English 2850: Great Works of Literature II Fall 2013 Professor

English 2850: Great Works of Literature II
Fall 2013
Professor: Timothy Aubry
Office: VC 7-298
Phone number: 646.312.3980
Email address: timothy.aubry@baruch.cuny.edu
Office Hours: VC 7298, Mon/Wed: 11AM-12:15PM
(I’m also available to meet at other times by appointment.)
Required Texts (Available at the Shakespeare & Co.):
Norton Anthology of World Literature, Package 2, Volumes D, E, and F, 3rd edition.
Moliere, The School for Wives and The Learned Ladies
Teju Cole, Open City
Two major papers and two revisions: all 4-6 pages long: 60% of final grade
Three Response Papers: 25% of final grade
Class Participation, including oral presentation and blog entries: 15% of final grade
Grading policy:
● Late policy: If you need an extension on a paper, please talk to me before it is
due, and assuming you have a reasonable justification I will be happy to give you extra
time. If you simply hand in your essay late without consulting me, I will deduct half a
grade for each class day that it is late. In other words, an A paper one class day late
becomes an A-, two class days late becomes a B+ etc.
● Attendance is mandatory. Failure to attend regularly and punctually will
have a negative impact on your grade, and missing more than 4 classes
without notifying me ahead of time can be grounds for failure.
Plagiarism policy:
Plagiarism is not permitted at Baruch College. To plagiarize is to steal or pass off the
language or ideas of another writer as your own. Anyone caught plagiarizing will be
given an automatic F for that essay and will be asked to meet with the dean.
You are allowed, of course, to use the language and the ideas of other writers, but you
must acknowledge your sources. When you are repeating another writer’s language
verbatim you must use quotation marks and cite your source with a parenthetical citation
(including the last name of the author and the page number) and an entry in your works
cited list. When you are paraphrasing another writer—putting that writer’s ideas into
your own words—you also must include a parenthetical citation and an entry in your
works cited list.
August 28: Introduction
September 9: Zeami Motokiyo, Atsumori, pp. 5-15
September 11: What is Enlightenment? pp. 101-104; Samuel Johnson, From A
Dictionary of the English Language, pg. 104; Immanuel Kant, “What
is Enlightenment,” pp. 105-110; Rene Descartes, from “The Discourse
on Method,” pp. 110-113 Denis Diderot and Jean Le Rond
D’Alembert, from The Encyclopedia, pp. 114-128; Mary
Wollstonecraft, from A Vindication of the Rights of Women, pp. 133136
September 16: Moliere, The School for Wives, Acts I-II
September 18: Moliere, The School for Wives, Acts III-V
First Response Paper Due
September 23: Jonathan Swift, “A Modest Proposal,” pp. 315-320
September 25: Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, pp. 21-23
John Keats, selected poems, pp. 403-415
September 30: Christina Rossetti, selected poems pp. 490-504
October 2:
Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life, pp. 231-255
October 7:
Frederick Douglas, Narrative of the Life, pp. 255-293
October 9:
Ghalib, selected poems, pp. 587-601
First Paper Due
October 15:
Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, pp. 735-760
October 16:
Leo Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, pp. 760-778
October 21:
Higuchi Ichiyo, Separate Ways, pp. 904-913
Second Response Paper Due
October 23:
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphoses, pp. 207-220
October 28:
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphoses, pp. 220-241
First paper revision due
October 30:
Lu Xun, Diary of a Madman, pp. 244-253; Medicine, pp. 253-259
November 4: In-Class Essay
November 6: Zhang Ailing, Sealed Off, pp. 497-506
November 11: Pablo Neruda, selected poems, pp. 583-599
November 13: Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Death Constant Beyond Love, pp. 986-993
November 18: Tayeb Salih, The Doum Tree of Wad Hamid, pp. 815-824
November 20: Alice Munro, Walker Brothers Cowboy, pp. 911-923
Second Major Paper Due
November 25: Bessie Head, The Deep River, pp. 1098-1104
December 2: Hanan Al-Shaykh, The Women’s Swimming Pool, pp. 1165-1171
December 4: Teju Cole, Open City, pages TBA
December 9: Teju Cole, Open City, pages TBA
Third Response Paper Due
December 11: Teju Cole, Open City, pages, TBA
All paper revisions due