Tardy Policy


Molina High School

SBDM Minutes

January 26, 2015

The SBDM Committee met in Molina High School library at 5:05 p.m. with Rev.

Salazar presiding. The minutes were read, Ms. C. Jones made a motion to accept the minutes as read, Mrs. Randle second the motion. Present at the meeting were: A. Armstrong, E. Esparza, T. Gilmore, C. Jones, C. Martinez, S. Ortiz, S.

Quander, D. Randle, L. Salazar, J. Washington, and S. White.

Department Reports

Yearbook – Ms. Martinez reported that the Yearbook cover has been finalized.

The Jaguar Newspaper’s second edition will include articles on college, the Ford

Dream Assembly and Super Saturday, which will be held on February 21, 2015.

CATE – Mrs. Randle shared there will be an Iron Chef competition on February 13,

2015 from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. It is a Valentine Affair, couples are encouraged to attend. Ticket prices are $8 per couple, $5 for singles.

AVID – Ms. Carter announced that the AVID teachers are in the middle of recruitment. They need freshman students to apply. All applications are due at the end of January.

Social Studies – Mr. Whitley said that his department have several questions about the Tardy Policy and Innovation School.

Special Education – Ms. Chenerial Jones shared there is a new test for STAAR,

STAAR “A”. It is a computer program, therefore, students will need to be trained on how to navigate the system. Teachers will be pulling those students out of class, so this can be implemented. Special Olympics will begin soon.

Science –Assistant Principal Ortiz announced that the STEM Fair is this Saturday at

Skyline High School. Students are encouraged to attend. She also shared that the administrators are eager to assist teachers with the DTR process.

Math – Dr. Quander reported that the math teachers are analyzing ACP results.

The math teachers will be trained by the Princeton Review staff on how to

prepare students for the SAT. Other teachers are encouraged to attend the training also, the SAT format will be changing in 2016. The faculty needs to stay abreast of the changes, so we can keep the students well informed.

English – Mrs. White stated students just completed the Writing Assessment, which will assist their English teacher with lesson planning. The next couple weeks those teachers will be busy grading the essays, so they can give students feedback on what skills they still need to master. Most English teachers are holding tutoring before and after school, no tutoring is being offered on

Saturdays. Fortunately there are less than 40 seniors who still need to pass the

English STAAR exams.

Counselors – The counseling staff are getting ready for Super Saturday.

Sophomore students are encouraged to sign up for dual credit. Many of our seniors have completed the Apply Texas application.

Innovation School – Ms. Ortiz updated the committee on Mr. Ramirez’s plans to offer an Innovation School. The proposal will be submitted by January 30, 2015.

If we get accepted we will begin planning for Fall of 2016. 76% of those who took the survey about the Innovation School are interested in enrolling in dual credit. 62% of the faculty are in favor of a Molina Early College Campus. 32.14% of the faculty have at least 18 graduate credit hours in core teaching. 70.59% anticipate returning to Molina next year. TSI percentages from the last four years’ trends reflect there is a strong correlation between College Readiness standards and school wide dual credit enrollment. When there is a high dual credit enrollment, there are high SAT/ACT scores. Low dual credit enrollment reflects, low entrance scores. Areas of concern include: 29.9% of teachers are uncertain if students will attend college. It was determined that most faculty feel this way because our students have a lack of college knowledge, financial hardship and academic preparedness. The strengths include that 91% of students graduated in four years and 432 hours of college credit were earned during 2014/2015 Fall semester.

Tardy Policy – 38% of teachers like the tardy policy. Ms. C. Jones reported the

Tardy Policy and Tardy Sweep are two different things. The Tardy Sweep does not require a warning. Mr. Washington has asked Ms. Jones, Mr. Whitley and Mrs.

Karen Harris to work on fine tuning the Tardy Policy. He is also asking teachers to

reteach the policy and please implement the “10 minute rule”. The SBDM committee would like to determine a faster way to process the students who are

“caught” in the tardy sweeps.

Next meeting will be February 16, 2015.

We adjourned at 5:54 p.m.
