RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE Structure and essay title


A/ What is the argument for the existence of God from religious experience ( 18 )


“This argument for the existence of God will result in valid reasons to believe in God” –

Assess this claim with reference to either Prayer or Conversion ( 12 )


Explain and examine the argument for the existence of God from Religious experience



1/ Normally start with a definition of Religious Experience but it would probably be better to explain the question.

2/ Explain that some religious people claim to have some experience of the Divine which can come in many forms, including:

2a/ A sense of God’s presence

2b/ A sense of being saved (conversion)

2c/ Being cured by faith (prayer)

2d/ Experiencing a vision of the Divine (God, Jesus, Mary, the Saints etc)

2e/ Miracles

2f/ Experiencing paranormal gifts as the result of prayer

2g/ Feeling inner promptings from God (conscience)


Gaining knowledge of ‘Ultimate Reality’ through revelation.

2i/ A sense of freedom from time and space and ego


A sense of ‘oneness’ with the Divine

2k/ A sense of bliss or serenity

3/ These experiences can be described as:

3a/ Non empirical occurrences, possibly supernatural (see Holland’s miracles) drugs.

3d/ Recipients say the experience draws them into a deeper understanding of


3b/ They can be described as ‘mental events’ of which the recipient is aware.

3c/ These experiences can be spontaneous or induced through prayer or

3e/ Like in miracles, Religious Experience is not the Divine but a vehicle to the Divine (the significance is greater than the experience)

3f/ Experiences are unique and cannot be shared (vicarious)


As in Swinburne’s miracles, Experience must be encouraging and have a positive outcome (no feathers or toyboxes!!!)

4/ Through one or some of the above, people may claim a belief in God.

5/ The main thrust of your argument will be to explain the philosophers associated with Mysticism which is the category which includes religious experience and people’s attempts to analyse and categorise them.

6/ We will look at Rudolph Otto, Martin Buber, Soren Kierkegaard as the mystics and William James and Frederick Happold as mystics who made some attempt to analyse these experiences.

7/ Rudolph Otto and the Numinous


8/ Martin Buber and I – it and I – thou

9/ Soren Kierkegaard and the ‘Leap of faith’

10/ William James with his 4 qualities: Ineffable; Noetic Quality, Transciency,


11/ F Happold with his 2 ‘mysticisms’ (don’t use the further Soul, Nature or Soul


12/ Try to bring in Authoritarianism (page 42) and explain the difference between group (Toronto Blessing) and Individual (Padre Pio or Bernadette) experiences.

Is the argument from Religious Experience a strong argument for the existence of

God? Answer with reference to prayer or conversion (12)

13/ Which ever one you use, Prayer or Conversion and I would suggest Prayer as it is more concise, then briefly write a paragraph about the other.

14/ Introduce part B by saying, “Apart from Mysticism the two most common forms of religious Experience are in the form of Prayer and Conversion (briefly explain both).

15/ If using Prayer use: Sabatier with his problem with intercessionary prayer, then

Myers with a more liberal look and Teresa of Avila for a true mystical approach to prayer.

16/ If using conversion then first explain what it is.

17/ Then explain Starbuck and the whole psychological aspects of conversion.

18/ Mention the two different types of conversion and the permanency of conversion.

19/ Try to use those appalling example of conversion on page 36.

20 Then the most important information is on page 37/38 under the heading:

“Religious Experience as an Argument for the Existence of God. Linking to

Swinburne’s ‘Principle of Credulity’.

21/ You could bring in the Objective/Subjective Distinction on page 39 linking it to the whole Realism v Anti Realism and Cognitive v Non Cognitive.

22/ The above point ties in with the crucial ‘Theories of Truth’ on page 41.

23/ Use some of the atheists to back up what you have written. a/ Use Freuds 3 ideas about religion including: inner pscychological conflict (wishful thinking); Religion and experience as a way of overcoming stress from the structure of society (comfort); and lastly as a way of overcoming fear of death (security).

b/ Use Marx’s quote that religion is the “opium of the people” – it keeps them sedated and easier to control. c/ Use Feuerbach’s idea that because people feel alienated in their daily lives, they need to believe in the fantasy of religion and experiences. He said that we made God in our image rather than the bible quote that God made us in his image.

