


The Tonbridge Netball League runs two playing seasons:

The Summer Season (from March/April to July)

The Winter Season (from September until December/January)

The Winter Season is a friendly Season, whilst the Summer Season is competitive. Most rules of play apply to both Seasons (as set out below). There are also rules which apply only to either the Winter or Summer Season, again set out below.



1. Each team shall pay a £50 deposit when applying to enter the League – this applies per team and for each season. This is non-refundable and must be paid to the Treasurer by the deadline date advertised. If no deposit is paid then the team will not be allowed to take part in that Season

2. All players and officials must be affiliated to AENA and have paid the appropriate Region and

County fees. This ensures that everyone has appropriate insurance. We strongly advise that all players should be affiliated prior to taking to the court. However, new unaffiliated participants (for instance an individual playing trial games before joining a club) may play for a maximum of three sessions but must affiliate before the fourth session. This must be marked clearly on the results cards (see Rules of Play 3.b)

3. All fees for each season must be paid in accordance with the invoices sent to each club towards the end of the season. Any team who has monies outstanding from a previous season will not be allowed entry into the next season until the debt is cleared.


If you are pregnant you are NOT allowed to play beyond 12 weeks or umpire beyond 20 weeks of that pregnancy. In the event of any doubt you will be asked to provide evidence of your due date by the Committee. This is a League rule and overrides the AENA guidance for this League.

1. All players must be registered in their appropriate teams, and Netball ID numbers must be supplied upon registration.

2. A team may register up to 12 players per season and must draw just from this pool of players for each match. If a team permanently loses one of their players (for example if they become pregnant, or sustain an injury that will keep them out until the end of the season, or if they move away from the area), then the team may apply to register a new player. This must be done by applying to the Committee who will make a decision.

3. A player registering on the day of the match must have "new registration" after her name.

4. A player shall be registered for one team only. It is your responsibility to make sure that any new player you use has not played previously, during that season, for another club. If you use a player who has previously played for another club then you will lose the points for that match.

5. TNL is an adult League, with under 18’s permitted to play at the responsibility of their Team or

Club. Players must be aged 14 or above and the League takes no responsibility for any under 18 players in any form .

6. Where a club has more than one team: a. The teams must have a common first name which must be listed in the fixtures and written on the result card. b. If there are two or more teams in the same division then the teams must be ranked to ascertain the higher and lower teams. c. Each player must be registered with one team within the club (up to the maximum of 12 per team as above) d. A player may play for a higher team in her Club on two occasions. On the third occasion, she becomes a member of the higher team. e. A player playing for a team in her Club other than the one for which she is registered must be declared on the result card stating for which team she is registered. Failure to do this may result in the points being awarded to the opposing team. f. A player cannot play for a lower division team in the club. They can only play up.

7. On official notification to the appropriate season’s Secretary of the disbanding of a team, the players of that team shall be eligible to register for any other team in their division or above.

8. All players who take part in a match MUST be listed on the score card, whether they start the match or come on during the match. Failure to do this or the listing of incorrect names may result in the points being awarded to the opposition.


1. Formation of League Divisions shall be the decision of the Committee, with such decisions to be regarded as final.

2. Should a vacancy occur in a division, other than through two up/two down promotion/relegation, the vacancy shall be filled at the discretion of the Committee in order that the divisions remain equal.

3. A new team entering the League shall enter the lowest division, or may be placed in another

Division, at the discretion of the Committee and with the aim of keeping the divisions equal and containing teams of a similar standard.


1. All the matches shall be played under the rules of the International Netball Federation and shall be played at the league centre

2. Fixtures shall be arranged by the appropriate League secretary. Any preferences sent in with the league application forms will be taken into account but cannot be guaranteed.

3. Each team must complete the appropriate score card for each match in each season. This must be legible and contain the following: a. Christian and surname of each player who takes part in the match b. Any new, unregistered players must be marked – NEW c. Any player playing up from a lower team within the same club must be annotated with the name of the Team they are playing up from d. The umpires name must be printed; the correct qualification written in the box , affiliation number must be entered and then signed. e. It is up to the captain to ensure the score card is completed correctly

4. Failure to complete the score card or any material inaccuracies on the card will result in your team’s points, won in that game, being deducted, or 1 point being deducted if there were no points won in that game.

5. Results cards must be placed in the box on the night of the game.

6. In the event of bad weather, teams should proceed to the venue, unless previously notified by a committee member, and the following rules will apply: a. A Committee member attending on the night may decide to call off all matches for that evening. b. Both umpires and team captains may jointly decide to call off an individual game. c. Common sense must prevail: the only criterion for this decision is the safety of the players if the match is to go ahead.

7. In general, matches called off by a Committee member (i.e. all matches called off due to bad weather) will not be rearranged.

8. All matches must start on time. A hooter/klaxon will sound at 7pm and at 8.15pm at which time both teams should be on court and ready to play. A team must take the court if at least 5 players are present and the game should begin. If further players arrive then they can join the court, once a goal has been scored and they have been checked by the umpire.

9. In the event of one team not having bibs (i.e. waiting for the player to arrive who has the bibs), then the opposing team should take to the court and take each centre pass until the other team can start, with bibs, and a minimum of 5 players.

10. Any team not ready to take the court within 15 minutes of the klaxon sounded will automatically lose the points (providing they had at least 5 players ready to play within the 15 minute limit). It is at the discretion of the other team whether a friendly match is played.

11. For any match there are 6 minutes available for injury time to ensure matches finish on time.

12. Teams must decide on who will take the first centre pass before the klaxon sounds by tossing a coin.

13. All players must be checked by an umpire for adherence to rules on dress, nails, jewellery and other safety considerations. Any player who does not comply with these requirements will not be allowed on to the court.

14. Players wearing any form of brace to protect injury or surgery do so at their own risk, it will be at the umpire’s discretion, who will judge whether there is any obvious hazard to other players.

15. Any team withdrawing from the League will notify the appropriate season’s Secretary and all the teams in their division. All goals scored for and against a team withdrawing from the League during the season will be deleted from the records.

16. In the event of two or more teams being equal on points, goal difference shall be taken into consideration. In the event of cancelled games an average goal difference will also be applied.

17. The appropriate season’s Secretary must be notified, by telephone, of any match cancellation immediately by both teams involved

18. League games will be 4 quarters of 14 minutes each with an interval of 2 minutes between first, second, third and fourth quarters and a 4minute interval at halftime.

19. Should a vacancy in a Division occur, other than normal promotion/relegation, the vacancy shall be filled by the team, which in the opinion of the Committee, merits promotion.

20. If a team cancels a match, they will be liable to pay any court fees incurred by the opposing team. It is the responsibility of the team to recoup any money owed to them by any other team.

21. If a team cancels a game, apart from for bad weather as per point 6, then 3 points shall be deducted from them. Three points will also be deducted if a team playing on a Bank holiday cancels after the agreed deadline (see item 4 – Summer League)

22. Matches must start and finish on time. If a team arrives more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start of a game then the other team may claim the points for a win

23. Each team must provide a size 5 match-fit netball and will be entitled to use that ball for half of the match. No practice balls allowed.

24. Our local rule dictates that ANY player may call time for an injured player, or at the discretion of the umpire.

25. The League does not provide any First Aid cover, you are responsible for your own and your teams First Aid requirements. All Teams must have a First Aid kit.

26. In the event of a serious injury where a player MUST NOT be moved, the umpire should note the time remaining on the scorecards and the Committee will decide whether the game is to be rearranged. At all times the safety of the player will be the overriding factor.

27. Injury forms, which are in the garage, must be completed by the player or any other person if the player is incapable. It is the team’s responsibility to complete these forms and then put them in the results box where they will then be held by the Committee.

28. A Committee member will be responsible for all the keys and use of the floodlights when needed.


1. Positional bibs must be worn at all times and must have letters on both sides. Failure to wear positional bibs will result in the team forfeiting the match. Umpires must note this on the scorecard. Velcro style bibs may not be attached with safety pins.

2. Full uniforms to be worn during play.

3. Players will not be allowed on court without a skirt and it must be of a decent length, at the discretion of the umpire.

4. All jewellery must be removed with the exception of a wedding ring or medical alert bracelet, which must be taped.

5. Clothing should comply with the latest England Netball directive.

6. The Umpire must decide whether clothing (e.g. hats or gloves) is appropriate and has the right to refuse it being worn in play. Any player with a medical need to wear gloves may apply to the

Committee for a letter of permission.

7. The Committee has agreed that hats may be worn, but the final decision lies with the Umpire who can decide on the appropriateness.

8. Players wearing leg braces to protect injury or surgery and who are prepared to take the risk of playing, may take to the court providing the brace is adequately covered thus presenting no obvious hazard to other players. Such players are advised to have personal liability insurance cover.

9. The teams playing in the 7pm games must take out a post from the garage to use on their court; the teams playing in the 8.15pm games must return the posts to the garage at the end of their game.

10. Everyone is responsible for their own refreshments; if you bring bottles etc please take them away again or place in the rubbish bins. Please do not leave anything on the courts.

11. One coach may coach a team from a set position at the side of the court for the entire match, in a place than does not obstruct either umpire. The coach may not move up and down the court.

12. Spectators may encourage their team and applaud good play by both teams but they must not coach their team, criticize the umpires or make comments about their opponents. In the event of any spectators not abiding by this rule, the umpire will instruct them to leave the courts.

13. Players and spectators must not move around the outside of other courts when play is in progress. If a player is late, and needs to reach her court then she may wait until play is at the other end of the court before quickly and quietly moving behind the back line. At all other times, please wait until a game had finished or is on a quarter or half time break. Persistent infringement of this rule, by players or spectators, may result in a point deduction.


1. Both teams to provide an umpire for League matches. Teams in Division 1, 2, and 3 must provide an umpire with the minimum AENA "C" Umpiring Award. Division 4, must provide an umpire with the minimum AENA “C” Umpiring Award or a Tonbridge Green Card Plus umpire (a

Beginner or TGC umpire approved by the Committee to umpire Div. 4). Teams in Division 5 downwards must provide an umpire with the AENA Beginners award qualification or Tonbridge

Green Card. No match will be counted as a League Match unless 2 qualified umpires are present.

If necessary a player, suitably qualified, must drop out of a team to umpire.

2. Teams will be responsible for their umpire's expenses. From Summer 2016 these are £10 for

Beginner or Tonbridge Green Card umpires, £12.50 for C umpires and £15 for B umpires and above for both seasons. Any infringement of the above rules will result in a walkover being awarded to the non-offending team i.e. they will receive the winning points and the infringer will lose both their points (if any) and their goals scored.

3. All Umpires (including trainees) have to be affiliated, and therefore insured, to umpire in our

League. This applies to both Seasons.

4. It is the responsibility of the team to ensure their umpire is properly qualified. In the event of doubt please refer to the Umpiring Secretary.

5. Bank Holiday – Cancellation of Game Notice: a. Any team that cancels a game scheduled to be played on a bank holiday will have 3 points deducted and the opposing team will receive 4 points equivalent to a win. If however the game is cancelled by midday on the Friday before the bank holiday, then no points will be deducted from the

‘cancelling’ team. Equivalent ‘win’ points will still be awarded to the opposing team. The cancellation must be communicated to both the opposing team and the Summer Secretary by the deadline above to avoid the 3 point penalty.


1. To umpire in the winter you don’t need to be qualified, however, umpires must have taken a written test before the winter starts, so we know they have knowledge of the rules. They can then practice through the winter with a view to taking the Beginners test at the end of the season.

2. You may play for more than one team or Club, however, only at the same division or higher.


The Committee reserves the right to hold such competitions as they consider reasonable. The Committee also reserves the right to introduce new rules or amend existing rules as they consider appropriate for any individual competition, other than those contained herein.
