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Chapter 1.
Module 1.1. Interviewing, Counseling, and Psychotherapy
Pages 13-14.
Which of the following focuses on gathering client data, problem solving, or providing
X a. interviewing
b. psychology
c. counseling
d. psychotherapy
Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding interviewing, counseling, and
a. These terms are often used interchangeably in this book.
b. There is considerable overlap among these activities.
X c. Only psychotherapy involves real therapy.
d. Interviewing is usually short term.
Interviewing is a critical skill for which of the following professions?
a. counselors and psychologists.
b. psychotherapists.
c. detectives and reporters.
X d. All of the above.
Which of the following best represent the focus of Coaching.
X a. Help clients live life more fully.
b. Assist clients solve their problems effectively.
c. Treat psychopathology.
d. Provide therapy for psychological disorders.
_______________ is primarily focused on normal, developmental issues and concerns.
a. interviewing.
X b. counseling.
c. psychotherapy.
d. psychiatry.
______________ is useful for obtaining information about a client.
X a. interviewing.
b. counseling.
c. psychotherapy.
d. psychiatry.
How can you distinguish psychotherapy from interviewing and counseling?
a. Psychotherapy is briefer than interviewing and counseling.
b. Psychotherapy works with less complex problems of daily living.
X c. Psychotherapy is a more intense process dealing with deep-seated personality or behavioral
d. None of the above.
Which of the following is a more intense process that focuses on deep-seated personality or behavioral
a. Interviewing
b. Counseling
X c. Psychotherapy
d. Coaching
Module 1.2. The Core Skills of the Helping Process: The Microskills Hierarchy
Pages 14-16.
The microskills rest on a base of ________.
multicultural competence, wellness, and positive psychology.
genetics, ethics, and strengths.
listening competences, ethics, and drive.
X d. ethics, multicultural competence, and wellness.
Which of the following IS true about the microskills?
a. They are the foundation of intentional interviewing.
b. They are communication skill units of the interview.
c. Effective use of microskills enables you to anticipate how clients will respond to your
X d. All of the above.
Attending behavior includes all of the following choices, except?
a. culturally appropriate eye contact.
b. verbal tracking skills.
X c. being totally empathetic with the client.
d. appropriate patterns of body language and vocal quality.
Which of the following is false?
a. Eye contact and body language patterns differ among cultural groups.
b. Religion, class, and gender are part of multicultural differences.
X c. We can expect individuals from certain cultural groups to have the same behavior.
d. Stereotyping individuals or cultural groups is inappropriate.
The Microskills Hierarchy
a. demonstrates clearly that different clients have different needs.
b. demonstrates that alternative settings for counseling require different skills.
c. describes the skills in order of importance.
X d. provides a picture of the microskills as they move from attending to influencing to skill
Conducting a full client interview using only listening skills ________________.
X a. is a key skill to be learned by helping professionals.
b. is possible only if the interviewer is a consummate professional.
c. is not possible by any helping professional; other skills are required.
d. is a ludicrous idea.
Most important to developing competence in the microskills is
a. understanding the concepts.
b. audio and videotape feedback.
c. learning to identify and classify skills.
X d. practice.
Which of the following is NOT one of the steps used to learning the microskills?
a. Warm up.
b. Review.
X c. Analyze.
d. Practice.
Which of the following is NOT one of the steps in the microskills learning model?
a. Warm up
b. View
X c. Interpret
d. Generalize
Which of the following accurately summarizes the five-step model for practical competence and
mastery of the microskills.
a. Read about the skill; Define its key features; Observe skill in role-play; Practice the skill; Record
X b. Warm up by focusing on the skill; View it in action; Read about its effective use; Practice in roleplay; Generalize
c. Plan for learning; Observe the skill; Define skill purpose; Observe skill in role-play; Practice and
d. Observe skill in action; Plan for learning; Learn the skill; Practice in role-play; Take action
Module 1.3. Drawing out Client Stories and Relationship-Story and Strengths-Goals-Restory-Action
Pages 17-20.
A focus on what the client ________ should be a part of your standard interviewing plan,
X a. can do
b. will do
c. must do
d. is unable to do
Which of the following sequences outlines the basic strength-based framework for human
a. Relationship- Interview – Analyze – Integrate – Act.
b. Story – Goal and Positive Assets – Plan - Restory – Action.
X c. Relationship – Story and Strengths - Goals – Restory – Action.
d. Interview – Wellness and Client Strengths – Goals - Planning – Action.
Which of the following is the least effective response when drawing out and listening to the client’s
a. reflecting the client’s emotions
b. asking an open question
c. focusing on understanding the problem
X d. telling the client what to do
_____________ is another term for relationship.
a. Affiliation.
X b. Working alliance.
c. Active liaison.
d. Engagement.
Which of the following is NOT true about Relationship.
a. Relationship highlights the importance of developing rapport and trust with your client.
b. Relationship requires that you be open to individuals different from you.
X c. Despite individual differences, the Relationship will be the same from interview to
d. Your attending and empathic listening skills will be key to the Relationship
Approximately ______ percent of successful counseling and therapy outcome is said to be due to
relationship or common factors,
a. 10%
b. 20%
X c. 30%
d. 40%
Common factors include _____________’
a. caring and empathy.
b. acceptance and affirmation.
c. encouragement.
X. d. All of the above.
Which of the following is NOT part of the common factors described by Duncan et al?
a. caring and empathy.
b. acceptance and affirmation.
X c. analysis and interpretation.
d. encouragement.
Drawing out the details of a client’s concern, issue, or problem
X a. story and strengths
b. positive asset
c. restory
d. action
Find strengths and resources in every client
a. story
X b. positive asset
c. restory
d. action
Help clients find new ways of thinking and talking about their issues and concerns
a. story
b. positive asset
X c. restory
d. action
Help the client take what is learned out of the interview.
a. story
b. positive asset
c. restory
X d. action
Potential benefits of restory include __________________
a. development of new stories
b. deeper awareness of emotional experience
c. new behavioral actions
X d. all of the above
Module 1.4. Increasing Skill and Flexibility: Intentionality, Cultural Intentionality, and Intentional
Pages 20-22.
Intentional interviewing is concerned with
a. finding the single best response for each client statement.
b. the counselor knowing one theory exceptionally well.
X c. having many alternative responses available to any client statement.
d. being able to explain why you made that particular choice.
Intentional interviewing is more concerned with finding the right answer for the client than with how
many potential responses may be helpful.
a. True.
X b. False.
Intentionality is _______________.
X a. Deciding from among a range of alternative actions how to help different clients.
b. Having a preferred action or thought to offer to all our clients.
c. Using a preselected point of view to understand clients’ problems.
d. Applying similar skills to help client from different ethnic groups or cultures.
The aim of intentional Interviewing and Counseling is to help
a. find the correct answer for helping a client dealing with interpersonal issues
b. choose one theory of therapy to help all clients more effectively
X c. develop multiple possibilities for helping the client deal with the world
d. none of the above
________ can generate alternatives in a given situation and approach a problem from different
perspectives, using a variety of skills and personal qualities, adapting to suit different client
X a. Culturally intentional individuals.
b. Cultural individuals.
c. Individual psychotherapists.
d. Every interviewer.
Intentional competence implies
X a. that you have the ability to predict what clients will say in response to your helping leads,
but you are also able to flex and change style if that doesn’t happen.
b. that you can almost always predict client response to good interviewing skills.
c. that you are willing to change to the client’s desires when they avoid questions.
d. willingness to learn from your mistakes.
If your first effort is not successful, ________.
a. ask the client if he or she heard your statement.
X b. change your approach to the client on the spot.
c. repeat your last statement.
d. All of the above.
Pg 21
The absolutely correct and "perfect empathic response" ________.
a. demonstrates skillful multicultural intentionality.
X b. likely does not exist.
c. unlocks client inhibitions and frees the client for creative living.
d. is demonstrated by only the most experienced helping professionals.
According to the authors, the "perfect empathetic response"
a. is a useful goal, but extremely difficult to attain.
X b. is often sought by counselors who seek "right" answers to solve client problems, even
though "right answers" may not exist.
c. should be a goal for the most effective interviewer.
d. demonstrates that you have achieved full intentionality.
Male Client: (talking about job conflict) I just don't know what to do about my new boss. He is
always blaming me even when I do a good job. He's new on the job; maybe he doesn't have
much experience as a supervisor. But he's got me so jumpy and nervous I can't sleep at night. My
family isn't doing well and I've been arguing with my wife. She doesn't understand what's going
on. And the kids aren't doing well in school.
Which of the following actions is NOT useful or appropriate when beginning to counsel this
a. It may be helpful to reflect feelings.
b. Ask an open question.
X c. Attempt to use a perfect empathic response.
d. Summarize the client statement and ask where the client would like to start.
If you ask an open question, the prediction is
a. it will puzzle clients as they need more direction.
b. it will seem like an intrusion.
c. it won’t work cross-culturally.
X d. the client will talk more about the topic.
According to Ivey, Ivey, and Zalaquett, awareness of theoretical diversity is central because all
counseling theories have its own story about the meaning and purpose of counseling and offer
multitude of possibilities to the helping professionals.
X a. True.
b. False
Different cultural groups
a. require counseling from a member of her or his own culture.
X b. may require differing approaches to the interview.
c. benefit from the best of traditional counseling theories.
d. illustrate that the concept of intentionality may be incorrect at times.
When interviewing clients from varying cultural backgrounds,
a. avoid stereotyping.
b. the same skills may have different than expected impact.
c. consider that diverse differences within the same ethnic group may also constitute cultural
X d. All of the above.
Distinguish which of the following statements regarding cultural intentionality and multicultural
competence is NOT true.
a. Study of cultural intentionality and multicultural competence is a lifetime pursuit.
b. You must become aware of yourself as a cultural being and aware of how you work with
people different from you.
c. You must follow pertinent diversity guidelines specifically related to interviewing practice.
X d. Cultural and social influences are the only critical influences on mental health services and
Module 1.5. Theory and Microskills
Pages 22-26.
According to the authors, the field has over ___ theories of counseling and psychotherapy.
a. a dozen
b. 35
X d. 250
More that ______ studies validate the Microskills approach.
a. 40
b. 150
X c. 450
d. 740
Research validation of the microskills framework reveals
a. very little transfer from the practice session to the real world.
b. consistent positive transfer.
c. transfer of the learning if the student has mastered the skills.
X d. skills must be practiced in the real world to ensure transfer of learning.
Which of the following IS true regarding the relationship of microskills to counseling theory?
a. we can predict counseling results from microskills.
X b. different theories have varying patterns of microskill usage.
c. theories focus on individual concerns.
d. action in interviewing is related to one’s theory of choice.
Which of the following is NOT a true research findings regarding the microskills hierarchy.
a. Practice is essential.
b. Multicultural differences are real.
X c. Different counseling theories have consistent patterns of skills usage.
d. Use of specific microskills allows you to expect predictable client responses.
________________ uses microskills with all clients.
a. interviewing
b. counseling
c. psychotherapy
X d. all of the above
Listening to client stories and narratives is described by the authors as central to the helping
process. We can build client strengths through
a. listening patiently to the client’s full story before moving on.
X b. seeking to find positive assets and strengths within the client story, even if the
story is full of difficulties and problems.
c. ignoring negative parts of the story and focusing only on the positive.
d. drawing on counseling theory in a careful manner.
Once you have mastered the microskills, you will ________
a. choose one theoretical perspective from which to build your practice.
X b. vary the pattern of microskill usage, to practice from a variety of theoretical perspectives
c. use microskills in the exact prescribed sequence
d. do none of these things
Module 1.6. Brain Research and Neuroscience: Implications for the Interview and Summary
Pages 26-28.
Which of the following is NOT true about the brain?
a. the brain is capable to change.
b. Thoughts, feelings, and actions determine the health of our brain.
X c. Over time the brain loses the power to change itself on the basis of experience.
d. None of the above.
Pg 26-27
According to Schwartz and Begley (2003), its neuroplasticity allows the brain to_______.
a. develop autoimmune reactions.
X b. rewire itself.
c. replace decaying gray matter with glial cells.
d. age gracefully.
Pg 27
Research has shown that the human brain develops new neural connections throughout the
lifespan and changes in response to new situations or experiences in the environment – a brain
can rewire itself.
X a. True
b. False
Pg 27
fMRI is a __________________.
X a. Brain imaging technique.
b. Technique to reduce brain tumors.
c. Telesensor used to count brain cells.
d. Functional stereotaxic apparatus.
Pg 26
Just as golf pros, musicians, or dancers begin with natural talent, the skillful interviewer
enhances their natural talent with ________.
a. Careful study
b. Practice of specific skills
c. Extensive feedback
X d. All of these things enhance natural talent.
The microskills framework has been applied to ________.
a. AIDS prevention training in Africa.
b. Aboriginal social workers in Australia.
c. Business managers in Sweden, Japan, and the U.S.
X d. All of the above
The microskills framework has been tested and used with
a. counseling and interviewing training.
b. management training.
c. nurse and physician training.
X d. all of the above.
Which of the following is NOT a true finding of microskills research.
a. The skills have been shown to be teachable and show construct validity.
b. Practice with the skills to competence levels appears to be especially important in developing
X c. People can learn to use the skills but their impact on clients is minimal.
d. Different counseling theories have different patterns of microskill usage.
10. In interviewing, the microskills may have
X a. different effects on people from varying cultural backgrounds.
b. consistent and predictable effects on people from varying cultural backgrounds.
c. limitations due to lack of emphasis on multicultural issues.
d. predictable impact on White clients, but not on People of Color.
Module 1.7. Your Natural Style: An Important Audio or Video Exercise
Pages 29-32.
The authors argue that natural style is a basic building block of intentional counseling. Which of
the following is NOT part of their view of natural style?
X a. It is best to identify one’s natural style and then always hold to it.
b. We all have natural strengths in communication.
c. Too many people in interviewing training may forget the many strengths they bring to the
course even before instruction begins.
d. Instruction, practice, and learning new skills and strategies can enhance natural style.
You may infer the importance of counselors discussing obvious multicultural differences with
clients early in the session is an issue of ________.
a. security
b. gender difference
X c. trust
d. emotional response
New neural connections can be developed in interviewing and counseling. This is an interactive
process in which ____________________________.
a. counselors impact the client’s brain
b clients impact the counselor’s development
X c. both counselors and client change in the interviewing process.
d. the hippocampus is influenced by the knowledge of the counselor.
Pg. 25
According to Ivey consciousness represents the psychological present/here and now.
a. 10 to 75 milliseconds.
X b 100 to 750 milliseconds.
c. 1 to 3 seconds.
d. none of the above.
P 25
The brain can develop new connections and even new neurons over time. This process is named
a. neurofeedback
b. a statement that needs to be questioned
c. neurotaxis
X d. neuroplasticity
P 26
Essay Questions
1. "I'm not sure where to focus careerwise. The job market is tight. I really want to be a
teacher. I like kids. But then, I am getting married when I graduate. And what can I do with a
major in history?"
a. What would you say to this client?
b. Discuss your response in relation to the concept of intentionality.
c. One of your goals might be to help this client become more intentional. What would he or
she be like at the end of counseling if your work has been successful and the client has increased
ability to be intentional?
2. Let us suppose that the client is a White European-American, an African-American or
Latina/Latino. How would your responses change or remain similar? Are there contextual
issues, which need to be considered as part of the helping interview?
3. Cultural intentionality asks us to act with a sense of capability and decide from a range of
alternative actions in changing life situations with awareness of cultural differences. Taking the
concept, how would you apply it to a client who presents you with
a. just being fired (man? woman?.
b. the spouse has just deserted the family?
c. a death in the family?
d. issues of child abuse?
4. Define and discuss the similarities and differences between interviewing, counseling and
5. Outline the main points and concepts of the Microskills Hierarchy.
6. Identify five developmental issues that you might expect to encounter in the interview.
7. Imagine a client comes to you with an issue around interpersonal conflict. How would you
use the relationship—story and strengths—goals—restory—action concepts to facilitate their
development? Provide concrete examples of your actions within each of the four concepts.
8. Define yourself as a multicultural being. What are your many varying cultural backgrounds?
How might your background and experience affect your work in interviewing, counseling, and
9. Explain how does the following rule applies to the culturally intentional interviewer: “If
something you try doesn’t work, don’t try more of the same. Try something different!