6. Enhanced Services for Individuals with Criminogenic Risk Factors

Enhanced Services for Individuals with Criminogenic Risk Factors and Needs
6. Enhanced Services for Individuals with Criminogenic Risk Factors and Needs
The over-representation of persons with serious behavioral health illnesses in the
criminal justice system is an ongoing concern for our community. In order to promote
clinically sound and effective treatment modalities as supported by current research on
the Central Eight risk factors for criminal recidivism and the Risk-Need-Responsivity
(RNR) model of assessment and intervention, programming will include (but not be
limited to) enhanced services targeting:
evidence-based assessment and diagnosis
residential treatment
day treatment and meaningful day activities
outpatient services
intensive case management and care coordination
medication management and adherence
illness self-management and recovery
supportive housing
supportive employment
cognitive behavioral interventions targeting criminogenic risks and needs
treatment for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders
trauma-informed and trauma-specific services
peer support
primary care medical services
Enhanced rates will be established with providers targeting and serving individuals
(adults) with criminogenic risk factors and needs.
Applicants are encouraged to review and incorporate principles from the following
publications into applications:
1. Adults with Behavioral Health Needs under Correctional Supervision: A Shared
Framework for Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Recovery
2. The Next Generation of Behavioral Health and Criminal Justice Interventions:
Improving Outcomes by Improving Interventions
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Enhanced Services for Individuals with Criminogenic Risk Factors and Needs
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Providers will need to provide:
Assessment of criminogenic risks and needs: The Provider will either use the
results of a completed standardized assessment from the referral source or
administer a standardized assessment, approved by SFBHN, to identify
criminogenic risk factors and needs, as well as individual strengths and
vulnerabilities. Assessments will be completed upon program admission and
at regular intervals over the course of treatment to identify changes in risks
and needs over time. Results of these assessments shall be incorporated into
individualized treatment plans and case management strategies.
Medication management and adherence: Consumers will be provided
medication management. Therapeutic and Case Management services will
support and assist in skill building associated with medication education and
compliance, empowering consumers to communicate with their doctors
regarding side effects and other treatment-related adverse events, and
education regarding coping strategies and health behaviors aimed at
maximizing therapeutic outcomes. Consumers will also be assisted in identify
primary care needs and Case Management will link consumers with PCP’s
and follow up treatment as necessary.
Criminogenic risk reduction: Staff will receive training regarding risk factors
and needs associated with criminal justice system involvement, as well as
interventions designed to reduce risk and promote successful community
integration and functioning. The goal will be to reduce maladaptive patterns
of thinking and behavior associated with criminal recidivism, while improving
psychiatric stability, recovery, and healthy community engagement. Peer
Support, Day Treatment, Individual and Group Therapies (including cognitivebehavioral interventions), and Case Management will assist with the
development of problem solving skills, anger management, providing access
to recreational and leisure activities, and establishment of positive social
support networks and interpersonal relationships.
Assistance with
employment readiness, volunteering, and school will also be provided.
Addiction risk reduction: All consumers will be assessed for substance use
disorder treatment needs at the point of Intake. Treatment planning for
substance use disorders will include goals related to reducing addictive
behaviors and developing healthy coping skills to maintain abstinence and
minimize risk of relapse. Addiction risk reduction goals and interventions will
be integrated into consumers’ overall treatment plans.
Trauma risk assessment and trauma specific services: At Intake, all
consumers will be assessed for any traumatic events and associated
treatment needs. Trauma specific services will be provided for individuals with
histories of traumatic events.
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Peer support: Ensure all consumers have the opportunity to develop
meaningful peer support relationships that provide one-on-one, real-world
assistance, advocacy, and encouragement aimed at fostering a foundation for
Criminal justice in-reach and transition support: Provider will be required to
develop relationships with key law enforcement and correctional stakeholders
to ensure timely access to care and minimal disruption in services for
consumers who come into contact with the criminal justice system, as well as
transition assistance for consumers reentering the community from the
criminal justice system. This may include providing assessment and other
support services to consumers while incarcerated. Provider will also be
required to assist consumers in complying with court requirements including
recommendations, staffing cases with Jail Diversion Program staff, and
providing reports to the courts.
Social disadvantage risk reduction: Provider will ensure that basic needs of
the consumers are met, which are paramount to ensuring effective
interventions in treatment including housing.
Outcome Management: Providers will track outcomes specific to this
population including admissions to and length of stay in crisis and acute care
treatment settings; rates of arrest and incarceration for new criminal offenses;
days incarcerated; rates of stable housing and transitions to independent
housing; and consumer satisfaction.
Estimated Cost:
 Outpatient Services/Aftercare/Day Treatment - $300,000
 Medical Services - $161,600
 Residential Services - $581,080
 Case Management - $48,000
 Supportive Housing - $204,218
 Incidentals - $40,000
 Trauma Services - $200,000
*Services to include Peer Support
Total projected funding for this project: $1,534,898.00
6.1 Page limitation clause as referenced in Section II, paragraph 9, Format
Please be as thorough as possible in your response. Limit your response to a ten (10)
page narrative for the first covered service applied for and limit your narrative response
to five (5) pages for each additional covered service applied for.
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Enhanced Services for Individuals with Criminogenic Risk Factors and Needs
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The page limit exclude budgets, timelines, copies of licenses/certifications, and any
other supporting documentation you may submit as part of the application as referenced
in the narrative.
Budgets, timelines, copies of licenses/certifications, and any other supporting
documentation referenced in the narrative responses must be labeled and numbered
Organization’s Legal Name:_____________________________________________
Total Funding Requested: ___________________________
Outpatient Services/Aftercare/Day Treatment: $ __________________
Medical Services:
$ _____________________
Residential Services:
$ _____________________
Case Management:
$ _____________________
Supportive Housing:
$ _____________________
Incidental Expenses:
$ _____________________
Trauma Services:
$ _____________________
Grand Total
$ _____________________
Briefly describe your organization and its current infrastructure, addressing your
readiness and capability to acquire an additional program/service.
Projected Unduplicated Number of Individuals to be served (SAMH, Local Match
funding only if applicable to the contract):______________
History and experience providing the services to the proposed target population.
Provide information about the demographic profile of the population your agency
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History and experience working with stakeholders in the criminal justice system
(e.g., law enforcement agencies, correctional facilities, courts, probation)
Identify the service site address.
Identify the client-to-counselor ratio
Number of FTE’s that provide direct services by covered service:
service name
Total FTE’s
Minimum staffing qualifications for each type of service delivery position.
Covered service name
Identification and Engagement Strategies:
1. Identify the major referral sources for persons receiving services.
2. Describe the organization’s specific individual identification and engagement
strategies applicable to the Program.
3. Identify the evidence-based approaches for the target population served as
recognized by SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs (EBP) and
Practices (NREPP).
Target Population
Adults with Criminogenic Risks and Needs
Evidence-based Practice
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4. Explain how you will ensure adherence to each of the EBP models
5. List each evidence-based practice utilized and the fidelity tool used for each.
Identify the Fidelity Tool used. If no
fidelity tool is available, describe how
fidelity will be ensured
Evidence-based Practice
6. Describe why your agency selected the EBP(s) identified above to serve the target
7. Please provide the name and title of the staff that are certified in the evidence-based
XI. Service Delivery Strategies:
Describe the organization’s specific service delivery strategies for providing individual
services/care under the Program. This description should address the service delivery
strategies as applied to the program that will be used, the services made available,
individual assessment of needs and re-evaluation of those needs, and the processes
used to match individuals to services and ensure that services are consistent with the
their recovery and resiliency needs.
1. Describe the specific services that will be made available.
2. Admission criteria.
3. Discharge criteria.
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4. Average length of participation for persons served.
5. Describe the means and the frequency by which individual needs will be evaluated
and re-evaluated throughout the episode of care.
6. Describe the processes employed to match individuals to services and ensure that
services are consistent with the individuals’ individual recovery and resiliency needs.
7. Specify the nature and role of Incidental Expense funding and any categorical
funding, if applicable and allocated, used in support consumer participation in
Using your agency’s current client retention rates and other measures you
currently utilize, as a baseline, propose performance measures and outcomes
that support the objectives of the special project. The proposed measures will be
incorporated as contractual requirement if this project is funded.
Success Indicator and Measure Methodology: Describe how your agency will
test to confirm the success of the project based on the proposed measures
provided above (who, how, when/frequency). Include timeframes for reporting
results to SFBHN.
XIV. Continuing Care Strategies:
Identify the major continuing strategies for individuals completing services through this
program. Continuing care strategy descriptions should address placement and referral
activities specific to processes by which individuals are prepared for and transitioned to
continuing care services; the major continuing care strategies, best practice models,
community housing/living options, primary health care needs, natural supports, and/or
other alternatives for individuals completing services in this Activity (within the
organization and within the community system of care).
1. Describe the processes by which individuals are prepared for and transitioned to
continuing care services.
2. Describe the major continuing care strategies, best practice models, and community
housing/living options, primary health care needs, natural supports, and/or other
alternatives for
individuals completing services in this program (within the
organization and within the community system of care).
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3. Provide a description of any activity funded covered service and related services
utilized to affect the transition.
4. Describe how Incidental Expense funds are used to support individual transitions.
Please indicate why your agency and proposed program should be selected to
receive the funding for this program.
Provide a timeline for the implementation of the service identifying key activities,
milestones, deliverables and responsible staff – This attachment will not counted
toward the suggested page limitation. The attachment must be labeled and
numbered accordingly.
All costs associated with services proposed in this bid must be reasonable,
necessary and allowable, and relate to the program/coalition in compliance with
both the Cost Principles for Nonprofit Organizations: OMB 2 CFR Chapter I,
Chapter 2, Part et.al. Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and
Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and The Community Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Financial Rules specified in Chapter 65E-14021(5)(e),
Florida Administrative Code. Applicants will submit a one (1) year, 12 month
budget for related expenditures as outlined in this bid, consistent with the start
times reflected in the timelines for implementation of the activities.
All proposed costs must be in accordance with the Department of Financial
Services Reference Guide for State Expenditures, February 2011, which may be
located at: http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-04201
The budget forms (“Fiscal Forms 15-16v.5”), which are incorporated herein by
reference, have been posted on the SFBHN website as a separate document to this
bid. The budget must be submitted along with your application.
A detailed (using complete sentences) budget justification narrative is required.
Indicate what current resource will be allocated to support the software provided
through this application. It must clearly link all budget items to program activities
and justify the proposed costs.
The page limitation does not apply to the budget(s).
Licensing, Programmatic, and Administrative Requirements:
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It is the selected applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the appropriate
licenses/certifications, as appropriate, are secured prior to the implementation of
any project selected for funding.
Attach a copy of the appropriate
license/certifications or a copy of the application(s) submitted to the
licensing/certification authority (e.g., DCF or AHCA).
If an applicant does not currently have the required license and/or certification required
for the program/service applied for, a plan and timeline for obtaining the required license
and/or certification must be submitted with the application(s). Failure to do so will be
deemed non-responsive with a critical flaw and the application for that service will not
be considered for funding. The plan will be reviewed by SFBHN’s staff who in their sole
discussion will determine if the timeframe to obtain the license and implement the
program is reasonable and therefore allow the application to be considered for funding.
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Enhanced Services for Individuals with Criminogenic Risk Factors and Needs
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