WBB Vertical Lift Consultancy

WBB Vertical Lift Consultancy
BB continues to expand its
strategic consultancy services
expertise base in US and
International Vertical Lift requirements,
aircraft and programs. The WBB team is
capable of unmatched insight into the
Department of Defense (DOD) Joint
Capabilities Integration and Development
System (JCIDS), Operational Analysis (OA),
Acquisition program support and the
Performance Based Logistics (PBL) system.
WBB Consultants provide both operational
and industry expertise specifically focused
on the Vertical Lift sector of US Defense and
Homeland Security, to include principle
support to the DOD Future Vertical Lift
WBB offers critical expertise and decision
support to help our military, civilian, and
industry customers:
Independent Research & Development (IR&D)
Develop Strategic plans that synchronize with DOD future plans
Recapitalization of aging Vertical Lift airframes
Conceptualization and development of new technologies to address
emerging and evolving threats
Implementation of Joint Operational Concepts with Vertical Lift
Operational Assessments of new, emerging and legacy capabilities
Business Case Analysis for Vertical Lift platforms and sub-systems
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Capabilities Portfolio Assessments for vertical lift aircraft fleets
Market Assessments for the vertical lift industry
Capabilities definition for next generation vertical lift systems
Integration of research and development activities with acquisition efforts
at the strategic level
In depth understanding of the US Vertical Lift industry
WBB recognizes that current recapitalization practices (primarily COTS/GOTS
solutions and remanufacturing) do not enable future three-dimensional Joint
Operational Concepts of maneuver and sustainment for the future fight. The
current trend of increasing reliance on vertical lift capabilities is expected to
continue and even accelerate, given the projected operational environment.
DOD Vertical Lift aircraft capabilities need to be optimized for the
asymmetric and uncertain battlefield. Advanced Future Vertical Lift (next
generation) capabilities have the potential to provide decisive advantage and
adaptability for the military. WBB has a strategic and vested interest in
helping our customers achieve those advantages in the most effective and
efficient way. We have key former vertical lift leaders on our team from the
Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force, as represented below.
WBB Vertical Lift Leadership
Frank Boynton
 Expert in Vertical Lift Survivability issues
 OUSD Acquisition, Technology & Logistics experience
as program oversight for all Vertical Lift programs
 Deputy for the Joint Vertical Airlift Task Force (JVATF)
 Chair of the Rotary Wing Survivability IPT
 Capability Portfolio Management expert for US
Government products
 Former Marine Corps aviator (CH-46)
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Eric Braganca
 Expert in Joint operational warfare and integration of
special operations capabilities
 Command, combat, and Joint experience in Iraq and
 Technical management of rotary wing acquisition
 Strategic planning, Roadmap development,
requirements feasibility analysis
 Former Air Force aviator (UH-1H/N, MH-53J/M)
Mark Gibson
 Government and Industry experience in Vertical Lift
 Joint command (US Army) and combat experience
 Strategic planning, Roadmapping, requirements /
capability development, Acquisition and program
 Capability Portfolio Management expert for US
Government products
 Former Marine Corps aviator (AH-1, AH-64)
David Holt
 Vice President, Commercial and Federal Sectors
 Government & Industry Vertical Heavy Lift
Requirements & Capability development
 Level III Acquisition & Program Management
 Former Naval aviator (MH-53E/CH-53E AMCM &
Heavy Lift)
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Jim Moentmann
 Strategic planning, concept development, Joint airground integration, C2 systems and Joint doctrine
 Former Chief of Staff for Combined Forces
Command - Afghanistan
 Experienced in aviation conceptual and operational
analysis for industry and DoD
 Combat Aviation Brigade Commander, experienced
in Attack, Cavalry and Assault units
 Former Army aviator (AH-1, UH-60)
Scott Pacello
 Managed US Army Special Operations Aviation MH60 fleet
 Managed US Army Warrior and Hunter UAS systems
 Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition,
Technology & Logistics (ASAALT) Systems
Coordinator for Black Hawk helicopters.
 Former Army aviator (AH-64A, OH-58, UH-1)
Pete Sarrat
 Director of Navy Business Development
 Former USN Test Director for MH-60R
 Expertise in Naval requirements, concepts and
CONOPS generation
 Former Naval aviator (SH-60B, SH-60F, HH-60H,
MH-60S, MH-60R)
Please feel free to contact us for additional information about our Vertical Lift Consultancy at:
703-448-6081 x230 or mgibson@wbbinc.com
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