Monday 9th September 2013 - Winsford High Street Primary School


Monday 15 th December 2014

High Street EYFS Weekly Newsletter

Dear Parents,

What a busy half term we have had; the children have worked really hard and all of the EYFS staff are very proud of their achievements. The children will be bringing home their ‘I am proud ….’ sheets this week to share with you at home, please write a contribution in the parent section and send it back to school after the Christmas holidays.

We hope you enjoyed our Christmas production ‘Angel Express’, the children were fantastic and showed us how confident they have become with their fantastic singing, dancing and acting. Thank you for your support with costumes.

All of the EYFS staff would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Thank you for your continued support at school.

Our topic in the New Year is ‘Traditional Tales’, we will be reading stories such as The Three Little Pigs, The Gingerbread Man and Jack and the Beanstalk.

What are we doing this week?

 Christmas Art and Crafts

 Talking about the Christmas Story and reading a selection of Christmas stories

 Singing a selection of Christmas songs

 Christmas party (Thursday morning)

 Visiting the Lifestyle Centre to watch ‘Dick Whittington’ (Wednesday morning)

 Playing board games

 Thinking about why we are proud of ourselves at school (circle time)

What can you do at home to support our learning at school?

 Sounds book – daily practise to help your child learn and remember the sounds of the alphabet.

 Sharing your child’s reading book with them. Please write a comment in the reading diary to show that you have read with your child.

 Talk to your child about why they are proud of themselves and tell them why you are proud of them.

If your child has been well-behaved at school all week and followed our Golden Rules, a text will be sent home on a Friday to celebrate your child’s fantastic behaviour.

Thank you for your parent contributions on the ‘Wow I am so impressed’ stars, the children enjoy sharing their achievements in our circle time sessions. The star cards are added to your child’s Learning Journey as a record of their achievement.

Staff are available on a Wednesday night after school from 3.15 – 4pm if you would like to talk to us about your child and need a longer time to talk to us rather than a ‘quick word’ at the gate before or after school.

Snacks – Thank you for sending in a healthy snack (fruit, vegetables, raisins, bread sticks) in a labelled pot. Please do not send in sugary snacks/biscuits as we are a healthy school. The children eat their snack from home at morning play (10.30am) with a drink of milk provided by school. The children are given a piece of fruit in the afternoon (2pm). The children are able to buy toast on a

Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning which costs 20p.

As the weather is getting colder and wetter please send your child to school with a warm coat, as part of the EYFS curriculum we work outside every day. Please make sure that coats are labelled with your child’s name and they know where to find their name label. Hats, scarves and gloves also need to be labelled as the children often have the same pair.

Have a great week!

EYFS Staff

Due to the panto visit on Wednesday the children will need a healthy snack that they can take to the panto in their coat pocket. An apple, packet of raisins or bread sticks would be suitable. Please do not send in fruit that needs to be peeled or a box of fruit that will not fit in your child’s pocket. They will also need a water bottle filled with fresh drinking water not juice. Thank you for your support with this.
