Dosages for Over the Counter Medicines for Children Less Than 2

Dosages for Over the Counter Medicines for Children Less Than 2 Years Old
Neo-synephrine Nasal Drops (phenylephrine nasal drops) - 0.125% solution- These drops are indicated every 4 hours (1-2 drops per nostril) as needed for nasal
congestion for no longer than 3 days. These are safe from to use from birth but we would not
recommend these unless your infant has severe symptoms which are inhibiting feeding.
Tylenol (Acetaminophen) - indicated every 4 hours as needed for fever or pain,
- Safe to use from birth.
Weight (pounds)
Infant Drops (80 mg/0.8 ml dropper)
Children’s suspension
160 mg/tsp (5ml)
6-11 pounds
12-17 pounds
18-23 pounds
24-35 pounds
½ dropper (0.4 ml) (40 mg)
1 dropper (0.8 ml) (80 mg)
1 ½ dropper (1.2 ml) (120 mg)
2 droppers (1.6 ml) (160 mg)
½ tsp
3/4 tsp
1 tsp
Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) – indicated every 6 hours only for fever, pain or swelling
- indicated after 6 months only
12-17 pounds
6-11 months
Infant drops
Children’s liquid
(50 mg/1.25 ml)
(100 mg/tsp(5 ml))
50 mg (1.25 ml)
50 mg (1/2 tsp)
18-23 pounds
24-35 pounds
12-23 months
2-3 years
75 mg (1.875 ml)
100 mg (2.5 ml)
75 mg (3/4 tsp)
100 mg (1 tsp)
Benadryl – indicated every 6 hours only as needed for congestion/ runny nose
- indicated after 6 months only
15-20 pounds
20-26 pounds
24-35 pounds
>6 months
1-2 years
2-3 years
Children’s liquid (12.5 mg/tsp (5 ml))
6.24 mg (1/2 tsp) (2.5 ml)
9.375 mg (3/4 tsp) (3.75 ml)
12.5 mg (1 tsp) (5 ml)
Claritin- indicated once per day as needed for allergic rhinitis- runny nose
- indicated after 6 months only
17-22 pounds
22-28 pounds
>28 pounds
>6 months
1-2 years
>2 years
Children’s liquid (5 mg/tsp (5 ml))
½ tsp
¾ tsp
1 tsp
Zyrtec- indicated once per day as needed for allergic rhinitis- runny nose
- indicated after 6 months only
17-22 pounds
22-28 pounds
>28 pounds
>6 months
1-2 years
>2 years
Children’s liquid (5 mg/tsp (5 ml))
½ tsp
¾ tsp
1 tsp
Dimetapp DM (cough and cold)- (brompheniramine/phenylephrine/dextromethorphan)
- indicated for cough/runny nose/congestion every 4 hours. This has historically been
recommended down to 6 months of age. Recently, many infants had been overdosed with side
effects of sedation and respiratory depression. Due to these overdosages, the FDA has only
approved this medicine after 2 years old.
- FDA approved after 2 years old