Elementary Essentials Evidence Sources

AVID Elementary Essential
No. 1
Examples of Evidence Sources
and Resources
Use of AVID Elementary Weekly
(lessons and student work samples)
Student work samples of 2 and 3
Column notes in any core content
Administrator observation
documentation of teachers and students
Using WICOR strategies
Evidence of daily use of student
organizational tool (student binders/
Evidence of daily student
agenda/planner use 
Students can locate materials,
assignments and can describe a selfmonitoring system (observation sheets)
Evidence of student collaboration
during lessons/learning (observation
sheets, pictures)
Student samples of written
reflections, journals, or learning logs
Evidence of AVID Curriculum use
(lesson plans, student work samples)
Student samples of written
reflections, journals, or learning logs
Evidence of teachers teaching the 3
levels of questions/thinking (student
work samples, lesson plans)
Students can articulate the different
levels of thinking and questioning in at
least 1 core content area (observation
Evidence of teachers providing
instruction in effective reading strategies
(lesson plans and work samples for
learning logs, graphic organizers, cats
and fish/inner outer circle, think-alouds,
critical reading strategies; observation
Students can articulate at least 3
effective reading strategies ( student
work samples for learning logs, KWL
chart, FLIP strategy, learning wall,
graphic organizers, cats and fish/inner
outer circle, think alouds; observation
Rating for AVID Essential No. 1
Number of Indicators at each level:
Level 0: _____
Level 1: _____
Level 2: _____
Level 3: _____
Overall level for Essential 1:
AVID Elementary Essential
No. 2
Examples of Evidence Sources
and Resources
Samples of lesson plans, student
work (agenda/planners) and observation
sheets showing student support in time
management, goal setting and study
 Observation sheets, student work
samples demonstrating that students
understand expectations of scholarly
behavior, such as “successful student
 Observation sheets indicating that all
students have opportunities to
experience and interact with students of
different abilities, background, and
perspectives in core content areas
 Observation sheets indicating that
teachers ensure equity and access when
grouping students for instruction 
Evidence of site priorities focusing
on family workshops to support
transition into secondary schools for 6th
grade (agendas, sign in sheets, power
Evidence from observations sheets
or pictures showing pennants/posters,
bulletin boards, college fair events…)
Indicating that all students are exposed
to a college-going culture within the
Evidence from pictures and or
agendas for guest speakers, field trips,
college/career fairs…) indicating
all students are exposed to
college/career awareness opportunities
Teachers lessons and student work
samples show evidence of Learning to
write, inquire, collaborate, organize and
read (L-WICOR)
Rating for AVID Essential No. 2
Number of Indicators at each level:
Level 0: _____
Level 1: _____
Level 2: _____
Level 3: _____
Overall level for Essential 2:
AVID Elementary Essential
No. 3
Examples of Evidence Sources
and Resources
Documentation of AVID Summer
Institute Certificates (Principal and other
staff members)
Documentation of PLC meetings
addressing AVID strategies (agendas,
sign in sheets, minutes)
Documentation of AE site team
meetings (agendas, sign-in sheet,
Copy of the campus “Site Priority”
goals and evidence of its use during
Evidence of AE site team providing
AVID awareness during (2 or more)
family workshops (sign in sheet,
agendas, power point, pictures)
List of AE site team members and
calendar of meetings
Evidence of AE site team’s shared
vision, mission and goals for AVID
(agendas, minutes, observation sheets)
Copy of PD Plan showing AVID
strategies (training agendas, sign in
Documentation of PLC meetings
addressing AVID strategies (agendas,
sign in sheets, minutes)
Rating for AVID Essential No. 3
Number of Indicators at each level:
Level 0: _____
Level 1: _____
Level 2: _____
Level 3: _____
Overall level for Essential 3:
AVID Elementary Essential
No. 4
Examples of Evidence Sources and
Copy of annual AVID data collection
Evidence of budget for AVID (campus
membership fees, AVID SI travel,
Copy of the campus “Site Priority” goals
and evidence of its use during meetings
Copy of SMART Goals related to refining
AVID Elementary
Copies of all 4th – 6th grade teacher AE
pre, mid and post year AVID assessments
Evidence of disaggregated data to
inform instruction (AE assessments, campus
Evidence of AE site team providing AVID
awareness during (2 or more) family
workshops (sign in sheet, agendas, power
point, pictures)
List of AE site team members and
calendar of meetings
Evidence of AE site team’s shared
vision, mission and goals for AVID
Rating for AVID Essential No. 4
Number of Indicators at each level:
Level 0: _____
Level 1: _____
Level 2: _____
Level 3: _____
Overall level for Essential 4: