sustain itself by
paying staff replacement of equipment and meeting other needs.
The school sees to access quality education to the orphans and vulnerable children are an
effective way of improving gender balance and equity in the society. Equity recognizes the
rights of all children to education. The school will introduce the values of fairness and social
justice allocated or shared. The school values lead to ensure elimination of all forms of
discrimination based on gender social-economic status, geographical location, race or religion.
The school will make education relevant to the environment and light the situation of Kenya
and will produce students who will respond to the actual needs, interest and problems of this
country. Relevance in education will enhance equality of gender as well as quality education
itself. Quality of education refers to the development of independent, analytical, creating
potential of the individual, including critical imagination, spiritual and ethical values. It will
humanize young orphans and vulnerable children and liberate them from injustices. The school
seeks to enhance basic education among orphans and vulnerable children. Basic education is
the minimum education every child both poor and rich should have. Basic education includes
communication skills functional literacy, and numeral relevant skills, motivation towards
knowledge acquisition and self confidence in the utilization of knowledge.
Lack of enough finance has been a great challenge to destitute children in Kisumu County.
Lack of school fees by orphans and vulnerable children has contributed to various problems in
Kisumu County.
Majority of the children have engaging been into criminal acts and some unwanted activities in
the society. Many girls who could become future ambitious leaders in our republic are
currently married at the age of less than 18 years.
Majority of girls practicing commercial sexual work in the county are as young as 16years.
Street boys in the county are below 18years.It is very true that majority commercial sex
workers in the town are destitute girls who can be rehabilitated to regain their glory of
integrity. Street boys and early married girls can be rehabilitated to get sharpened to
accomplish their ambitious of becoming future professionals in this country.
Insecurity increases daily within the kisumu town due to the idle boys in the town. Residents in
Kisumu County find it so hard to walk beyond 8:00pm due to the insecurity in the town. No
single door can sleep locked for more than one day. All the insecurity events take effect in
town because of the idle boys and girls in the county. The proposed school is believed to be the
tool to help curb all the problems in the county rising from destitute children.
It is believed that the proposed school will help in sending destitute girls to school hence early
marriage and commercial sexual work will be greatly reduced. We as Kisumu Network
Ambitious are optimistic that the number of street boys and idle ones who are beefing
insecurity in the region will be reduced greatly. We hope that we are going to greatly reduced
insecurity in the county and even reduce the rate of early marriage in the county. The proposed
school is meant to rehabilitate hopeless children to gain their hope and become responsible
people in their communities and to the nation entirely.
This proposal aims to assist the orphans and vulnerable children to acquire formal education.
It aims at responding to increased needs and numerous problems facing orphans and
Vulnerable children. The educations of the destitute have tragically been ignored in Western
Kenya. For centuries orphans and vulnerable children have struggled against opposition from
their own relatives, besides facing blind prejudice from the society and always enduring public
scene many destitute continue to face discrimination in education and some school have been
overtaken and overshadowed by their rich counterparts.
The orphans and vulnerable children are used as domestic workers and their time for education
is actually limited .Domestic work is full time job for the destitute children in Kisumu, Kenya
western part. The destitute children work 17 hours per day which results in physical constraints
and fatigue. 75% of all domestic workers in Kisumu County are destitute children aged below
18 years. Harassments and other abuses of domestic workers are common practices. The
destitute children migration in search of domesticated jobs in urban areas has resulted in
increased prostitution and robbery from destitute girls, boys, respectively for economic reason.
This has in turn increased incidents of HIV/AIDS and fear among the residents of the Kisumu
urban centre due to increased number of street children. They fear the street urchins because of
robbery and grabbing of their belonging for their survival purposes. The destitute child labor is
a rampant practice that continues to keep children out of school. This happen mostly to orphans
who are staying by their relatives who do not to send them to school due to high cost of school
The orphans and vulnerable children suffer the physical ill-being of hunger, sickness, pain and
stress leading to physical weakness and dependence, ignorance due to lack of education, leads
to lack of reclusion of the destitute child. These results to rejection, isolation, loneliness,
insecurity, vulnerability, worry; hunger, fear and unwanted pregnancy among the destitute
girls. Early and forced marriage and sexual exploitation are the order of the day. The place of
the girl destitute child in society has been reduced to practice for raising resources through
Again and again, powerlessness seems to be at the care of the destitute child's life. The stigma
of illiteracy continues to round children. A considerable number of destitute children have
turned to taking alcohol in order to manage and alleviate stress. The proposed school seeks to
rescue the orphans and vulnerable children and help redeem their respect, dignity, confidence
and lost glory.
The obstacles that stand on the way of the orphans and vulnerable children are greater than
ever before. The obstacles to the advancement of the children mean that their education is
constantly interrupted and it is virtually impossible further to learn as day scholars. They
therefore need a boarding school.
Talking to orphans and vulnerable children one can see their desperate need for education, their
despair, frustration, anguish, humiliation, shame and stigma. For each child denied education,
is an opportunity tragically lost.
Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth Group members are the managers of Kuoyo Vision Sports
Club, home of orphans and vulnerable children. Currently the home is supporting 100 orphans
and vulnerable children. 50 are hosted by the club managers. The club have 60 boys and 40
girls. Out of the orphans and vulnerable children, 20 of them are in nursery school 40 of them
are in primary school, 10 of them are in secondary school, 10 of them are in technical school
and 2 are in university and 18 of them did not join secondary school due to lack of school fees.
Those did not join secondary school are all married and boys amongst them are boda boda
riders. The organization would manage to host only 50 of them and remaining 50 are with their
different relatives. The children posses the biggest challenge in terms of care and upbringing.
Only four of group members are capable of taking care of 100 orphans and vulnerable and this
is a strain on the ability of the coordinators to provide effective services to the children. The
goal of the organization is to improve the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable children like
street children, children orphaned through HIV/AIDS and any other destitute child. Currently
the organization members provide shelter, food, clothing, health care and other needs to the
children hosted by four co-coordinators of the club who are the executive members of Kisumu
Network Ambitious Youth Group. The club by help of the executive officials of the group acts
as real home to these homeless children. Apart from providing home services, the club together
with the youth group supports education. The Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth[C B O] is a
registered charitable institution recognized by the government of Kenya and working under
Anglican Church the diocese of Maseno South.
The Kisumu Network Ambitious youth Group's intervention in taking care of the said orphans
are and vulnerable are the following:1. Provision of all basic needs to the children such as food, clothing, shelter and health
2. Provision of education including the basic primary, pre-primary and post primary
3. Guidance and counseling to the children parents and the guardians
4. Pastoral work to the children, parents and guardians. Community based health care and
hygiene in collaboration with the Christian community who assist with the little they
5. Technical training such as carpentry, electric mechanic, driving, embroidery,agriculture
and others.
6. The surrounding of the club has been badly affected by poverty and HIV/AIDS and this
makes it very difficult for the community to support the club. That is why the
organization seeks for your assistance.
The needs of this project were primarily identified by the local community in collaboration
with Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth[C B O]. The needs being addressed are:
Poverty at the household level which force parents and guidance to make a choice as to
which children to enroll in school.
Poor teaching and lack of conducive learning environment which leads to lack of
Need to access quality education services to the orphans and vulnerable children and to
the local communities as a whole.
Inadequate or lack of secondary education services for the poor and destitute children in
Kisumu County.
Lack of proper way of guiding and counseling to the orphans and vulnerable children
which has led to preventable cases of prostitution and criminal acts.
Negative guiding perception of the value of investigating in destitute education.
Teenage pregnancy and lack of policy implementation on the re-admission of girls who
drop out for this reason. Many school heads are unwilling to re-admit such girls in their
Lack of role models, especially in rural areas and in higher levels of education, more so
in the science and technical subjects.
The most urgent priority is to ensure access to, and improve the quality of education for
orphans and vulnerable children. And to remove every obstacle that hampers their active
participation. All ability stereotyping in education should be eliminated.
The proposed project corresponds to the Kisumu Network Ambitious youth[C B O] is a
Christian ministry to the world through provision of education.
The main goal of this project is to access quality education to orphans and vulnerable children
who do not have any access to quality education. It will reduce the distance and the journey
that orphans and vulnerable children travel in looking for school at the moment. Another goal
is to upgrade the current Kuoyo Vision Sports Club into a fully fledged secondary School for
both boys and girls and equipping it with the necessary facilities. The project will concentrate
its activities on classrooms, dining hall, a science laboratory and staff house.
An additional goal is to increase sustainability of the school by procuring school equipment
which will be used for education purposes provision of fees paid by students will be used to
expand and sustain the school for the benefit of future orphans and vulnerable children.
Another major goal is to reduce ignorance among orphans and vulnerable children due to lack
of education which leads to the exclusion of the destitute children. The school also aims at
reducing rejection, isolation, loneliness, insecurity,
pregnancies, early and forced marriages and sexual exploitation among orphans and vulnerable
children especially girls.
To facilitate the development of the orphans and vulnerable children with education
needs, spiritually, mentally, socially and physically.
To develop in the children the potential for analytical and productive abilities so that
they may excel in learning and in their future careers.
To assist the orphans and vulnerable children acquire a sustainable basic foundation
For the world of work in the contract of economic and manpower of needy. . To assist
orphans and vulnerable children develop positive self-concept and proper attitudes
towards life, based on moral and religious values.
To develop in orphans and vulnerable children skills of copyi!and independent living
aimed at rehabilitation and adjustment to the society
To properly identify, assess needy and vulnerable children and to provide for early
To educate the public about the needs and potentials of the orphans and vulnerable
children and the method of integrating them in the society.
To provide comprehensive educational facilities, materials, equipments and a set of
trained teachers, professional and support.
To provide opportunities-for orphans and vulnerable children who complete and pass
standard to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes and understanding in prescribed or
selected fields of study.
To prepare orphans and vulnerable children for tertiary and higher education,
vocational technical and professional training while at the same time promoting virtues
of desires, disciplines, proper morals, a sense of duty, comradeship, fairness and selfconfidence.
To participate in the provision of quality education to orphans and vulnerable children
through improved teacher management and introduction and use of appropriate
performance and evaluation strategies.
To increase the number of primary school leavers joining secondary education in the
regions well as at tertiary level.
To sensitize the parents community on the importance of education, in particular for
orphans and vulnerable children and the community at large.
A secondary school for orphans and vulnerable children is established. At the end of
four years about 400 students will have completed secondary school.That is at least 100
per year.
Knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired for the orphans and vulnerable children.
Strengthened decision making and negotiating skills, a self-esteem and productivity
Increased guidance and well wishers aspirations for their orphans and vulnerable
children they are taking care of
Increased men's and women to knowledge, skills and participation in the wider society.
Feeding of the children
The children are provided with food and enjoy three meals per day. Besides food, they are
assisted with clothing and shelter to some of them.
Education is a must to all the children. The group members pay school fees to some of
them. Follow up to ensure the children do their homework and private studies are also
Guiding and Counseling
Depending on different background of the children, trauma or any other reason that call for
counseling, the children are counseled either
singly or in groups. Guardians are also
counseled to show love to the children and they are also taught on the fundamental rights of
children. This is done during home visits or when parents pay visits to the club centre.
Health Care
The club caters for the heath well being of the children. The children are also taught on
personal hygiene in collaboration with Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth Group.
The club provides recreational facilities for the children e.g. soccer Volleyball, drama,
music and cricket.
Purchasing and transportation of raw materials.
Bags of cement will be bought from Kisumu town to the site of construction at Nyamasaria
centre by road. They will be stored in secure and safe parish where house.
Blocks and bricks will be bought from various sites of mounding and transported to the
construction site by road. They will be put under tight security both day and night.
The order of the black and from rift valley province in Kenya will soon follow and sand
from Doldol which will be used during plastering .Purchasing of the iron and door will be
done and amount of deposit will be given.
Storage and transportation of goods.
A coherent plan will be put in place to ensure safe procurement, handling ,storage,
transportation of the goods (like the tiles, soft boards, windowpanes(glass)plumbing
materials, electrical materials) and accounting of all the commodities.
After the purchasing of the commodities, fixing of soft boards will start followed by the
All commodities will be stored at the warehouse.
At the warehouse stock cards will be used to keep track of goods and clear use of
Continuation of the construction work and equipment.
The proposed project will start in early 2014 and will take 12 months. The establishment and
completing the construction work will start upon receiving the funding, the co-coordinator
together with the excusive officials will hire a contractor who had been doing the same
construction before and immediately undertake the construction work while reporting directly
to three executive officials of the group. The contractors will undertake to do the building,
plastering, fixing of the doors, electrical fittings, wardrobes, fixing of the tiles and planting
roofing and all necessary finishing. He /she will also undertake the fixing of window and door
panes (glass) install water storage facilities and build drainage system.
On completing of the construction work, the building will be equipped with the items listed in
the budget
Hiring of academic administrative and non- professional staff will be carried out by the
Kisumu Network Ambitious Youth Group and Anglican Diocesan education committee in
collaboration with Kisumu Network Ambitious Youths Group Members.
Invitation of applications for admission from prospective students and parents screening of
applications and enrolling prospective candidates.
The project will be monitored and evaluated at constant intervals of 1 month to ensure
whether or not the project goes as planned. The exercise of monitoring and evaluation will
be done by the education committee of the docean and Youth Group Members with a view
to detect any weakness and / or pitfall during the implementation period. Once pitfalls are
detected the committee will institute immediate intervention measure in order to enable the
project to realize its objectives.
The evaluation will also help improve project performance. It may recommend charges in
input processes, administration, modification of objectives and other important aspects
which might be considered to affect success. The project will be monitored and evaluated
with respect to the following indicators:
The construction work undertaken in relation to the time spent, quantity and type of
materials and equipment secured in relation to the budget allocated.
The number of students enrolled and the quality of education provided as indicated
by national examinations.
The success of staff in developing positive relationship with students’ parents and
the local community. The level of sustainability achieved.
Track progress of the project to enable the team and management to take timely
significant from original plans.
Revise the project plan (If necessary) for remaining work
Track and review actual project accomplishment for the project plan, monthly
progress review, Report updates and list action items , plan and schedule actual
The principal project activities within the scope of this proposal are listed in table 3.1
Table 3.1 Project Activities
Preparation of recommendations for raw materials
1st Jan to 30th Jan 2014
to be used for construction
Preparation of recommendation for design in
1st Jan to 30th Jan 2014
which the school should be built
Chairing meeting on how the project shall be
1st Jan to 30th Jan 2014
Searching for the security guards for the building
1st Feb to 5th Feb 2014
Content development Installations
6th March to 30th July 2014
Fixing of windows and doors
1st August to 14th August
15th August to 22nd August
Finishing of the building
Coloring and decorating of the structure
1st Sep to 30th Sep 2014
1st October to 20th October
Equipping of the laboratories
1st October to 30th
Equipping of library
Equipping of dormitories
1st Nov. to 30th Nov 2014
Equipping of the administration block
1st Nov to 30th Nov 2014
Table 3.1 Project Activities
Testing if the laboratories are working
1st Dec to 8th Dec 2014
Inspection of the books in the school library if
1st Dec to 5th Dec 2014
1st Dec to 20th Dec 2014
Testing the administration facilities
Hiring of non –teaching staff and putting them on
probation if they are competent
1st to 15th January 2015
Training programme for the selected qualified
1st January to 30th January
Training programme for technicians
1st Feb to 30th 2015
1. Project manager (full- time)
- Responsible for hiring project staff, overseeing project development and operation
establishing and maintaining links will also be responsible for documenting the project
progress and for the preparation of the final report.
2. Development of engineers (Full- time)
-Responsible for developing and configuring the content developing and content management
system:- installation of plumbing electricity installation and laboratory machines.
3. Supervision /Facillator (Full –time)
Responsible for technical supervision on the development Engineers and content Developers
4. Technician (Full- time)
-Responsible for maintaining school laboratories and any other machine
5. Teacher (Full- time)
- Responsible for conducting teaching programs of the school.
6. Matron / Patron (Full- time)
7. - Responsible for guiding and counseling of the students for both boys and girls in need.
They will also lead both spiritual and social activities within the school.
Of the resources required for the projects the collaborating partners will make the following
contributions:1. The youth Sport Development Alliance of Kenya (YSDAK) will provide the school with all
sport facilities and pay school fees to some needy children.
2. The Young Women Christian Association (YWCA)-Kisumu branch will use the school for
locating a centre for voluntary counseling Test and initiate more projects like various types of
3. Women Fighting Aids in Kenya (WOFAK) will use the school for allocating social services
programs and also controlling Aids among the community members. This will give students
opportunity to visit those offices easily since they will be within the school compound.
4. Funds rising from every well wisher in the country.
The needed resources are listed below
Needed Services
Activity Description
A –E,
Project Manager (full-time)
B,B2,B3 &C1,C4
Development of Engineers (Full-time )
C4, D3 &E3, C
B1, A2,A1 & A4
Materials for contraction ,artist for
Uncountable artist and four
designing the structure and security men
security men
to facilitate safety in the school
Laboratory gas and all chemical necessary 1 gas for each laboratory
for a school laboratory
Buying updated books for the school to
enhance learning
880 text books
Buying of bed for the students
Giving each and every office the necessary
instruments like computers e.t.c
Hiring of non- teaching staffs
20 workers.
Training teachers
Training technicians for laboratories
4 technicians
Summary of project cost
Cost (Kshs)
A summary of the project cost is presented in table 3.3 the sources of funding are summarized
below .The detailed budget is attached in the Appendix.
Total direct project cost (Items 1-4)
Expected sources of funding for the project
Applicants Financial
Percentage of total %
Kshs.2,474,000 6.985
Youths Sport Development
Kshs.1,500,000 4.23%
Alliance of Kenya[ YSDAK]
Young Women Christians
Kshs.1,300,000 3.67%
Association (YWCA)
Fund raising from other
Kshs.22650000 21.17%
well wishes around the
country which to be held in
Contribution sought in this
Kshs.7500000 63.95%
1. There shall be no any sign of fund misappropriation and incase of any there will be
quick action to make the organization realizes its goal.
2. We assume that there will be no any theft case of the materials set for the construction
since we have strong confidence with our security and in case of any, the organization
shall liaise with the security agents from within for quick recovery possible.
3. We assume and hope that there will be no any natural calamity or artificial calamity
like fire, earth quack, flood e. t. c which may lead to the destruction of our project and
in case of any, we shall immediately contact all our donors about the happening.
4. We hope that there will be no misconception among the community and group
members which may lead to amalgamation of the organization and incase of any, the
distribution of the asserts will be done according to the constitution of our organization.
5. We assume that everything under this project is going to happen successful until we
meet our goals and see all our destitute children in school till they will one day achieve
their professions to support them in life.
6. We hope that none of our children will be affected by peer pressure to drop out of
school before completing their studies under care.
May God bless the work of our hand to achieve our goal of up lifting all destitute to reach their
future life. We hope that we shall restore their hope in life.