LENT IS HERE - St Vincent de Paul

Paws for thought
I get really excited about people coming to visit (as I am sure anyone who
has hear me at the door will testify.) So a lot of talk of coming and going
sounds great to me - more people to play with. However sometimes
people come for difficult things and its through our little deaths in such
things that often we come to the bigger rejoicing and celebration of the
Cuddles and licks.
Jeremiah 31:31-34
PSALM RESPONSE: A pure heart create for me, O God.
SECOND READING: Hebrews 5:7-9
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
If a man serves me, says the Lord, he must follow
Wherever I am, my servant will be there too
Glory to you, O Christ, you are the Word of God!
John 12:20-30
Church Roof
Much but not all of the work has now been completed ahead of schedule
than you for your patience and support in this. The rest should hopefully
be done before Easter.
Welcome to
St Vincent de Paul’s
East Kilbride
A Parish of the Diocese of Motherwell SCO11041
Tinto Way, G75 9DQ
Tel. 01355 243619
stvincentsek@gmail.com www.stvincentek.org.uk
Parish Priest: Fr Ivan Boyle
Sunday Masses:
Vigil 6pm (Sat), 10am, 11.30am and 4pm on Sunday
Weekday Mass: 9.30, Exposition: Mon-Sat 8.30-9.30am, Confessions sat 10am &
Breakfast Club: After 10 and 11.30 masses on Sundays in hall (for Mary’s Meals)
Sunday 7.00 pm
Each weekday morning after mass in side chapel
Thursday 7.00 pm
Jive class:
Monday 7.30pm in the hall
Legion of Mary: Wednesday morning after 9.30 am Mass
Tuesday 6pm in the Church House
Computer Club: Tuesday 7 pm
Divine Mercy Gp:
Wednesday 7pm in the side chapel
Irish Dancing: Wednesday 7.00pm in the hall
Youth Drama Gp:
Friday 6.30pm in the hall
Tea n Toast:
Thursday after 9.30 Mass (if hall not in use)
All Hall Bookings: Call 01355 265395
The Hall is available for Baptisms, Funerals, Weddings, and other functions at
reasonable rates.
For Hall Catering telephone:
First Collection:
Phil Collins: 01355 223653, or
Kathleen Duncan
(just short of our target of £1500)
your Support
Papal & Episcopal Charities Collection: £1195
Sunday25th March 2012 - Fifth Sunday of Lent
Readings Year B, Divine Office Vol 2 Pss Wk1
What prayer, fasting and almsgiving are we
planning to prepare for the Lord’s sacrifice for
Holy Week Services
East Kilbride - Penitential Services
All services begin at 7.30 pm
Fri, 30th March St Bride
Mon, 2nd April: Our Lady of Lourdes
Tues, 3rd April Here at St Vincent’s
Wed, 4th April
St Leonard
Monday - 1900 Stations of the Cross
Welcome our New Deacon
Led by our Youth Group
Next Sunday our new deacon will start
us. Rev Joe Gallagher has been
Tuesday 3rd April - Day of Exposition
appointed by the Bishop to help us here in
Church will be open for quiet prayer from 0900 1900 when our penitential service will be
St Vincents so I thought we should take a
celebrated. Volunteers required to sit in the
few line just explain what a deacon is.
Church during this time, please add your name to
In the Church we have 3 degrees of
the list if you wish to watch the Church during
ordained ministry - Bishop, Priest and
this time. Thank You
Deacon all ordained by God and the
Holy Thursday
Church for service with slightly different
Morning Prayer
emphasis in their ministry.
Chrism Mass will be celebrated in the
Permanent deacons (like Joe) study for 4
Cathedral Motherwell
years before being ordained by the Bishop
Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
& Washing of Feet & Blessing of all
to serve in a variety of roles within the
Church Ministries
Church. They are usually married and
Prayer at altar of repose
working (You will probably at some point
Night Prayer at Altar of repose
meet Margaret Joe’s wife, Joe works for
Good Friday Walk will start from here
the Royal College of nursing full time) and
and end in St Leonards Church at 1145Anyone
give up much of their other time in service
unable to attend the above can continue The
of the Lord. Apart from occasional
Stations of the Cross in St Vincent’s, followed by a
meetings etc during the week Joe will be
rosary procession in church grounds
here for all masses most but not every
Good Friday
1500 Solemn Passion of the Lord & Veneration
They are ordained to preach the Gospel
of the Cross
Led by young
(so you will hear Joe preach frequently),
to Baptise and Marry (Joe will preside at
1900 Solemn Passion of the Lord & Veneration
some of these services), to assist at
of the cross
Funerals (he may for example receive the
body into the Church and/or go with it to
Special collection will be taken up at Good Friday
the graveyard), to do all sorts of blessings
celebrations for Holy Places.
(so for example he may also bless young
Holy Saturday - at the Tomb of Christ
children who come forward at
Morning Prayer
communion time), to serve to poor and
Vigil Mass of the of the Resurrection
sick, to assist at mass (there are certain
NB. There will be no 1800 Vigil Mass
roles within mass that should if there is a
Easter Sunday
deacon present be said or done by him)
Celebration of Mass
Exposition and Morning Prayer
Mon-Wed before 9.30 Mass
Easter Sunday mass
Parish Youth Group- Sponsored Walk will take place after 4.00 pm Mass TODAY
at the Heritage Park. Sponsor sheet is in the Porch if you wish to sponsor and
support fundraising for the Youth Group visit to Lourdes.
Medjugorje 2012
Fr Ivan will lead a pilgrimage to Medjugorje from 14-21st of October (the School
week) this year, Flying from Edinburgh. Cost £539 Half Board. This is a great
opportunity to visit this special shrine of Our Lady which our own bishop has
called that place where heaven and earth meet. Please see Fr Ivan or Phil Collins
for further
detailsNext course is on Monday 7th May at 1900
SCIAF boxes should be returned over the next few weeks
Table Top Sale 21st April 11.00-15.00 £10 per table.
To book please call Phil Collins 0770 9051558 Kathleen Duncan 01355 223653
Special Intention Box In place of the Garment of Suffering this year, it has been
decided that special intentions during Holy Week can be left in the Box at the
front of the Altar. These will be burnt on our Easter Fire at the Vigil
Celebrations. Special paper for your intentions will be available in the Porch
Mary’s Meals Sponsor a school Fundraising so far: £7195.22 Thank you for your
continued support. After easter we plan to have a launch weekend when we will give
details of where our feeding centre will be built
Fairtrade Stall
Available for purchase in the side meeting room after all Masses. “Take a step
for Fairtrade” - each step brings a change. If we are to bring Christ’s light surely
we must be fair to our brothers and sisters
Palms will be blessed outside before all Masses and we shall process into the
Church (weather permitting)
Stations of the Cross will be prepared and recited by a different Parish group each
Monday evening at 7.00 pm during Lent, this Monday 26th March - Legion of Mary Group
Please Pray for
Sick: Sister Elizabeth O’Donnell, Liz Smith, Andy Williamson,
Sharon McHarg, Katherine McKinnon, Jessie Lang, Cecilia Clark,
Rose McCoach, Kevin Brown, Stewart Smith, Margaret Murtagh,
Michael Leonard, Irene McDonald, Jennifer Henderson, Roger McGraw
Robert Honnan, Deborah Gillen, Olive Cowan, Michael Madden, Reg Prow
Recently Dead Thomas Slinn, Rev Thomas Findlay
Anniversary: James Reynolds, John McKinley, Joan Gray, John Gray