So you have a toothache and there is no Dentist

Dental Preparedness
This being a preparedness related article, here are some tips to help you be prepared for a
future where going to the dentist isn’t an option.
Toothpaste has a 1-2 year shelf life, so we could effectively keep a year’s supply on hand,
rotating and restocking as it is used. Toothbrushes obviously don’t have an expiration date, but
should be rotated every few months. Dental floss is another item that has no expiration date,
nor do the dental flossers. Dental floss is an item I put in each BOB. It can be used for floss,
cordage, snares and anything else lightweight rope could be used for.
Baking soda is an item with an infinite shelf life that can be used as toothpaste. Simply put
some in a smallish container, add water and stir into a paste…not tasty. Hydrogen peroxide is
an item that, according to the ADA (American Dental Association), is used in many commercial
tooth whiteners.
Important: If your tooth aches, there is a reason for it and it’s best to have it taken care of by a
professional as soon as possible instead of just treating it at home and hoping the underlying
issue will go away on its own. If it’s infected (gum area is swollen), don’t delay in getting
professional medical care.
Directions for use:
Apply directly to both the problem tooth and surrounding sore gums until unless
otherwise directed.
For items that direct you to chew or for liquids that are to be swooshed around inside
mouth, do so with the sore tooth and focus on surrounding area.
Do not swallow liquids, spit out when done.
1. Mix a heaping spoonful of salt in a small glass of lukewarm to warm water, swoosh
around inside your mouth for as long as you can, spit out. Repeat a couple times.
2. A pinch of salt, and grind it right into the tooth. It kills the pain almost instantly. The only
problem: the salt dissolves within seconds.
3. This is an old timer’s remedy, rest a clove against the sore area until pain goes away.
Chewing some cloves has an anesthetic effect and it can really bring you relief pretty
fast, take care not to swallow them whole (!) since they’re sharp and can cause some
scratch in your throat and esophagus. You can also use a drop or two of clove oil (too
much can be toxic). Rinse your mouth with Clove oil and water and then dip a cute in
the clove oil and put directly on affected area for about one minute. To make
homemade clove oil take a handful of whole cloves and put them in a jar with an airtight
lid. Add olive oil to just cover the cloves. Let them sit in a dark place for at least two
weeks before use. You can also make a thick paste of ground cloves and water or
ground cloves and olive oil. Clover oil also helps with the swelling in the gums.
4. A shot of vodka and put it in your mouth and swirled it around like a mouth wash
method for about 5 seconds then keep the vodka on the hurting side for about 30
seconds and you’ll get instant relief. Whiskey, scotch, tequila or brandy works too.
5. Swoosh a bit of hydrogen peroxide. If the taste is too horrid for you, try diluting with a
bit of salt water and peroxide.
6. Saturate a cotton ball with vanilla extract and hold in place. Can also use a cotton swab
dipped in extract. For small children try vanilla ice cream.
7. Same method of treatment with Almond Extract as with Vanilla extract.
8. Same method of treatment with Peppermint Extract as with Vanilla extract.
9. Same method of treatment with Lemon Extract as with Vanilla extract. Lemon juice or
lime juice work as well. Cut a slice or wedge of lime and apply, bite into it if you can to
release some of the juice. If you’re sensitive to cold, first bring the lime to room
temperature if it was refrigerated.
10. Just a drop or two of Tea Tree Oil will do the trick. You can also add some to a cotton
swab and hold in place or add a few drops of tea tree oil to a small glass of lukewarm to
warm water and swoosh this around.
11. Mix a few drops of Oil of Oregano with a bit of olive oil, then saturate a cotton ball with
mixture. Can replace the olive oil with lukewarm water if preferred.
12. Soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar (ACV) and hold it in place. Can also try
regular household vinegar.
13. Put Wine Vinegar on a large cotton pad, let it stay in the freezer for a few minutes and
then put it on your cheek (outside). It is for the swelling (if there’s any) of the cheek (it
happens frequently with toothaches), the vinegar is astringent and it helps a lot to
reduce the swelling on your face.
14. Take a fresh piece of ginger root and chew it a bit. Some people have tried chewing the
ginger, and rinsing with bourbon and almond extract.
15. Take a clove of garlic, smash it and apply (settle it inside cheek). You can also mash
some garlic with salt. Tastes awful and burns a little. The natural antibiotic properties of
garlic actually begins healing the cause of the toothache.
16. Chew on fresh peppermint leaves. You can also dried leaves, just hold them in place.
17. Cut a fresh piece of potato (raw, skin off) and hold in place. Can also pound a piece of
raw potato, mix in a bit of salt and use the mash.
18. Slice a piece of fresh onion and hold it inside your mouth. The onion needs to be freshly
cut (so it provides a bit of onion juice).
19. Slice a fresh piece of cucumber and hold it over the sore area. If refrigerated, you might
want to bring the cucumber to room temperature before using (if sensitive to cold)
otherwise a cool piece can be soothing. You can also mash a piece with a bit of salt.
20. Chew up a fresh plantain leaf. If you’re too sore to chew, use the other side of your
mouth. Once the leaf is macerated a bit apply it to the problem area and hold in place.
21. Make a paste with cayenne pepper and water and apply to sore area.
22. You can use black pepper to its full strength to make a mix of black pepper and salt.
23. Take a cotton swab and moisten it with a bit of water, dip it in baking soda (coat the
swab really well with baking soda) then apply. You can also make a mouth rinse by
mixing a heaping spoonful of baking soda in a small glass of lukewarm to warm water,
dissolve the soda then swish the mixture in your mouth.
24. Make a fresh cup of tea then take the used tea bag (still warm) and stick it in your
mouth. Careful not to tear the bag. The tannins that are naturally in tea leaves can help
numb things and help draw out the toxins out of the tooth or gum.
25. Crest or any kind of mouthwash will help to numb the pain for a little while. Mouthwash
have a lot of alcohol in it, leave it for about 30-40 seconds whooshed it a little and you
will feel immediate relief. A strong mouthwash that contains alcohol will do the trick.
26. Yarrow, which grows in the garden, and wild, to kill the pain, and heal any abscessed
teeth. Mixed with Echinacea, golden seal, elderberry bark, and liquorish root as tea will
make the pain and the abscess and the puss disappear.
27. Two extra strength headache pills like Excedrin Migraine (the bottle says for toothaches
also) but aim for one that has acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine, caffeine works for
pain sometimes. NEVER give aspirin to a child under 19 years of age. It can cause Ryes’s
syndrome. Unless you are in a third-world country, you would not be able to find
children’s aspirin always.
28. Chew up ice where it hurts or put an ice cube on the gum were tooth is throbbing. Cover
an ice pack with a face cloth or towel then hold over your cheek where the problem is.
This will help numb things. DO NOT put a warm or hot compress/cloth on the hurting
area, because it will help breed the infection and make it worse. Ice and ice packs work
specially with cavity pain.
29. A handful of grapes works wonders. The grapes work like a natural numbing agent while
you are waiting for the pain killer medicine to kick in.
30. Soda, Coca-Cola to be specific. Take a sip gargle a bit around the affected area and
presto instant pain relief for a few, repeat, repeat, repeat. Not the best but ….
31. Orange juice works too, but rinse acid out with water. Drink a full quart.
32. Newmans Own Limeade for pain relief for throbbing.
33. Inhale cold air directly onto the affected tooth.
34. Olive leaf extract (available at GNC or other supplement stores) & within 12 hours all the
swelling/pain is gone. Olive leaf extract can be used as an antibiotic and has
35. Dental wax. If you have a sensitive broken tooth just pack the cavity with the wax and
problem solved.
36. The webbed skin between your thumb and index finger where it forms a V. Take an ice
cube and apply and rub the ice cube on this area for about 3-5 minutes, you will
gradually notice the pain in your tooth start to subside!
37. Rub anything you have for arthritis on the outside of your jaw.
38. Mix extra virgin olive oil, ground cinnamon, vanilla extract, vodka and lemon juice. Not
too bad on taste, just mix together and use it like mouth wash.
39. Tiny bit of spearmint rubbing alcohol with warm water, and swished it a few times.
40. Sore throat spray on sore area.
41. Crush an ibuprofen, add a drop of water so it becomes a paste like substance, take your
finger or a Q-tip and rub that on the problem area that it would give you instant relief.
42. Swirled hydrogen peroxide around like a mouth wash method for about 5 seconds then
keep the hydrogen peroxide on the hurting side for about 30 seconds and you’ll get pain
43. Cumin oil/Black seed oil put it on cotton ball on affected area for pain.
44. Mouthwash with 1 ml of Echinacea goldenseal tincture in half an oz. of water after
45. Rubbing some cinnamon on the throbbing tooth and gum area.
46. The Red Cross Toothache Kit (Walgreens, CVS, Etc.) It is primarily Clove Oil (Sesame Oil
as well). Dab a small cotton swab with the included tweezers and hold on tooth for one
minute…it is a pain reliever and an anti-septic, so it relieves pain and heals infection.
47. Bread. Chew it and leave it on the affected area.
48. Coconut oil or extra virgin oil, a spoonful into mouth and let it melt, swishing it through
sore area. Spit after 10 minutes. The swishing doesn’t include the throat, and if you
accidentally swallow any, it’s not that bad. This can also be used preventatively… Before
the pain begins…
49. Mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda to make a paste. Apply to area with Q-tip.
Hydrogen peroxide cleanses and baking soda draws out the infection or irritation.
50. Fresh mint and fresh basil leaves chopped and boiled like a mild tea used as a
mouthwash. It has pain relieving qualities that are extremely effective for toothache in
particular (tastes really bad but it’s more than worth the bad taste for the relief it
51. Pickled onions in vinegar. Make sure you have just taken the jar out of the fridge as it
works best when really cold. Just bite down on it on the effected tooth and hold it there
the pain goes really quick.
52. Rub Vicks vapor on both sides of your lower and upper jaw and on your face (not on the
inside but on the outside of your mouth). It will make your eyes water.
53. Catnip can also be used. Take fresh catnip chew until good and moist, then place on the
tooth that aches. Keep there for a while after your toothache has stopped.
54. Activated charcoal can also help draw out the toxins. Mix a teaspoon of activated
charcoal powder with enough water to make a paste. Place some of the paste on a small
piece of gauze, put the gauze on the sore area and bite down so that the paste
surrounds your tooth. Leave it on for up to 5 minutes, then remove the gauze and
excess paste and rinse your mouth with water. You can use this remedy 3 or 4 times a
day, as needed.
55. Holding organic blackstrap molasses in your mouth for a couple of minutes or smearing
some of the molasses on the gums may help to push the pain back for several hours
(unless blackstrap molasses’ sugar content makes it impossible to put on or near your
painful tooth). Blackstrap molasses if full of magnesium and calcium, the minerals teeth
need to repair and regenerate.
56. Once every hour, spray the infected area with 2 squirts of colloidal silver, 10 ppm.
Swished around your mouth and spit it out.
57. Open 2 capsules of Echinacea and mix the contents with enough aloe gel to form a paste
the consistent of toothpaste. Put a wad of the paste on the gum next to the aching
tooth and let it dissolve. Use as often as needed. The aloe will reduce the pain, while
the Echinacea will battle any infection causing the toothache.
58. Take 1 teaspoons of magnesium citrate for 3-4 days for natural toothache pain relief.
This will help with any sensitivity from sweet or very hot/cold foods and beverages. I’ve
made this remedy part of my daily routine and hope to discover more health benefits of
this great mineral.
59. Magic Tincture is strictly for pain in the jaw or tooth pain. Pack this around the tooth
that is giving you problems. If you can cover the tooth up it will generate heat. That will
remove the pain faster than any toothache remedy. Mix 3 tablespoons charcoal, 1/2
teaspoon clove oil, 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper, ½ teaspoon olive oil (enough to make
a paste), and 1 teaspoon of golden seal. The mixture should be quite thick, about the
consistency of natural peanut butter. You want to be able to mold it around the tooth,
so that it will stick. You will feel the heat and you can go wash your mouth out. If you are
in a lot of pain the heat is comforting. The pain of the poultice drawing is less than the
throbbing of the toothache.
60. Natural antibiotics which, unlike their synthetic counterpart, won't attack your body.
Three sources: honey, chamomile tea, and fresh raw onions. Drink the tea with honey at
least twice a day for a week. Also take at least an additional tablespoon of the honey via
a spoon directly to the tooth. Have at least one serving a day of finely chop onions.
61. Rubbing alcohol + Q-tip directly on hole and around gums.
If the pain is unbearable and there’s no dentist available, call your local hospital’s
emergency room–chances are they have a dentist on call that can treat you (for a fee).
Try gently brushing your teeth and flossing–this might bring some relief.
If the side of your face is in severe pain and it feels like you’re going to lose your mind
(I’ve been there, done that)–it could be a sinus infection or an allergy that affects your
sinuses rather than a problem tooth (even though it definitely feels like it). Try an Herbal
Decongestant Steam to break up sinuses, this might help relieve things until you get to a
doctor. Chances are a prescription for penicillin is what you’ll need to clear up the sinus