SAFETEA-LU Checklist for and EIS Project

SAFETEA-LU Checklist for an EIS Project
Project Name: <Enter Project Name>
Control Section Job Number (CSJ): <Enter CSJ Number>
District/County: <Enter Name of District/County>
ENV Core Team Member: <Enter Name>
This checklist assures that the essential aspects of the SAFETEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible,
Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users) environmental review process have been
completed for an FHWA Transportation Project requiring an EIS. It should be used as a tool by the
Project Delivery Section throughout the environmental review process for the project. By the time the
ROD is issued, all items on this checklist should be completed, and confirmed by the ENV Core Team
Member. This checklist is not required for a State Transportation Project.
Checking a box indicates confirmation by the ENV Core Team Member that the task has been completed.
1. TxDOT has received a project initiation letter from the project sponsor prior start of
2. Copy of Project Initiation Letter has been placed in official project file.
3. Participating agencies and cooperating agencies have been identified.
4. Notification letters on Participating and Cooperating agency status have been
sent to identified agencies and placed in official project file.
5. Lead/Joint lead agency status has been determined and documented.
6. Coordination plan has been developed with consultation of participating
agencies and placed in official project file.
7. Schedule for the environmental review process has been developed through
consultation with participating agencies and placed in official project file.
8. Opportunity for involvement of participating agencies and the public on purpose
and need has occurred and details of involvement documented in official project
9. Opportunity for involvement of participating agencies and the public for range of
alternatives has occurred and details of involvement documented in official
project file.
10. Appropriate methodology to be used and level of detail required in analysis has
been determined in collaboration with participating agencies and documented in
official project file.
TxDOT Environmental Affairs Division
Release Date: August 2015
Version 1
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