Ocean Floor and Deposition Features (Word)

Name: ________________________________________
Date: _____________________
Earth/Environmental Science
Ocean Floor and Deposition Features Vocabulary and Modeling
Directions: Use your textbook to find and record the definitions of the following terms. Then, model each term with play-doh. Be
prepared to give an explanation of how your feature is formed or what is happening in your model. Raise your hand when you are
ready to explain your model and I will initial if you have done it correctly.
______ 1. Continental margin:
______ 2. Continental shelf:
______ 3. Continental slope:
______ 4. Continental rise:
______ 5. Submarine canyon:
______ 6. Ocean basin floor:
______ 7. Seamount:
______ 8. Mid-ocean ridge:
______9. Seafloor spreading:
______ 10. Delta:
______ 11. Floodplain:
______ 12. Natural levee:
______ 13. Alluvial fan:
______ 14. Abyssal plain:
______ 15. Drainage basin: