Fish (Ch 24) Vocabulary Review

Fish (Ch 24) Vocabulary Review
Fish (Ch 24) Vocabulary Review
6. used for grinding, chewing and crushing, modification of gill arches
11. one of the flesh-eating mammals of the order Carnivora, any organism that eats meat/flesh/animals
12. pertaining to the breast or chest area
14. a special organ in fish that helps with buoyancy
15. one of the chambers of the heart, usually situated on the lower side of the heart , where blood is collected
and sent back to the atrium/s
17. toward the back or upper surface of an animal
19. reproduction in which eggs develop within female body with nutritional aid of maternal parent, many
reptiles and some fish
20. external openings through which fish may breathe out CO2
21. type of scale found in cartilaginous fishes, basal plate of dentin embedded in skin, backward pointing spine
1. a system in fish that is composed of special receptors, used to raise/lower the animal, also used to detect
vibrations in the water
2. reproduction in which eggs develop within maternal body without additional nourishment from parent and
hatch within parent
3. eating abundant microorganisms of the sea
4. the vascular structure, embryonic and maternal, through which the embryo and fetus are nourished
5. an elongated cellular cord, enclosed in a protective coating, forms the axial skeleton of most embryos
7. a snout-like projection of the head
8. situated at or near the pelvis
9. a modified portion/part of the pelvic fin, used in copulation
10. a fin closest to the posterior end
11. constituting, belonging to or relating to a tail
13. any organism that eats plant material
15. situated on the lower or abdominal side
16. attached to the rectum of chrondrichthyes which secretes a colorless fluid of sodium chloride
18. the gill covering in bony fishes
21. the condition of an organism living in or on another organism (host)
22. one of the chambers of the heart, also, the tympanic membrane of the ear, the large cavity containing the
pharynx in tunicates
23. reproduction in which eggs are released by female, development of offspring occurs outside of body
24. thin, overlapping dermal scales of more advanced fishes