KEY Health Ch. 10 Study Guide - Test T 10/21 Chapter Vocabulary

KEY Health Ch. 10 Study Guide - Test T 10/21
Chapter Vocabulary
1. The taking of more of a drug than the body
can tolerate
2. Drugs that distort moods, thoughts, and
3. Intentionally using drugs in a way that is
unhealthful or illegal
drug abuse
4. People your age who are trying to convince
you to do what they are doing
peer pressure
5. The need for more of a substance to get
the same effect
6. Taking or using medicine in a way that is
not intended
drug misuse
7. A dependency on a chemical substance
that is difficult and painful to stop
drug addiction
8. Drugs that do not need a doctor’s orders
“over the counter” drugs
9. Another way of thinking or acting
10. Drugs are _____ so people who are caught
with them can be arrested and may go to
Types of Drugs
11. Drugs that speed up breathing and heart
rate, giving a false sense of energy and
12. Strong stimulant drugs that speed up the
nervous system, referred to as speed. They
are extremely addictive and dangerous.
13. Forms of male hormones that cause
muscles to grow faster and larger.
14. By inhaling the vapors of household
products, users first get high and then get
sick and confused.
15. Addictive and cause a short feeling of
happiness, but a painful withdrawal. People
frequently overdose on them.
16. Made in laboratories and mixed with
harmful chemicals. At first, they reduce
anxiety, but can cause unconsciousness
and hallucinations.
club drugs
17. Can act as a stimulant or a depressant,
depending on the user.
18. Drugs that slow down the heart and
breathing rates, at first creating a false
sense of well-being and relaxation.
Harm from Drug Abuse
19. Explain one way drugs can harm your physical health.
Brain and nervous system don’t work properly.
Feel nauseated or confused.
Lose control of the ability to walk or talk.
Cause memory loss, seizures, coma, even death.
20. Explain one way drugs can harm your social health.
Difficulty dealing with others.
Cause mood swings and even lead to violence.
Lose touch with what they are really feeling.
Think of only his/her own needs.
Don’t respect or care for family.
Lose friends and end relationships.
21. Explain one way drugs can harm your mental/emotional health.
Weakens ability to think and learn.
Have low self-esteem and trouble relating to others.
Experience depression, anxiety, and confusion.
Feel drugs will be able to solve their problems.
Ways to Stay Drug Free
Be able to recognize a situation that shows these ways to stay drug free.
 Know the reasons for avoiding drugs.
 Use refusal strategies.
 Find alternatives to drug use.
 Resist peer pressure.
Name __________________________ Health Ch. 10 Study Guide - Test T 10/21
Chapter Vocabulary
1. The taking of more of a drug than the body
can tolerate
2. Drugs that distort moods, thoughts, and
3. Intentionally using drugs in a way that is
unhealthful or illegal
4. People your age who are trying to convince
you to do what they are doing
5. The need for more of a substance to get
the same effect
6. Taking or using medicine in a way that is
not intended
7. A dependency on a chemical substance
that is difficult and painful to stop
8. Drugs that do not need a doctor’s orders
9. Another way of thinking or acting
10. Drugs are _____ so people who are caught
with them can be arrested and may go to
Types of Drugs
11. Drugs that speed up breathing and heart
rate, giving a false sense of energy and
12. Strong stimulant drugs that speed up the
nervous system, referred to as speed. They
are extremely addictive and dangerous.
13. Forms of male hormones that cause
muscles to grow faster and larger.
14. By inhaling the vapors of household
products, users first get high and then get
sick and confused.
15. Addictive and cause a short feeling of
happiness, but a painful withdrawal. People
frequently overdose on them.
16. Made in laboratories and mixed with
harmful chemicals.
17. At first, they reduce anxiety, but can cause
unconsciousness and hallucinations.
18. Can act as a stimulant or a depressant,
depending on the user.
19. Drugs that slow down the heart and
breathing rates, at first creating a false
sense of well-being and relaxation.
Harm from Drug Abuse
20. Explain one way drugs can harm your physical health.
21. Explain one way drugs can harm your social health.
22. Explain one way drugs can harm your mental/emotional health.
Ways to Stay Drug Free
Be able to recognize a situation that shows these ways to stay drug free.
 Know the reasons for avoiding drugs.
 Use refusal strategies.
 Find alternatives to drug use.
 Resist peer pressure.